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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    House Aveaon

    Age: Immortal

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Arabian Hybrid

    Height: On average 15'3"

    Player: Calcifer


    Color: Classic Palomino ((ee/Aa/nCr))

    Eyes: L: Blue, R: Green

    Markings: Iridescent color-changing Aardwolf stripes/mask/boots

    Mane & Tail: White

    -Conformation: compact shape, prominent withers. Deep chest, longer legs; elongated neck. Angular face.
    -Discerning features: Has upright mane, like a Fjord
    -Closest to-date breed appearance: Anglo-Arabian
    -Eye Color: Originally Olive #808000
    -Wing color: Pure White #ffffff


    Wolfbane has a natural inclination for mayhem, but tends to be very 'cheeky' and lovable.

    Strengths: Courageous - Inquisitive - Friendly
    Vices: Impatient - Devious

    Breakdown of trait spaces:
    2 out of 6 genetic spaces used
    4 out of 2 non-genetic spaces used

    *Inhabitant of Tephra
    *Inhabitant of Loess
    *King of Loess
    *Commandant (Leader) of Taiga
    *Inhabitant of Taiga


    Parents: S: Longclaw x D: Femur

    Pteron: Male, Abstang Hybrid, Cremello dun tobiano with ice blue markings (ee/Aa/CrCr/Dd/nT)
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    tegteg [WINGS][SELF HEALING][INVISIBILITY][empathic projection][happiness induction][immortality]
    Expressed traits: Wings, Regenerative Healing, Invisibility
    Played by Kahzie, Due Nov 20, 2018;

    Marni: Female, Abstang Hybrid, Dunalino Tobiano with navy markings (ee/Aa/nCr/Dd/nT)
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    tegteg [WINGS][regenerative healing][invisibility][empathic echoes][vision manipulation]
    Expressed traits: Wings
    Played by Nicole, Due Jan 20, 2019;

    Tiercel: Male, Hybrid, Dunskin (Ee/Aa/nCr/Dd) with iridescent navy markings
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    tegteg [REGENERATIVE HEALING][INVISIBILITY][EMPHATIC PROJECTION][wings][carnivore][love illusionism][wings][immortality][spinal mane]
    Expressed traits: Regenerative Healing, Invisibility, Emphatic Projection
    Played by Calcifer, Due March 20, 2019;

    Gale: Male, Hybrid, Perlino dun and blue brindle tobiano, iridescent sheen
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    tegteg [REGENERATIVE HEALING][VISION MANIPULATION][SPINAL MANE][invisibility][wings][happiness induction][wings][kelpie mimicry][immortality]
    Expressed traits: Regenerative Healing, Vision Manipulation
    Expressed defects: Spinal Mane
    Played by Kahzie, Due March 20, 2019;

    Eyas: Female, Hybrid, Buckskin (Ee/AA/nCr) with iridescent navy dorsal stripe
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    tegteg [INVISIBILITY][WINGS][VISION MANIPULATION][HAPPINESS INDUCTION][IMMORTALITY][SPINAL MANE][emphatic projection][minor wound healing][wings]
    Expressed traits: Invisibility, Wings, Vision Manipulation, Happiness Induction, Immortality
    Expressed defects: Spinal Mane
    Played by Calcifer, Due March 20, 2019;

    Celina: Female, Abstang Hybrid, White (Ee/Aa/nCr/Dd/nT) with iridescent silver dun points and stripes
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    tegteg [SELF-HEALING][WINGS][KELPIE MIMICRY][FIREFLY AURA][empathic projection][self-manipulation]
    Expressed traits: Self-healing, Wings, Kelpie Mimicry, Firefly aura
    Expressed defects: None
    Played by Kahzie, Due July, 2019;

    Elio: Male, Abstang Hybrid, Dunalino (ee/Aa/nCr/Dd) with dark red points, gold aardwolf markings
    Wolfbane x Lepis
    Expressed traits: Self-healing, Empathic projection, Wings, Invisibility
    Expressed defects: None
    Played by Phaetra, Due September, 2019;

    Nashua: Male, Arabian Hybrid, Flaxen Chestnut with glowing gold and white okapi stripes
    Wolfbane x Lilliana
    tegteg[GLOWING MARKINGS][WINGS][HEALING][empathic echoes][invisiblity]
    Expressed traits: Glowing Markings, Wings, Healing
    Expressed defects: None
    Played by Star, Due March, 2020;

    Yanhua: Male, Arabian Hybrid, Chestnut with glowing flaxen mane and tail
    Wolfbane x Lilliana
    Expressed traits: Glowing Markings, Empathic Echoes, Immortality
    Expressed defects: None
    Played by Calcifer, Due March, 2020;



    Genetic Traits: Self Healing

    Non-Genetic Traits: Self-Manipulation

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [SELF-HEALING][self manipulation*][invisibility][wings][carnivore][vision manipulation]

    Defects: Spinal Mane


    QOTY yr: 206
    "There is still something of himself - something of the Wolfbane who would always love her - that rallies against the slime. It says, 'lie in the bed you’ve made'. So he gathers the covers and tucks himself in.
    "As High as Honor"

    -Born 1-16-18 in Tephra
    -Raised with two adopted siblings, Gansey, Valensia, and his half-brother Wildling
    -*Masters Invisibility
    -Sire Longclaw's mental deterioration prompts him to leave home at 1.5 years of age
    -Recruited by Arthas, King of Loess, in the Forest
    -*Masters Flying
    -Visits childhood friend, Wishbone, then Queen of Nerine
    -Trains as Arthas' apprentice
    -Assumes role of heir to Loess
    -Ascends as King of Loess
    -Attempts to search after Wishbone, once Queen of Nerine, but is forced home without finding her
    -Expands control by having his Champion, Arthas, take control of Sylva
    -Begins to develop feelings for Breckin, now Kahleesi of Nerine; rejected
    -Exchanges powers with Sylva resident Rey; gains regenerative healing, loses fangs
    -Bans Dovev from Loess, after visiting Nerine
    -Comes across Lepis in a secret cave; both admit their mutual attractions to one another
    -Arthas discovers Lepis & Bane
    -War is declared between Sylva & Loess
    -The Plague hits
    -Loess finds refuge in Brilliant Pampas, Arthas is banished
    -Sinner takes control of Sylva
    -Pteron is born, first son of Wolfbane and Lepis
    -Sylva and Loess alliance is restored
    -Dovev is taken captive in Brilliant Pampas
    -Southlands established, Loess named first Kingdom of the South
    -Wolfbane's grandsire Wyrm returns, hunts for Bane
    -Pressured to protect his family, Wolfbane, Lepis & Marni flee Beqanna
    -Lepis becomes pregnant with the triplets
    -Living in safety for a few months, Bane and family return
    -Castile ascends throne of Loess
    -Visits grandmother Heartfire, now Queen of Nerine, to discuss getting rid of Wyrm
    -Gives Fire Breathing to Spring Equinox raffle
    -Challenges for title of Champion for Loess
    *Engages in the war between Loess and Tephra
    -Battles a stallion named Jakub
    *Loses son Gale to the Volcano during the war
    -Takes Gale's remains home
    -Plans with Lepis to leave Loess and assume power elsewhere
    -In the early morning hours, comes under attack from Wyrm, is taken to the beach
    -Heartfire comes to his rescue
    -Heartfire kills Wyrm, leaving his heart for Wolfbane to eat
    *Consumes Wyrm's power of self-manipulation, loses Invisibility and the wings he was born with
    -heads to Taiga with Lepis, intent on taking control there
    -Challenges Aten for control of Taiga, winner by forfeit

    Tephra Inhabitants (circa King Warrick)
    Nerine Inhabitants (circa Queen Breckin)
    Sylva inhabitants (circa King Arthas, King Sinner)
    Loess Inhabitants (circa King Arthas, King Wolfbane, King Castile)
    Taiga inhabitants (Circa Leader Wolfbane, Lepis)

    Full: Sawtooth (F)
    Half: Wildling (M), Dayé (F)
    Adopted: Gansey (M), Valensia (F)

    Spouse: None, Lepis
    Romantic Interests: Lilliana, Wishbone, Breckin

    Wolfbane's Forum Info
    Joined: 01-12-2018
    Last Visit: 02-22-2023, 11:37 AM
    Total Posts: 383 (0.16 posts per day | 0.42 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 60 (0.03 threads per day | 0.28 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 6 Days, 10 Hours, 46 Minutes
    Wolfbane's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [private] Be my death or my forever || Lepis ||
    on 10-06-2020
    Afterlife Lepis 2 Last post by Lepis
    on 10-15-2020
    [open] And they lived happily ever after, The End. / Lepis /
    on 08-22-2020
    Loess Djinni, Lepis, Santana, Eyas, Neverwhere, ghaul, elio, Tarian 22 Last post by Lepis
    on 09-24-2020
    oh redwood tree, don't you recognize me?
    on 06-06-2020
    River lilliana, Beryl 8 Last post by Beryl
    on 07-19-2020
    a fistful of anything is still a fist.
    on 05-25-2020
    Pangea ghaul 2 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 05-27-2020
    I don’t like most people, but I especially dislike you [Wolfbane]
    on 05-25-2020
    Taiga Neverwhere 8 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 06-19-2020
    [private] Lost in the monster you've become; Wolfbane
    on 05-19-2020
    Meadow Heartfire 7 Last post by Heartfire
    on 07-02-2020
    [private] you can't fight this twisted fantasy; Wolfbane
    on 05-14-2020
    Pangea Heartfire, draco 3 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 05-17-2020
    [private] where believers concede; bane
    on 04-25-2020
    River Breckin 6 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 06-22-2020
    [private] Im the prison without doors, a boat without oars || NeverBabe ||
    on 04-24-2020
    Nerine Neverwhere 7 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 05-09-2020
    [mature] turn your face towards the sun
    on 04-23-2020
    Loess Lepis 14 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 05-17-2020
    [open] The Sweet Sting || Ghaul, Any ||
    on 04-23-2020
    Pangea ghaul 6 Last post by ghaul
    on 05-11-2020
    [open] The Sweet Sting || Elio ||
    on 04-22-2020
    Forest kahzie, Celina, elio 16 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 05-25-2020
    [open] The Sweet Sting || Starsin ||
    on 04-10-2020
    Sylva Starsin 12 Last post by Starsin
    on 07-05-2020
    [private] The Sweet Sting || Lilliana ||
    on 04-06-2020
    Taiga lilliana 11 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 04-28-2020
    [private] I got a brand new walk ||Castile, Lepis, Jesper||
    on 02-06-2020
    Loess Castile, Jesper, Lepis 6 Last post by Jesper
    on 03-06-2020
    [open] Everything about me seems to have changed || Any at all ||
    on 01-14-2020
    Field Izora Lethia, lilliana, Larva, Ruthless, Fiorina 20 Last post by Izora Lethia
    on 03-18-2020
    Something's got a hold on me || Wishbone ||
    on 01-07-2020
    Meadow Wishbone 7 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 01-20-2020
    [open] lost in the woods; any
    on 01-03-2020
    Loess Lepis 22 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 02-03-2020
    [private] Now they're turning us into monsters || Izora Lethia ||
    on 11-20-2019
    Taiga Izora Lethia 2 Last post by Izora Lethia
    on 11-21-2019
    [private] you’ll ask for a match and I’ll give you a wildfire, Wolfbane
    on 11-12-2019
    Taiga Starsin 3 Last post by Starsin
    on 11-18-2019
    Lost in the deep end // Any
    on 11-10-2019
    Taiga Aten, Tyr, Felicitey 8 Last post by Tyr
    on 11-21-2019
    [private] Mesmerized Skeletons || Lepis ||
    on 11-10-2019
    Taiga Lepis 9 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 11-20-2019
    [private] that's all there is;
    on 11-06-2019
    Taiga Noah, Lepis 6 Last post by Noah
    on 11-17-2019
    i need that fire; wolfbane
    on 11-05-2019
    Taiga alaska 7 Last post by alaska
    on 11-17-2019
    Did You Miss Me |Bane/Any|
    on 11-05-2019
    Taiga Arthas 6 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 11-16-2019
    [private] Bloodfeather [Pt. 2] || Vulgaris, Leliana ||
    on 10-31-2019
    Tephra leliana 2 Last post by leliana
    on 11-05-2019
    [private] I will shield you from the darkness when the walls around us quake;
    on 10-26-2019
    River Briella 4 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 11-05-2019
    Bloodfeather || Celina ||
    on 10-23-2019
    Taiga Celina 8 Last post by Celina
    on 11-16-2019
    [private] Bloodfeather || Lilliana ||
    on 10-20-2019
    Forest Starsin, lilliana 11 Last post by lilliana
    on 11-21-2019
    [private] i hear the voice of rage and ruin; wolfbane
    on 10-15-2019
    Taiga Lepis 9 Last post by Lepis
    on 10-22-2019
    [open] Bloodfeather || Vulgaris, Leliana, Any ||
    on 10-10-2019
    Tephra vulgaris, leliana, Jakub 12 Last post by vulgaris
    on 10-23-2019
    [private] i feel a bad moon rising
    on 10-02-2019
    Taiga Lepis, elio 12 Last post by Lepis
    on 10-20-2019
    To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face - Lilliana
    on 09-20-2019
    Taiga lilliana, Neverwhere 17 Last post by Neverwhere
    on 10-19-2019
    [open] Bloodfeather || Lilliana, Noah ||
    on 08-24-2019
    Brilliant Pampas Noah, lilliana 5 Last post by lilliana
    on 09-09-2019
    Bloodfeather || Adna ||
    on 08-23-2019
    Taiga adna 2 Last post by adna
    on 08-24-2019
    things i wish i had not said, any
    on 08-10-2019
    Taiga bethlehem 5 Last post by bethlehem
    on 08-24-2019
    .: Bloodfeather :. || Lilliana ||
    on 08-07-2019
    Taiga lilliana 2 Last post by lilliana
    on 08-11-2019
    [private] Let's Have A Chat [Wolfbane]
    on 07-20-2019
    Taiga Aten 10 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 09-06-2019
    i feel a bad moon rising; wolfbane
    on 07-19-2019
    Taiga Lepis 5 Last post by Lepis
    on 08-08-2019
    The world is smaller than you think; wolfbane/aten
    on 07-12-2019
    Taiga Jakub 6 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 08-06-2019
    A Mother's Promise [Bane/Any]
    on 07-10-2019
    Taiga Aries 7 Last post by Aries
    on 08-09-2019
    [open] don't let those butterflies out - any
    on 06-24-2019
    Meadow lilliana 13 Last post by lilliana
    on 08-07-2019
    you can't hide from who you are; Wolfbane
    on 06-24-2019
    Taiga Heartfire, Lepis, Eyas 14 Last post by Heartfire
    on 08-19-2019
    [open] The Golden Guild - Activity, any Interested
    on 06-22-2019
    Taiga Aten, Lepis, Pteron, Izora Lethia 12 Last post by Izora Lethia
    on 07-05-2019
    on 06-19-2019
    Loess Castile 5 Last post by Castile
    on 07-16-2019
    [private] B l o o d f e a t h e r || Lepis, Aten ||
    on 06-13-2019
    Taiga Aten, Lepis 9 Last post by Aten
    on 06-19-2019
    [private] You Smug Bastard ||B A N E ||
    on 06-13-2019
    Loess Mary 5 Last post by Mary
    on 07-01-2019
    [private] Bloodfeather || Lepis ||
    on 05-21-2019
    Loess Lepis 7 Last post by Wolfbane
    on 06-13-2019
    [open] Bloodfeather || Jakub - Any ||
    on 05-15-2019
    Tephra Jakub 4 Last post by Jakub
    on 05-17-2019
    But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war.
    on 05-15-2019
    Tephra Gale, Brennen, Aziz, vulgaris, Heartfire, leliana, Sinner, Castile, Nightlock, sochi, Titus, Mary, Vadar, Dawn, Maleficar, Kensa, Starsin, litotes, Ophanim, Ruinam, Firen, Casimira, Caelestra, Jakub, Cyprin 42 Last post by Brennen
    on 05-20-2019
    122 active · 3 closed · 77 need replies · 125 total

    Wolfbane's Signature
    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]