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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Cruel Prince of Taiga

    Age: Immortal

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Hybrid

    Height: 16.3

    Player: Jeje


    Color: Black (Ee/aa) (Ee/aa)

    Eyes: Red

    Markings: Gold glitter permanently smeared along his face and shoulders, small gold Leo constellation star marking on his chest

    Mane & Tail: Black & Gold

    Everything you could want in a guy. Tall, dark, handsome, and rude. Bright red eyes (runs on both sides of the family). Elongated fae ears, highlights of gold glitter accentuate his extremely attractive features.


    "You didn’t hear the story I told,” he goes on. “A shame. It featured a handsome boy with a heart of stone and a natural aptitude for villainy. Everything you could like" -How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

    Can come off as cruel and manipulative but at his core he's not really a bad guy, just misunderstood and bad at expressing and revealing his emotions. Doesn't like to let anyone in and would rather be inebriated in some sort of way then deal with his issues.

    Since becoming Fae he can no longer lie

    Obscene Playlist
    Ob & Cheri Playlist


    Parents: Offspring x Tantalize


    ♀ Vindictive (Slaide x Tantalize)
    ♀ Bardot (Lion x Tantalize)
    ♀ Cersei (Lion x Tantalize)
    ♀ Element (Offspring x Hurricane)
    ♂ Hawthorne (Offspring x Hurricane)
    ♀ Alu'elen ( Offspring x Mordgeld)
    ♀ Ceara (Offspring x Reagan)
    ♂ Joash (Offspring x Reagan)
    ♂ Rumil (Offspring x Kera)
    ♂ Nieodemus (Offspring x Moan)
    ♂ Spear (Offspring x Scalped)
    ♀ Spark (Offspring x Scalped)
    ♀ Thana (Offspring x Michaelis)
    ♀ Isra (Offspring x Michaelis)
    ♀ Jinju (Offspring x Esilief)
    ♀ Lilitha (Offspring x Bly)
    ♂ Moment (Offspring x Lirren)
    ♀ Austalis (Offspring x Isle)
    ♀ Eione (Offspring x Isle)
    ♀ Lynx (Offspring x Isle)
    ♂ Levi (Offspring x Isle)
    ♂ Argo (Offspring x Isle)
    ♀ Furiosa (Offspring x Neva)

    ♂ Obsidio (x Revelrie)
    ♀ Unnamed stillborn twin to Obsidio (x Revelrie)
    ♀ Mobscene (x Emo)


    Companion: A Will-o'-the-wisp simply named "Light"

    Genetic Traits: Equus Fae (Healing/Uncontrollable Snake Shifting), Feast Manifestation

    Non-Genetic Traits:

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [EQUUS FAE][fire wings]



    The neglected mortal rich kid of BQ

    Love child of Tantalize and Offspring but despite loving him, they weren't the most affectionate parents and he grew up mostly on his own, learning independence at an early age. He was a rather feral child after being left on his own devices when the fae stepped in and helped raise him (in the sense of at least keeping him alive).

    Obscene spends most of his time taking hallucinogenic plants or getting drunk on fae nectar. In the summer of year 214 he met Cheri and instantly found himself infatuated with her despite hating everything about her. He met Crowns at the Midsommer Festival to celebrate the end of the Eclipse and found his first friend. In autumn of year 214 he took over an empty Brilliant Pampas simply because he was bored and he could. This led to him meeting Aela and Wherewolf in the Field where he tried a lazy attempt at recruiting but it actually worked out in his favor, rounding out his rude, ambitious, mischievous, and sometimes malicious circle of friends.

    Spring 215 he acquired Equus Fae (anniversary giveaway) with the traits of Healing and Uncontrollable Snake Shifting. He also gained a Companion named Light, a Will o' the Wisp.

    After turning Fae he discovered he had the power of Healing. Not long after an interesting meeting with the ruler of Loess (a tense thing with Cheri and Aela in attendance) he watched a storm with Revelrie and inadvertently shifted into a very large black snake. The snake takes complete control when it randomly shifts and Obscene has a hard time remembering what he does in those moments but is aware that he is in the snake's form.

    The Pampas thrived under his watch (mostly thanks to Aela) and much happened in it's growth. He fathered two children with Revelrie and experienced unbridled grief when their daughter ended up not surviving. He became aware of the threat of Gale and with the more frequent loss of control regarding the snake within, he started to try and do something about it. He fell in love with Aela only to realize she didn't feel the same for him. Still, they worked together and stole Sickle from Tephra after Gale requested him to bring him his daughter if he was to leave the Pampas alone. Ob had no intention of handing the child over to him and hoped to keep her safe within their group of misfits. The relationship with Cheri began to change from something tense closer to friendship and he reunited with his lost half-sister Bardot. By the time Cheri had risen to Queen of Loess, he had found his mother in Tephra's jungles and brought her back to the Pampas.

    Everything changed the day that Gale came to the Pampas. Tantalize sacrificed herself for the sake of sparing her son and by the time Cheri arrived, it was too late. After his mother's remains had been burnt with the help of Fyr, he went to the river to meet her. There were no words passed between them but some sort of understanding passed between them and Cheri used her magic to hurtle them away from the BQ they had known into a parallel universe. Because of this, they missed the sinking of the South and were considered missing.

    Spring of 218 they arrived back in Beqanna in the Ruins and were discovered by Aela who quickly informed them the South was gone and many were missing. They formed a tentative alliance between the three and are headed to Taiga to figure out their next steps.

    Obscene's Forum Info
    Joined: 04-05-2021
    Last Visit: 06-14-2022, 11:19 AM
    Total Posts: 254 (0.21 posts per day | 0.28 percent of total posts)
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    Time Spent Online: 2 Days, 23 Hours, 30 Minutes
    Obscene's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open] Welcome to Baltia [main feast thread]
    on 04-03-2022
    Baltia Casimira, Mesarez, Rezza 3 Last post by Casimira
    on 04-17-2022
    Activity Check [March 2022]
    on 03-25-2022
    Taiga N/A 1 Last post by Obscene
    on 03-25-2022
    [private] Switch the stripper for a wife, been moving lightspeed
    on 03-08-2022
    Taiga Aela 7 Last post by Obscene
    on 03-27-2022
    [open] They said I did something bad; Any
    on 03-08-2022
    Forest Enthrall 5 Last post by Obscene
    on 03-22-2022
    [private] The Kill List | Obscene
    on 03-04-2022
    Taiga Cheri 12 Last post by Obscene
    on 04-13-2022
    [TAKEOVER] I am the one thing in life I can control
    on 03-02-2022
    Taiga Aela, Wrenley, Oren, Cheri 10 Last post by Obscene
    on 03-20-2022
    [private] I'm a sucker for girls that are bad for me
    on 02-15-2022
    Taiga Aela, Cheri 4 Last post by Obscene
    on 03-02-2022
    [open] Just like that, tomorrows one day that I'm never getting back
    on 01-31-2022
    Meadow rosemary 11 Last post by Obscene
    on 03-22-2022
    [mature] There's a voice and its trying to drag me down
    on 01-31-2022
    River Cheri 11 Last post by Obscene
    on 02-08-2022
    [open] Shadows for Skin [ANY]
    on 01-17-2022
    The Ruins Aela, Cheri 25 Last post by Cheri
    on 03-03-2022
    [private] Through thick and thin
    on 10-02-2021
    Adoption Den leuce 4 Last post by leuce
    on 10-16-2021
    emos not dead; daaahd/Obscene
    on 10-02-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Mobscene 2 Last post by Obscene
    on 10-02-2021
    [private] And I know you leave me undone
    on 10-02-2021
    River N/A 1 Last post by Obscene
    on 10-02-2021
    [private] each time the feeling fades
    on 09-20-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Tantalize, Gale, Cheri 12 Last post by Tantalize
    on 10-04-2021
    [private] i leaned in and let it hurt; obscene
    on 09-13-2021
    Brilliant Pampas obsidio 6 Last post by Obscene
    on 10-02-2021
    [private] I'm going to try but I'm scared as hell
    on 09-10-2021
    Brilliant Pampas revelrie 6 Last post by revelrie
    on 10-11-2021
    [private] courage can be an emotion too.
    on 09-07-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Picard 7 Last post by Picard
    on 09-13-2021
    Activity Check [October 2021]
    on 09-07-2021
    Brilliant Pampas N/A 2 Last post by Obscene
    on 10-05-2021
    [private] They all warned us about times like this
    on 09-07-2021
    Tephra Gale, Skandar 12 Last post by Gale
    on 09-15-2021
    [open] You know I'm the one who put you up there
    on 09-06-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Cheri 19 Last post by Obscene
    on 10-02-2021
    Ascending to the Stars as one | The Great Accord
    on 08-30-2021
    Loess Leilan, Oceane, Nashua, Reave, Cheri 14 Last post by Oceane
    on 10-12-2021
    I'm on the outside looking through
    on 08-29-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Wherewolf, Aela, Sickle 10 Last post by Obscene
    on 09-13-2021
    dark clouds will follow -- obscene
    on 08-29-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Skandar 7 Last post by Skandar
    on 09-06-2021
    [private] at the foot of this mountain i see only clouds; obscene
    on 08-26-2021
    Brilliant Pampas revelrie 7 Last post by revelrie
    on 09-09-2021
    [private] And if you ran away, I'd still wave goodbye watching you shine bright
    on 08-23-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Bardot 6 Last post by Obscene
    on 08-24-2021
    [open] woke up on the wrong side of reality
    on 08-23-2021
    Forest shrykos 1 Last post by shrykos
    on 08-23-2021
    [private] You have been visited by the permit crab, you may do one bad thing today
    on 08-16-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Aela, Enoch 6 Last post by Obscene
    on 08-30-2021
    [private] It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
    on 08-09-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Aela 12 Last post by Aela
    on 09-06-2021
    [open] when the evening pulls the sun down - any
    on 08-09-2021
    Tephra Officials, Wherewolf, Aela, Sickle 9 Last post by Wherewolf
    on 08-29-2021
    [private] Lately I've been so disconnected
    on 07-29-2021
    Nerine crowns, Reave 6 Last post by Reave
    on 09-10-2021
    [private] If I can't be better than them, I'll become much worse
    on 07-29-2021
    Hyaline Gale 10 Last post by Gale
    on 08-25-2021
    [private] I hate you because I think of you
    on 07-29-2021
    Meadow Cheri 25 Last post by Obscene
    on 08-17-2021
    [open] one world to another
    on 07-19-2021
    Meadow Ciaran Zhaoiani 2 Last post by Obscene
    on 07-19-2021
    [open quest] come forth and let the song of the sea steal you away [ROUND TWO]
    on 07-09-2021
    Mountain rapt, Aela, Tirza, gravitas, Chel, Sintra, galadriel, A God 9 Last post by galadriel
    on 07-17-2021
    [private] If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky
    on 07-04-2021
    Icicle Isle Ciri, Leilan, Nashua 10 Last post by Leilan
    on 07-30-2021
    [open quest] Take a breath and slumber with me {ROUND ONE}
    on 07-02-2021
    Mountain rapt, Aela, Tirza, gravitas, Chel, Sintra, galadriel, A God 9 Last post by Sintra
    on 07-08-2021
    [private] Love doesn't discriminate between sinners & the saints
    on 06-29-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Skandar 6 Last post by Skandar
    on 08-28-2021
    [open] You pray to stars that can help you get by [Any]
    on 06-28-2021
    Meadow Ciri, Leilan, Manikin 8 Last post by Obscene
    on 07-04-2021
    [private] my bad habits lead to late nights
    on 06-27-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Aela 10 Last post by Obscene
    on 07-19-2021
    [private] in a sea gone black; obscene
    on 06-26-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Oceane 4 Last post by Obscene
    on 07-29-2021
    [private] So I keep waiting to touch somebody [Revelrie]
    on 06-25-2021
    Brilliant Pampas revelrie 5 Last post by Obscene
    on 08-10-2021
    you're a bolt of lightning in the sky now; Obscene
    on 06-25-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Reave 17 Last post by Reave
    on 08-09-2021
    [private] It's been awhile since I first saw you
    on 06-23-2021
    Sylva Sabra, Aela 14 Last post by Aela
    on 07-25-2021
    [private] Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene
    on 06-12-2021
    Loess Cheri 10 Last post by Obscene
    on 06-23-2021
    Bittersweet and strange;
    on 06-10-2021
    Field Reave, Nereza 9 Last post by Obscene
    on 09-10-2021
    [open] sitting pretty in the prime of life
    on 06-08-2021
    Forest Cheri, Djuna 8 Last post by Obscene
    on 06-25-2021
    [private] Why don't you show me a little bit of spine [Locheed]
    on 06-04-2021
    Forest N/A 1 Last post by Obscene
    on 06-04-2021
    [open] No matter how hard I try I can't escape these things inside [Any]
    on 05-28-2021
    River Targaryen 5 Last post by Obscene
    on 06-19-2021
    something evil this way comes [ Falljoy / Obscene ]
    on 05-27-2021
    Forest Shadowmere, Falljoy 3 Last post by Falljoy
    on 06-01-2021
    [open] Get Sorted into your Harry Trotter house [Chaos Week]
    on 05-24-2021
    Field Calcifer 3 Last post by Calcifer
    on 05-24-2021
    73 active · 2 closed · 29 need replies · 75 total

    Obscene's Signature
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