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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Diable Rouge
    the chaser

    Age: reborn

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Spanish Mustang

    Height: 16hh

    Player: swxrdsandpxns


    Color: Red Roan ()

    Eyes: L-Blue, R-Brown

    Markings: Scars across his body, deep scar on his left temple, close to his eye.

    Mane & Tail: Brown and red, almost rust colored.

    Red roan. Strong, muscular build. Blue left eye (almost blind), brown right eye. (WILL QUEST FOR) Large brown/red bat wings.


    Quiet, reserved. Introverted to an extent. Takes a while to gain his trust. Fiery temper that has dissipated with age. Sweet, caring. Protective.


    Parents: Lucifer x Rosso

    Children: Kaiode (adopted, m) Phoebus (x AuroraElis, m)



    Genetic Traits:

    Non-Genetic Traits:

    Trait Genetic Code:

    Defects: Almost blind in left eye.


    He had a particularly difficult early life, which has turned him into a cold, dark being. He was born into a huge herd, whose leading stallion was abusive towards the mares, violent towards young colts, and would kill any stag who challenged him. His name was Lucifer, but the stallion insisted he be called "The King of All." The mares feared him, letting him do as he pleased without any protest. Lucifer was particularly rude to Rou’s mother, a small, ugly, meek mare whom he took in out of pure pity. The tiny chestnut barely had a mane, stood on thin, shaky legs, and barely produced enough milk to sustain Rou's growing body. The two were pushed to the side of the herd, ignored by all, not daring to speak out of fear of retaliation. One summer evening, Rou's mother was not paying attention to where she was grazing, and wandered too close to the herd. Rou was just a yearling, only a year and a half, still growing, continuing to cling to his mother until he was forced to leave. Lucifer was filled with rage that she had come too close, beginning to kick and bite Rou's mother until she collapsed in pain. Rou watched helplessly until he couldn't take it anymore; he nipped at Lucifer's rump, causing a small gash that began to bleed. Lucifer turned to him, and began to beat him mercilessly. The other horses in the herd could only watch, not daring to intervene. A blow to Rou’s head knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, the herd was gone, his mother’s lifeless body was laying on the ground, and he couldn’t see out of his left eye. Rou desperately tried to wake his mother, nudging her, lightly nipping her, yelling at her in a desperate attempt to wake her. Rou laid next to his mother for three days, hoping maybe his mother would awake…she never did. He had no choice but to leave.
    In Spring of Year 191 he found a child by the name of Kaiode, alone and abandoned by his mother on the border of Tephra. He took the child to raise him as his own, with the help of Tangerine and her children, Solace and Svedka. After an accident which involved Kaiode jumping from a cliff and passing away in the Winter.

    (Winter, Year 191) AuroraElis finds him in the forest, they become friends and he brings her back to Tephra.

    (Spring, Year 192) AuroraElis becomes his lover.

    (Autumn, Year 192) AuroraElis becomes pregnant with his child.

    (Spring, 194) Phoebus is born.

    (Winter, 233) Resurrected by a magician named Elminster.

    Diable Rouge's Forum Info
    Joined: 02-11-2017
    Last Visit: 09-01-2024, 07:31 PM
    Total Posts: 85 (0.03 posts per day | 0.09 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 14 (0 threads per day | 0.07 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 1 Day, 15 Hours, 19 Minutes
    Diable Rouge's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [private] Not All That Glitters is Gold[Birthing-Rou]
    on 08-13-2024
    The Dale AuroraElis, Astelle 3 Last post by Astelle
    on 09-02-2024
    [private] chaser [Beyza]
    on 07-14-2024
    The Dale N/A 1 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 07-14-2024
    [private] chaser [Aurora]
    on 06-25-2024
    The Dale AuroraElis 6 Last post by AuroraElis
    on 08-05-2024
    [private] chaser [phoebus]
    on 06-22-2024
    Meadow Phoebus 2 Last post by Phoebus
    on 06-22-2024
    [open] flowers where your face should be [Aurora, any]
    on 05-18-2024
    River AuroraElis 9 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 06-22-2024
    [Auto-Quest] no closer to heaven [auto quest]
    on 05-15-2024
    Mountain Squirt 3 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 05-16-2024
    [open] no closer to heaven [auto quest]
    on 05-15-2024
    Afterlife N/A 1 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 05-15-2024
    on 02-19-2018
    Beach AuroraElis 2 Last post by AuroraElis
    on 02-19-2018
    Not All That is Lost is Gone[Valentine's Quest]
    on 02-01-2018
    Mountain Archives The Erotes, Brennen, Scorch, Hestia, Heartfire, Kagerus, Kylin, Starlin, takei, Sabra, Lavendel, Amarantha 14 Last post by The Erotes
    on 02-19-2018
    Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any]
    on 01-01-2018
    Tephra AuroraElis, wound 7 Last post by AuroraElis
    on 02-13-2018
    Chaser [Solace/Warrick]
    on 12-15-2017
    Tephra Warrick, Solace 4 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 01-21-2018
    Where the stolen roses grow - Diable Rouge
    on 11-30-2017
    Hyaline Solace 6 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 12-07-2017
    [open] A Start of Sorts - Any
    on 11-23-2017
    Field Kanalai 5 Last post by Kanalai
    on 12-10-2017
    [private] Our Love Will Last A Lifetime [Diable Rouge] birthing
    on 11-22-2017
    Tephra AuroraElis, Phoebus 5 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 11-26-2017
    Chaser [Any]
    on 11-21-2017
    Tephra Warrick 9 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 12-03-2017
    i'm not the devil but i won't be your hero. || ALL
    on 11-06-2017
    Tephra Offspring, Ellyse, Dahmer, Tantalize, Amorette, AuroraElis, Longclaw 8 Last post by Amorette
    on 11-17-2017
    [private] Not all that glitters is gold [Diable Rouge]
    on 11-07-2017
    Tephra AuroraElis 6 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 11-20-2017
    Sorry, Not Sorry [Diable Rouge, any]
    on 11-02-2017
    Tephra Karaugh, Longclaw 14 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 12-01-2017
    [private] All I Am[Diable Rouge]
    on 10-06-2017
    Tephra AuroraElis 14 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 11-04-2017
    [private] All I Want [Aurora]
    on 09-22-2017
    Tephra AuroraElis 13 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 10-02-2017
    The Edge of the World [Tangerine/Any]
    on 09-18-2017
    Tephra Tangerine 5 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 09-22-2017
    curiosity killed the cat || the guard & any interested
    on 09-12-2017
    Tephra Dahmer, Ledger, Levi, Longclaw 6 Last post by Dahmer
    on 09-14-2017
    It's Quiet Uptown [Any]
    on 09-07-2017
    Forest AuroraElis 13 Last post by AuroraElis
    on 09-21-2017
    Concrete Angel
    on 09-03-2017
    Beach Kaiode, Jah-Lilah 3 Last post by Jah-Lilah
    on 09-05-2017
    The Bastards, The Vultures, The Wolves [Solace/Kaiode/Any]
    on 08-30-2017
    Tephra Sirana, Tangerine, Solace, Kaiode, Svedka, Kuma 13 Last post by Solace
    on 09-07-2017
    The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring
    on 08-28-2017
    Tephra Jah-Lilah 6 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 09-06-2017
    Chaser [Any]
    on 07-20-2017
    Tephra Karaugh, Solace, Kaiode 16 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 08-25-2017
    there's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home || rou, any
    on 07-02-2017
    Tephra Ellyse 2 Last post by Diable Rouge
    on 07-03-2017
    28 active · 0 closed · 12 need replies · 28 total