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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Diable Rouge
    ”I’m a chaser, but I found stronger winds. If you believer her, there’s no going home again. I’m not going home...” 

    Death did not scare him. Death was something he was well versed in. From his mother’s death, to Kaiodes, he knew the siren song of the angel all too well. 

    And now it was his turn. 

    It was peaceful really. After his encounter with the goddess on the beach, after seeing his long-lost son, he traveled back to his home and fell asleep. It’s funny how the world works, death seems to grab people at just the right times. He was not scared and he did not struggle, he simply fell asleep. When his eyes open she was there, a scrawny sorrel mare without much of a mane. Blue eyes striking but warm with love. Two outstretched wings welcoming him into her embrace. 

    “Oh Rou. How I’ve missed you.”

    He fell into his mother‘s arms. He knew where he was.... he was home.

    Here lies Diable Rouge. A lover, a father, and a friend.

    To Ellyse; thank you for being the first one to welcome me. I hope you’re happy, wherever you are. 

    To Tangerine and Warrick; thank you for being perhaps the only true friends I’ve ever had. I’ll never forget you or our times together. 

    To Longclaw; my blue brother, continue to be strong. You were a faithful comrade to me. I guess this is one race I couldn’t win. 

    To Solace; the daughter I never had. You were always so special to me. My little light, never let anyone burn out your flame. 

    To Phoebus; my boy, my son. Be strong for your mother. Wherever your journeys take you, know I’ll be there to watch you. I love you. 

    To AuroraElis; last, but definitely not least. Aurora, You picked me up when I was at the end of my rope, and you showed me what true love was. Don’t cry for me my love, I will always be right beside you. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

    Mama and Kaiode - I’m ready. I’m coming home. 

    ”...when you clear out all the smoke, I guess everyone’s alone. When you clear out all the smoke, I don’t know why that is so wrong.”
    in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.

    How quickly time had consumed them.  Their life written in pages of a leather bound book for their children to open at will.  Hers still writing but his, his ink had begun to dry.

    Still damp from the dip into the pond, her limbs carried her across the center of Tephra.  Their home.  Her voice calling out to him.  She had just left him here with Wound. Hadn't she? No.  It had been spring then when she had went to find their son.  Sure he was near the volcano, she traveled quickly to fetch him.  Rou had been gone so long, he would want to see how his son had grown.  Hastily she search but found nothing but trickery.  A lapse in time and memory, she was here again.  Amongst the now dried grains of fall. 

    No. No it... It can't be.  Her vision finds him.  Laying still amongst the dust off the kingdom.  He was greyer than she remembered.  Thinner.  As her limbs carried her to him, they collapse to the same dirt in which he lie.  Cream-laced lips brush along the lines of his weathered face, "Oh Rou.  Don't go.  Don't leave me.  Not now..." But he is gone.  Lost to the sands of time.  

    Resting her head along the length of his neck, she allows the red tendrils of his mane to dance across her carmel flesh once more.  Tears well in the corners of her golden flecked eyes, damp trails beginning to cascade along her cheeks.  No longer would he reach to brush them away. No longer would his embrace console her.  She had never felt so alone, so hollow.  She whispers into his cold flesh the same words she had whispered to him so many times before, "I love you Rou."


    Not all that Glitters is Gold


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