Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

Glitter & Gold
Age: Ageless
Gender: Mare
Breed: Hybrid
Height: 14.3
Player: Neo
Color: Liver Chestnut (Aa)
Eyes: Navy with gold flecks
Markings: Blaze, stockings
Mane & Tail: Flaxen
Caramel colored liver chestnut with cream flaxen mane and tail. Wide blaze with tall white stockings. Her wings are the tail feathers of a male peacock, creating a gown effect on her back. She cannot fly with them. Her eyes are a dark navy with golden flecks.
Compassionate, empathetic, romantic, a bit shy, strong willed
Parents: |
Children: Phoebus m(x Diable Rouge)** Diavoli m(x Diable Rouge)Deceased** Eviction m(x Zain) twin** Escence f(x Zain) twin** |
Genetic Traits: Wings, Healing
Non-Genetic Traits: Peacock wings
Trait Genetic Code: TEGteg[-WINGS-][-HEALING-]
She was born outside of Beqanna into a male dominant hierarchy. She did not conform well to their ideas so they tortured her for her defiance. Claiming her to be too pretty, it had gone to her head. She harbors long scars across her body that creates the image of her skeleton (shoulder blades, ribs, hip bones). In her attempt to run away she was being chased down when magical orbs appeared leading her to a cave. There a BQ fairy appeared and transported her to Beqanna. They gifted her with a gown of peacock wings to conceal her scars. Grateful of their hospitality she vowed to be a child of light. Helping those who have been consumed with darkness... *Meets Lior *Meets Dovev and Zoryn *Meets Fox in playground *Enters Underneath quest- gets boils *Meets Offspring and Nymphetamine in Tephra. Leaves. *Meets Diable Rouge in commons. He invites her to live in Tephra. They fall in love and have first son. *Meets Wound in Tephra *Hosts Xmas quest with foals of BQ *Enters Creators Quest. Earns healing *Comes home to find Rou had died *Informs Warrick and Wound before running off to Taiga winter yr 195 *Discovers she pregnant with Rous BBY. *Meets Hephaestus *Gives birth to second son premature. Uses healing to save him. He ends up dying from complications in development. *Returns to Tephra in summer yr 196 *Disappears from BQ yr 197 to walk the Beach where she heals those who wish it *Yr 232 she has a run in with Zain who pretended to be injured. Was raped and became pregnant with twins. *Met Jack on the Beach. She asked if he wanted to leave with her and they set out for the river. *Gave birth to the twins(Escence and Eviction) and got an unexpected visit from their sire Zain. He ended up killing Jack. Faked saving Aurora and Eviction with Jacks "sacrifice" *Jack came back to life, Zain left vowing to be back for his offspring. Meets Amenadiel who tells them of the kingdom The Dale They end up leaving for the Dale. *Her family joins the kingdom for safety and live in a shelter by the lake. Meets Curcis. Goes to Chamber that winter to investigate an incident with Escense. Meets Kreed and is shown her fear of finding Rou dead. *Yr 233 Twins are yearlings. Having fits of insomnia from visions. Follows a shooting star to the River
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//Healing-Peacock Wings(flightless)\\