Not all that glitters is gold
@Jack in the Box
There would be four sets of tracks if anyone wants to pick up on that part

Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
[private] Not All That Glitters is Gold[Jack and Phoebus]
06-25-2024, 06:06 PM
![]() AuroraElis Not all that glitters is gold @Jack in the Box @Phoebus There would be four sets of tracks if anyone wants to pick up on that part ![]() //Healing-Peacock Wings(flightless)\\
Decades of solitude would do that to you. His ears shift uncomfortably as he walks beside his mother, eyes landing on Jack every once in a while but always quickly darting back to his mother. Phoebus listens as his mother explains what happened before his disappearance, and how she had waited on the beach for him. Death was inevitable for many, and the boy of fire could not help but feel his heart break as he realized how his mother had waited, how she had searched, how she had never forgotten him. Phoebus swallows the lump in his throat, simply nodding in agreement at his mother's recounting. "Well, at least I found one missing child today." Aurora jests, and Phoebus lets out an awkward chuckle. He still hadn't fully processed the fact that he had siblings, especially ones so young. He wanted to ask his mother about them, but instead he walks quietly beside her, eyes darting around as they came towards Pangea's eastern border. Phoebus's eyes look forward on the path, and he is quick to notice the hoof-prints in the freshly muddied dirt. He trots ahead of the group, noticing four sets of tracks - two smaller, like that of foals, and two larger. "Mom...Jack...look here." Phoebus lowers his armored head, flares his nostrils, and breathes in the scents deeply. The first smell he catches is rotten like decomposing flesh - he grimaces, heart racing. The two other scents are much like his own - smoke and cedar. The last scent is not as potent as the other three - it is a subtle mildew. "Zain had help." The boy of fire concurs, looking back towards his mother and Jack. @Jack in the Box @ ![]()
06-27-2024, 06:52 AM
Jack walks beside Aurora, periodically glancing over to Phoebus, not sure if he can trust him. As far as stallions go, few can be trusted. Zain has proven that time and time again.
As they walk east, Jack listens intently to Aurora explaining Phoebus’ life story. How his father left and died when she tried to find him again. He can’t help but feel jealousy as she continues the story. Yes, sure Aurora is his now, but what if another stallion comes by and whisks her off her hooves. The memory vividly plays in Jack’s mind, him lonely and sad walking along the beach when he saw her. He was captivated when he first met her and still is to this day. He wasn’t the smartest and was sheltered in his previous life, but he has learned the way of the “wild” horse. He can thank Aurora for everything he has improved. As he reminisces, he turns his head and nuzzles into Aurora, smiling and thankful he found her, not knowing what his life would have been like otherwise. Without the twins or Amenadiel. His ears flick towards Phoebus who has caught a scent, more like scents. When it is mentioned that Zain had help, Jack’s ears pin back, snorting angrily. “We need to find them!” He lowers his head, sniffing the ground as the smell of decomposing flesh fills his nostrils. The smell is overwhelming. He begins to trot off, head to the ground following the trail for a while before the trail suddenly stops. He paws angrily, whipping his head up. “That motherfucker!” @Phoebus @ ![]()
06-28-2024, 06:18 AM
Anger turns to sadness as Jack feels like he has failed the twins to keep them safe. He lowers his head, sighing sadly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep them safe from… him… Of course he has henchmen doing his bidding for him. No telling what they could do…” he stops, not wanting to even consider the possibilities of danger the twins could be in. A shudder runs through his body as a chill rips through the air.
He looks at his reflection in the shimmering waters below as he collects his thoughts and calms down, taking a few deep breaths. “He just makes me so mad. And it scares me that Escence thinks he’s so great. Vic I’m sure is worried and scared. He knows what..who Zain is. It makes me mad that he is always watching us, where we are never safe,” He reaches his muzzle towards Aurora’s neck, the smell of her always calms him down. “Let’s keep going, we don’t want to waste daylight. It will be much harder in the dark,” He continues onward, keeping an eye out for any sign of the twins. They arrive at the border of Pangea, not long before sundown. “Let’s find a place to settle in before we continue. A place we can meet back up if we all get separated,” @ ![]()
06-28-2024, 07:57 PM
He makes no rush to follow them, allowing his mother and Jack to have their time to process what has happened. However, he does allow himself to point his ear forward, listening in on their conversation. He knew he'd been gone for so long...all he wanted to do was help his mother and make up for what he had put her through. Phoebus takes note of Jack's words. It seemed that the colt - his brother - was smart enough to realize this Zain character was not to be trusted. Perhaps he would be smart enough to protect his - their - sister. Phoebus does let out a sarcastic snort at the idea that anywhere in this land was safe. Everything here was fickle, and to be naive enough to think imaginary borders kept horses safe was laughable. Phoebus doesn't say anything though, only nods at Jack's suggestion of moving towards the Pangean border. Night falls upon them quickly, but they reach the border before the stars fully overtake the night sky. Phoebus wants to proceed, his armor illuminating their pathway, but he stops when Jack mentions finding a common meeting ground. The boy of fire looks to the worn pathway, then back to his mother and Jack. There wasn't much around but rocks and Phoebus was getting antsy. The longer they waited, the further Zain could take the twins away. Phoebus looks around until he finds a single, lonely dogwood about a yard off the pathway. "There," He says, moving towards it. "The only tree for miles, I'd think. We can meet here if something happens." @ ![]() @Jack in the Box Escence & Eviction ~Twin Flame~ He watched them fade into a heat mirage -his father and sister- unsure of what to do. If he defied his father the risk of his, their, safety was imminent. He knew his father better than to think he had empathy for his children. That his threats would be empty and were only meant to scare them into submission. His bit : ) *He is carrying(unknown to him) some blight sickness from Pangea. Anyone who touches him may become ill(unintentionally of course)* //Fire Mimicry-Healing\\
Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Small Flames, Fire Aura **His fire mimicry trait colors are now black instead of orange**
Current condition: disease carrier(blight)
07-01-2024, 11:36 AM
They had agreed to Jack’s recommendation of finding a landmark as their home base. Phoebus immediately finds a lone dogwood, the only one for miles. They all agree and head on their way to save Escence and Eviction.
Aurora mentions that it should be relatively easy to find them in the darkness that is quickly enveloping them. Jack’s new halo gently lights up their path, although that could be dangerous if Zain and his henchmen are around. It isn’t a few minutes later as they stop and hear crunching of brush nearby. Mom? Jack? Jack looks up, swiveling his head around to find Eviction standing before them. He looks different and before he could realize why, Aurora jumps in and holds him close against her body. After a few moments, she unloads question after question on the colt. Vic interrupts, spewing information on where he and his sister have been, and no surprise there, Zain is behind all of it. He mentions the Gates. Jack perks his ears and looks to him as Vic turns away and begins towards his destination. “Vic! Wait! I’ll go with you,” he says, trotting towards him. “Better two of us than you alone,” @ ![]() ![]()
07-02-2024, 07:29 PM
"Mom? Jack? Is that you?" Phoebus breathes a sigh of relief, observing his mother and Jack as they comfort the young colt. It doesn't feel right to interfere in such an intimate moment, even if Eviction is his brother...even if this is their first time meeting. Aurora asks several questions, and Vic answers them, reassuring their mother that everything was okay. When he explains that Escense is still with Zain and that he was being sent to the Gates, Phoebus perks his ears up. It was obvious why Zain was separating them - Vic seemed to understand his father was not to be trusted, but their naive sister desired a relationship, and separating the two was crucial to whatever nefarious plan Zain had in store. Jack suggests going with Vic to the Gates, and Phoebus nods in agreement. "Good idea, Jack," He says, eyes never leaving his brother. "It's best he's not left alone. I'm not sure what Zain is planning, but it can't be good." The boy of fire takes a few steps forward, smiling at the colt. "My name is Phoebus. It's nice to meet you..." He hesitates. Perhaps telling Vic of their familial ties would be better another time. Instead, he bows his head. "...I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon." He leaves this somewhat cryptic message hanging in the air, looking back to his mother and then over to Jack. "I will head into Pangea and find Escense. It isn't safe for mo-...Aurora...to go alone, so we can go together." He looks back down to Vic, a reassuring smile appearing over his lips. "We will find her and bring her home safe." Phoebus turns from Jack and Eviction, walking towards his mother, towards the Pangean border where his little sister lie. @ ![]() ![]() |
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