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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  the way you kiss me will work each time // Any

    and I could easily lose my mind; the way you kiss me will work each time
    calling me to come back to bed, singing Georgia on my mind

    He's an idiot for getting sick. With wings atop his back, a plague-free kingdom to call home, and a plague-free kingdom to call his second home, Rhae really could have avoided this thing. As it is, he just had to go and have a melodramatic moment, not only in Hyaline, but also in the forest. It's a miracle that he didn't get Valdis sick, but his sister seems to be resilient to all kinds of things (including his own dense-headedness, given the fact that she'd turned a blind eye to him all but attacking her father).

    A bone-rattling cough shakes the prince from these thoughts, sending his muzzle to his chest as he doubles over until the attack passes. Inhaling shakily, Rhae clears his throat and decidedly stops coughing, dominating the tickle in his throat until it finally subsides to a manageable twinge. Gods be damned, the cough gets worse every day; and he can only imagine the subsequent symptoms.

    Holding his wings to himself and shivering a little, the handsome - though admittedly disheveled - stallion meanders through the Tephran soil, making his way slowly towards the volcano at the northern tip of the kingdom. The structure radiates warmth, and though the ash is less than helpful for his cough, the heat makes winter just a little more bearable. Though winter ought to be bearable for one his age...

    He shakes his head at the thought, ears tilting back and tail snapping behind him. Don't be a child, he thinks to himself irritably. Suck it up and deal with the consequences of your own actions; at least you aren't dying yet.

    What optimism, my boy; what optimism.


    [Image: rhae]


    She had been hidden from the world for so long.  Wandering the edge between sanity and insanity.  He was gone.  Their children- gone.  She had nothing to live for.  No one to live for.  She had been granted the powers to heal but even that could not mend the broken pieces of herself back together.  The only thing she felt was the loneliness that wreaked havoc on her every waking moment.  Not even her dreams allowed an escape from her reality.  She wished she could just drown under the depths of her sorrows - letting the weight of her life press her farther into the dark abyss.

    It was in the dead of night that her world began to shift.  At first she believed it to be nothing other than the active rumble of the volcano that towered above her.  She slept close to its warmth so she might feel something once again.  Aroused from her slumber she quickly finds her footing on the rocky terrain.  The train of dulled feathers drag through soot as she positions herself ready to flee.  Her golden-flecked eyes look through the shadows of a nearing dawn to find the immediate area unchanged and unthreatening. For now.

    The gown of feathers at her back ruffle in annoyance and shake ashes loose from the long shafts. Her milk and honey face turns to look at the rosè horizon.  Even with the chill of dread harbored deep within herself the sight of a rising sun gave her the smallest bit of hope that today could be the day her life sets upon a new path...

    The sudden quiet of her world is interrupted by the hacking voice of someone nearing.  She turns back towards the land not lit with the morning rays to find a marbled young equine traveling towards her.  Alert ears twist forwards to watch the stranger move with labored breaths.  Ever since the rumbling of land she had felt a heaviness in her chest that she had mistaken as the smog of Tephra.  Perhaps this colt was too experiencing difficulty breathing due to the thick sulfuric air.  Little was she aware of the happenings outside this kingdom.

    Deciding on her instincts intuition she calls out a greeting to the wandering boy.  "Hello there.  Are you alright?" Being a mother of two boys she knew how dramatic they could get with sicknesses.  A slight fever turning to weeks of bed rest, unfortunately for them, their mother possessed the ability to heal and send them on their way.  Something led her to believe that this was not the case for the piebald and so she waited for him to acknowledge her...

    Not all that glitters is gold

    @[Rhaegor] <3

    and I could easily lose my mind; the way you kiss me will work each time
    calling me to come back to bed, singing Georgia on my mind

    As the Hyalinian prince makes his way towards the base of the volcano, the faint scent of another makes its way to his nostrils. The ash largely covers such scents, and indeed the contagion is no help in his ability to breathe; but it matters little that Rhaegor notices her, for in the next moment, she calls out and his eyes find her figure. A pale slate-chestnut colour, the mare blends almost seamlessly with the rocky area they found themselves in - but those wings, well, they were far from blending. Green and blue and shimmering with all the glory of the stars, her wings catch his attention all at once, though his mind goes elsewhere as another round of coughing distracts him.

    For a moment after straightening, the young stallion considers skittering away to avoid any kind of interaction, but then his joints ache and he realizes that he needs a break in his travelings, anyway. With perked ears, he hears the mare's question, drawn in by the way it rings with a motherly tone. He is a mama's boy if ever there was one, raised by two of the strongest and yet most caring mares that walked Beqanna today. Tremble gently at every point, Rhaegor picks his way over to the peacock mare, struggling to stop himself once they stand at an acceptable distance apart when what he really wants is to burrow into her embrace.

    What now, idiot?

    Standing with the wind to his back, the Pegasus uneasily re-settles his wings as the gusting breeze disgruntles the pale golden feathers found there. The silence between them stretches from a reasonable moment to questionable seconds, to an uncomfortable moment and then an awkward minute. The wind blows some more, providing far more noise than the prince could ever hope to. When his lips part as if to speak, a coughing fit interrupts him lamely, causing him to curl his head to his chest as his muscles clench and try to keep him standing as his ribs convulse.

    When he straightens, a fine splattering of blood marks his shoulder, a drop of the same ruby liquid trailing down the corner of his mouth. I grimace, meeting her gaze but feeling somehow guilty about doing so, about wasting her time. Perhaps the blood will be answer enough to her question. One as beautiful as she deserves all the answers in the world.


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