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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: 29

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: hybrid

    Height: 15hh

    Player: Squirt


    Color: white w/ black markings ()

    Eyes: orange

    Markings: snip, stockings

    Mane & Tail: white w/ black tips


    her art | body type: stocky, see Quarab

    - when Mazikeen shifts into any animal, she retains her usual colouration (white with black markings) and her orange eyes
    - red "V" marking at base of snip
    - since her recent rebirth (year 217), Mazikeen has no scars
    - "cracks" on her horns glow like coals
    - when she's mad, glowing markings appear on her body (reference here)



    Since her most recent death, Mazikeen's emotions have returned and been intense and vivid

    - stubborn, fierce, short tempered, haunted
    - loyal, caring
    - usually on-the-move, enjoys physical activity
    - when Maze gets really and truly angry she goes beserk, losing touch with her rational mind and attacking whoever's in the area without discrimination and only stopping when forced




    Sire: Garbage, black hybrid stallion with orange eyes. Regeneration.

    Dam: Agetta, white Quarab mare, ex-queen of Heaven's Gates. Shapeshifting, sacrifice embodiment, and self light healing.



    Malik, with Gale. Black with iridescent black markings, colt, twin to Sickle.

    Sickle, with Gale. Dark iridescent blue with black brindling, filly, twin to Malik.

    Viszla, with Gale. Palomino with blue markings, filly.

    Calipso, with Firion. Deep red with gold markings and black hair, filly, twin to Valkyrie

    Valkyrie, with Firion. Deep red with gold markings, filly, twin to Calipso, blind in left eye in horse form



    Genetic Traits: limitless self-manipulation, phoenix-type immortality, glowing horns, glowing markings

    Non-Genetic Traits: fire aura, weak self-healing

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [PHOENIX-TYPE IMMORTALITY 0][LIMITLESS SELF MANIPULATION 5][GLOWING HORNS 1][GLOWING MARKINGS 0][FIRE AURA*][WEAK SELF HEALING*][shadow wings 1][serial regeneration 1][light beam emission 2]



    Mazikeen's Forum Info
    Joined: 03-08-2020
    Last Visit: 05-07-2024, 11:21 AM
    Total Posts: 584 (0.32 posts per day | 0.63 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 58 (0.03 threads per day | 0.27 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 6 Hours
    Mazikeen's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [mature] as out of my control as anything has ever been
    on 04-23-2022
    Hyaline Gale 11 Last post by Gale
    on 06-07-2022
    [private] you do and don't belong to me
    on 04-14-2022
    Hyaline firion 2 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 04-17-2022
    [open] you were way too bright for me
    on 03-30-2022
    River Rezza 2 Last post by Rezza
    on 04-01-2022
    [open] tell me, are you still hurting?
    on 03-20-2022
    Hyaline Selaphiel 4 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 03-29-2022
    [challenge] I am the pain, the reaper, a structure of lies; Mazikeen
    on 02-24-2022
    Hyaline Kyra, Officials, Reave 15 Last post by Kyra
    on 03-28-2022
    [private] head fast toward the light
    on 02-12-2022
    Tephra Casimira 6 Last post by Casimira
    on 05-01-2022
    a bright new dream that I was stepping in
    on 01-21-2022
    Hyaline N/A 1 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 01-21-2022
    [private] there's a fire inside you
    on 01-16-2022
    Hyaline Viszla 7 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 02-12-2022
    [private] i just want to hold you close to me
    on 12-09-2021
    Hyaline Gale 6 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 01-16-2022
    [private] I made a deal with the stars
    on 12-08-2021
    Silver Cove firion 7 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 01-19-2022
    [private] its harder than you think, mazikeen
    on 12-07-2021
    Hyaline bolder 13 Last post by bolder
    on 04-11-2022
    [private] when we are apart i feel it too
    on 11-13-2021
    Hyaline Malik 11 Last post by Malik
    on 12-30-2021
    [private] swearing this'll be the last but it probably won't
    on 11-02-2021
    Hyaline Gale 12 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 11-14-2021
    [private] the earth is moving but i can't feel the ground
    on 10-30-2021
    Hyaline Viszla 12 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 11-28-2021
    of bears and mares and who knows what else; any
    on 10-28-2021
    River keeper 4 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 11-09-2021
    sinking and swimming, thinking we're living
    on 10-17-2021
    Hyaline Vital 3 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 10-25-2021
    [private] upon a billion blooded seas
    on 10-07-2021
    Hyaline firion 17 Last post by firion
    on 12-05-2021
    [private] please don't let me fall
    on 10-05-2021
    Hyaline Selaphiel 9 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 12-21-2021
    [challenge] I love the trouble and the trouble loves me; Mazikeen
    on 10-01-2021
    Hyaline insane, Kyra, Reave 11 Last post by Kyra
    on 10-28-2021
    [private] the clock is ticking and we can't stop
    on 09-25-2021
    Hyaline Viszla 16 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 10-18-2021
    [private] full moon, wolf moon
    on 09-10-2021
    Hyaline Malik 19 Last post by Malik
    on 10-20-2021
    [private] there's nowhere to run from the fire she breathes
    on 09-10-2021
    Hyaline firion 18 Last post by firion
    on 10-07-2021
    [private] When I talk to the night I can feel it stare
    on 09-09-2021
    Hyaline Ciri 9 Last post by Ciri
    on 10-08-2021
    [private] now you're just turning the knife
    on 09-09-2021
    Hyaline Ryatah 3 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 09-13-2021
    [private] there's a thief on every corner of the street
    on 09-07-2021
    Hyaline bolder 8 Last post by bolder
    on 10-07-2021
    [private] could not hold me back
    on 09-06-2021
    Taiga Squirt, Nashua 19 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 10-03-2021
    [private] this is going to bring me to my knees; Mazikeen
    on 09-06-2021
    Hyaline Djinni, Gale 9 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 09-08-2021
    [private] I'm just warming up
    on 08-30-2021
    Brilliant Pampas Aela, Skandar, Sickle 13 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 10-11-2021
    [private] no telling where I'm gonna end up
    on 08-30-2021
    Hyaline N/A 1 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 08-30-2021
    [private] what if we're all that we thought; Mazikeen
    on 08-27-2021
    River Gale 7 Last post by Gale
    on 09-04-2021
    [private] even the sun was afraid of you
    on 08-22-2021
    Forest firion 15 Last post by firion
    on 09-09-2021
    [private] i would've crossed the stars
    on 08-21-2021
    Hyaline Gale 8 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 08-25-2021
    [private] the truth is in the gallows
    on 08-17-2021
    Nerine Reave 19 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 09-22-2021
    [private] I don't know what you've done to me
    on 08-15-2021
    Hyaline Gale 7 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 08-17-2021
    [private] lonely in the cold nights, maze
    on 08-12-2021
    Hyaline Selaphiel 16 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 10-03-2021
    [open] feels like we're on the edge right now; any
    on 08-09-2021
    Hyaline Anath 8 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 08-21-2021
    [private] take a bite and let it linger
    on 07-31-2021
    Forest Aela 18 Last post by Aela
    on 09-22-2021
    [private] I'm already halfway gone
    on 07-31-2021
    Hyaline Vital 2 Last post by Vital
    on 08-02-2021
    [private] i was looking for a way out
    on 07-31-2021
    Hyaline Gale 11 Last post by Gale
    on 08-15-2021
    [private] until the night turns
    on 07-25-2021
    Hyaline Gale, Noel, Nashua, bolder 18 Last post by Nashua
    on 09-06-2021
    [private] i just want to hold you close to me
    on 07-23-2021
    Hyaline Gale 15 Last post by Gale
    on 07-30-2021
    I Am A Lost Boy (Any)
    on 07-11-2021
    Hyaline Nolin, Gale 5 Last post by Gale
    on 07-12-2021
    [private] i want you around when it falls into place | mazikeen
    on 07-07-2021
    Hyaline Gale 12 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 07-15-2021
    [mature] when it falls in place with you and i
    on 07-06-2021
    Islandres Gale 7 Last post by Gale
    on 07-07-2021
    [private] only fangs and sweet beguiling
    on 07-06-2021
    Hyaline N/A 1 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 07-06-2021
    [private] i think i could live in it | mazikeen
    on 07-04-2021
    Hyaline Gale 11 Last post by Gale
    on 07-06-2021
    [private] i got addicted to a losing game
    on 07-04-2021
    Hyaline Gale, bolder 26 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 08-21-2021
    [private] You're not like anything I know or I've known| Mazikeen
    on 07-02-2021
    Hyaline Gale 8 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 07-04-2021
    [mature] wild as all the love you lost
    on 06-30-2021
    Meadow Gale 17 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 07-02-2021
    [private] the world as I know it is coming to an end [mature]
    on 06-27-2021
    Hyaline Gale 22 Last post by Gale
    on 06-29-2021
    117 active · 1 closed · 57 need replies · 118 total