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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    called Myrna

    Age: adult

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: hybrid

    Height: 15.1hh

    Player: kahzie


    Color: very pale palomino ()

    Eyes: dark blue-grey

    Markings: none

    Mane & Tail: white spinal mane, often with small flowers

    Goes by the name Myrna

    very pale palomino with white glowing curled opalescent horns, white spinal mane often with small flowers in it, limitless self manipulation, lightning, and shadows


    nice. family focused. solitary. has nightmares.


    Parents: Gale x Mazikeen

    Children: none


    Companion: none

    Genetic Traits: Limitless Self Manipulation, Spinal Mane, Glowing Horns, Shadows, Lightning, Phoenix-Type Immortality

    Non-Genetic Traits: Self Healing

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [LIMITLESS SELF MANIPULATION 5][GLOWING HORNS 1][PHOENIX-TYPE IMMORTALITY 0][LIGHTNING 0[SHADOWS 0][SPINAL MANE 0][SELF HEALING*][equus mutatio 5][very ugly][lightning 0][invisibility 1][kelpie mimicry 3][rainbow aura 1][shadow wings 1]

    Defects: none


    BQ 217
    born to Mazikeen in Hyaline
    named Myrna by her older brother Malik
    blessed by Craft and Anatomy with Enhanced Beauty trait

    BQ 218
    nearly killed by the Curse inhabiting Gale, saved from death by her Self-Healing

    BQ 219
    younger sisters Calipso and Valkyrie are born
    She meets her sister Sickle for the first time

    BQ 221
    Participates in quest that brings Stratos to Beqanna
    Loses enhanced beauty and glowing markings, gains lightning and shadows

    BQ 226
    participates in quest to restore Beqanna
    makes a home in the Gates

    Viszla's Forum Info
    Joined: 09-24-2021
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    Total Posts: 97 (0.08 posts per day | 0.11 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 18 (0.01 threads per day | 0.09 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: (Hidden)
    Viszla's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open] Where I'm from, the rivers run red (Myrna)
    on 11-13-2024
    The Gates Ravin, Cascadia, Wynters 19 Last post by Cascadia
    on 01-26-2025
    [open] Where I'm from, the rivers run red
    on 10-14-2024
    Meadow Cascadia 11 Last post by Cascadia
    on 11-13-2024
    [open] my heart has started to separate
    on 09-29-2024
    The Gates Tersias 5 Last post by Viszla
    on 11-16-2024
    [open] then you wake up for the sunrise
    on 08-31-2024
    The Gates N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 08-31-2024
    [open] I'm Gonna Own This Curse[Any]
    on 06-30-2024
    The Gates Jack in the Box, Eviction 7 Last post by Viszla
    on 08-18-2024
    [private] we lay here for years or for hours, so long we become the flowers
    on 06-22-2024
    The Gates Ruhr 2 Last post by Viszla
    on 06-22-2024
    [open] i hear the voice of rage and ruin
    on 06-13-2024
    The Gates Deiti 8 Last post by Deiti
    on 07-04-2024
    [open] ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS [Myrna]
    on 06-13-2024
    The Gates Zain 11 Last post by Zain
    on 06-24-2024
    [open] don't you hear me howling?
    on 03-16-2024
    The Gates skywalker 11 Last post by Viszla
    on 08-18-2024
    [open] it's me who's been making the bed
    on 01-28-2024
    The Gates Everclear 9 Last post by Viszla
    on 03-31-2024
    [open] not by fire, yet forged in flame;
    on 01-28-2024
    Forest Judas 8 Last post by Viszla
    on 02-06-2024
    [open] dull in the moment, you'll turn it golden leaf
    on 07-08-2023
    The Gates N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 07-08-2023
    [open] Tooth and claw; any
    on 05-27-2023
    River Davina 2 Last post by Viszla
    on 06-03-2023
    [open] you were born to run and run until you find your fire
    on 05-19-2023
    Meadow N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 05-19-2023
    [Auto-Quest] When love is real, there's never closure
    on 05-19-2023
    Mountain N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 05-19-2023
    [TAKEOVER] We spend our youth with arms and hearts wide open
    on 05-19-2023
    The Gates N/A 2 Last post by Viszla
    on 06-01-2023
    [open] It's been a long year and we're not even halfway there
    on 05-19-2023
    The Gates N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 05-19-2023
    [open quest] a tiny treat
    on 05-07-2023
    Mountain Beqanna Fairy, Iris, Beyza 4 Last post by Beyza
    on 06-01-2023
    [Auto-Quest] i see a bad moon rising [entity claim]
    on 03-25-2023
    Mountain N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 03-25-2023
    luminous beings we are [any]
    on 03-23-2023
    The Gates skywalker 6 Last post by Viszla
    on 05-07-2023
    [open quest] Part Three: The Divergence
    on 03-08-2023
    Mountain sleaze, Ea, Random Event, Narya, Rezza, glean, Glaw, Famkee, assailant, Marten, lystra, animus 13 Last post by animus
    on 03-19-2023
    [open quest] Part Two: The Investigation
    on 02-24-2023
    Mountain sleaze, Ea, Random Event, Narya, shrykos, Rezza, glean, Glaw, Famkee, assailant, Marten, lystra, animus 14 Last post by glean
    on 03-08-2023
    [open quest] Part One: The Discovery
    on 02-14-2023
    Mountain sleaze, Ea, Random Event, Narya, shrykos, Rezza, glean, Glaw, Famkee, assailant, Marten, lystra, animus 14 Last post by animus
    on 02-24-2023
    [open] would things be easier if there was a right way?
    on 10-02-2022
    Forest Hackjob 3 Last post by Viszla
    on 10-11-2022
    [open] sometimes tension brings us closer
    on 07-30-2022
    Brilliant Pampas Areane 7 Last post by Viszla
    on 09-17-2022
    [open quest] there's thunder in our hearts - round three
    on 07-03-2022
    Mountain sleaze, Blackwell, Cloud Fairy, Areane, Tiernen, Illis, Glaw 8 Last post by Illis
    on 07-11-2022
    [open] The living are hungry; any
    on 06-19-2022
    Meadow Heda 3 Last post by Heda
    on 07-08-2022
    [open quest] there's thunder in our hearts - round two
    on 06-17-2022
    Mountain sleaze, Blackwell, Cloud Fairy, Areane, Tiernen, Illis, Glaw 8 Last post by Areane
    on 06-26-2022
    [open quest] there's thunder in our hearts - round one
    on 06-06-2022
    Mountain sleaze, Blackwell, Cloud Fairy, Areane, Tiernen, Illis, Glaw 8 Last post by sleaze
    on 06-13-2022
    [open] alone between the heavens and the embers
    on 04-30-2022
    Hyaline N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 04-30-2022
    I get scared for reasons I don't know (feast)
    on 04-25-2022
    Baltia Valkyrie 2 Last post by Viszla
    on 04-30-2022
    all you ever needed was a meaning to the words that I said
    on 03-13-2022
    Hyaline Valkyrie 3 Last post by Viszla
    on 04-08-2022
    sometimes tension brings us closer
    on 03-12-2022
    Hyaline N/A 1 Last post by Viszla
    on 03-12-2022
    [private] we could try to go back where we started
    on 01-23-2022
    Hyaline Sickle 8 Last post by Viszla
    on 05-04-2022
    [private] there's a fire inside you
    on 01-16-2022
    Hyaline Mazikeen 7 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 02-12-2022
    [open] open hand or closed fist would be fine
    on 11-11-2021
    Forest nazghul 2 Last post by Viszla
    on 11-13-2021
    [private] the earth is moving but i can't feel the ground
    on 10-30-2021
    Hyaline Mazikeen 12 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 11-28-2021
    'Twas a long and dark December
    on 10-05-2021
    Hyaline Leilan, bolder 10 Last post by Leilan
    on 01-18-2022
    [private] the clock is ticking and we can't stop
    on 09-25-2021
    Hyaline Mazikeen 16 Last post by Mazikeen
    on 10-18-2021
    39 active · 0 closed · 16 need replies · 39 total