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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: 21

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: arabian hybrid

    Height: 15.2hh

    Player: Squirt


    Color: grey with gold cracks ()

    Eyes: gold

    Markings: gold cracks across body

    Mane & Tail: dark grey

    Those that touch him may experience metallic taste, nosebleed, nausea, headache, hair loss and/or skin lesions.
    Symptoms become worse with prolonged exposure and onset is accelerated when exposed to his blood.

    Turns into a statue during the day and is only "alive" at night



    Firion x Anomaly




    Genetic Traits: soul summoning, gargoyle

    Non-Genetic Traits: radioactive

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [GARGOYLE][SOUL SUMMONING][RADIOACTIVE*][demon morphing][glows in moonlight][immortality][glowing trail]



    Nemeon's Forum Info
    Joined: 08-13-2021
    Last Visit: 05-30-2024, 10:17 AM
    Total Posts: 43 (0.03 posts per day | 0.05 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 10 (0.01 threads per day | 0.05 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 22 Hours, 9 Minutes, 50 Seconds
    Nemeon's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [private] all the blank spots left a mark
    on 01-28-2024
    River Allaire 6 Last post by Allaire
    on 06-16-2024
    [private] you're walking alone - oh, how to get through?
    on 04-26-2023
    The Ruins leuce 4 Last post by leuce
    on 05-09-2023
    [private] you said there's a nursery where all the stars came to life
    on 04-18-2023
    Forest Allaire 7 Last post by Nemeon
    on 11-01-2023
    [PQ-new] if I could change your mind I would hit the ground running
    on 04-09-2023
    Mountain wind fairy 2 Last post by wind fairy
    on 04-15-2023
    [PQ-new] you're supposed to drag me away from it
    on 03-26-2023
    Mountain Wysteria Fairy 2 Last post by Wysteria Fairy
    on 04-01-2023
    [open] when it untangles in the moonlight
    on 03-23-2023
    Forest neuna 12 Last post by neuna
    on 05-09-2023
    [private] the shadowy corners of me
    on 02-02-2022
    Forest Link 8 Last post by Link
    on 03-15-2022
    [open] everytime I go I'm scared it's going to be the last time
    on 12-12-2021
    The Ruins Katarina 3 Last post by Nemeon
    on 01-19-2022
    [private] the water is deeper than anything you've ever seen
    on 11-14-2021
    Meadow anaise 9 Last post by Nemeon
    on 05-01-2022
    [open] the less I know the better
    on 08-14-2021
    Meadow anaise 15 Last post by Nemeon
    on 11-02-2021
    [open] and all the other dreams that we left alone
    on 08-13-2021
    River baptiste 15 Last post by baptiste
    on 11-13-2021
    Squirt's Stupid Children
    on 05-07-2019
    Trackers Eremis, Cinona, Squirt, Isilya, Ripley, Vastra, Anuya, Velkan, Altissima, Tamlin, Malkin, Agetta, Garett, Tiasa, Fiorina, Beyza, Mazikeen, Tirza, Mesec, Laurelin, Avelina, Edrahil, Derelict, Catryn, Lyali, Viridis, Stellaria, Anubias, Nostromo, Pax, Israfel, Maurtia, Helion, Risa, Sickle, Sokali, Alanis, Starros, Maeglin, Fazia, Beldam, Clopin, Valoel 46 Last post by Squirt
    on 11-11-2024
    12 active · 0 closed · 8 need replies · 12 total

    Nemeon's Signature
    Nemeon is radioactive
    Those that touch him may experience metallic taste, nosebleed, nausea, headache, hair loss and/or skin lesions.
    Symptoms become worse with prolonged exposure and onset is accelerated when exposed to his blood.