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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: 27

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: quarab hybrid

    Height: 14.3hh

    Player: Squirt


    Color: charcoal grey from black (Ee/aa/Gg)

    Eyes: pale green

    Markings: glowing tattoos on face and neck

    Mane & Tail:



    Atrox and Agetta

    Cinona (with Isakov)



    Genetic Traits: shapeshifting, firefly aura, glowing tattoos

    Non-Genetic Traits:

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [SHAPESHIFTING][FIREFLY AURA][GLOWING TATTOO][claws][single soul summoning][star aura]



    Avelina's Forum Info
    Joined: 07-07-2020
    Last Visit: 03-26-2022, 12:20 PM
    Total Posts: 40 (0.02 posts per day | 0.04 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 6 (0 threads per day | 0.03 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 1 Day, 14 Hours, 30 Minutes
    Avelina's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open] dark clouds will follow -- any
    on 06-12-2021
    Meadow Skandar 10 Last post by Avelina
    on 09-01-2021
    [private] I think it's strange you never knew
    on 03-28-2021
    River isakov 6 Last post by isakov
    on 04-21-2021
    they all come into the light [round 2]
    on 02-28-2021
    Mountain Archives Beqanna Fairy, Cheri, Memorie, Wishbone, Kaenros, Reave, firion, Sabal, Ryatah, Leilan, jarris, Amarine, flower, lilliana, Volos, Manikin 17 Last post by Manikin
    on 03-08-2021
    They all come into the light [ROUND 1]
    on 02-14-2021
    Mountain Archives Beqanna Fairy, Ryatah, Wishbone, Leilan, jarris, lilliana, flower, Amarine, Sabal, firion, Manikin, Skandar, Volos, Reave, Memorie, Cheri, Kaenros 18 Last post by jarris
    on 02-22-2021
    [private] the moon was full, and i was left unsupervised
    on 02-09-2021
    River Chel 4 Last post by Avelina
    on 02-27-2021
    [open] we'll write this story as we begin; any
    on 01-06-2021
    Meadow Holler 6 Last post by Avelina
    on 02-12-2021
    [private] I'd give you my sunshine
    on 12-30-2020
    River Narya 8 Last post by Narya
    on 03-15-2021
    [private] putting roots in my dreamland
    on 12-13-2020
    Forest isakov 16 Last post by isakov
    on 03-14-2021
    [private] the stars we never really owned as ours
    on 10-31-2020
    River N/A 1 Last post by Avelina
    on 10-31-2020
    [open] rest your eyes and stay in the shade; any
    on 10-31-2020
    Forest Skandar 11 Last post by Avelina
    on 02-02-2021
    to find freedom, avelina
    on 08-29-2020
    Meadow isakov 8 Last post by Avelina
    on 10-30-2020
    when we were young and free
    on 08-03-2020
    Playground Narya 4 Last post by Narya
    on 10-12-2020
    Squirt's Stupid Children
    on 05-07-2019
    Trackers Eremis, Cinona, Squirt, Isilya, Ripley, Vastra, Anuya, Velkan, Altissima, Tamlin, Malkin, Agetta, Garett, Tiasa, Fiorina, Beyza, Mazikeen, Tirza, Mesec, Laurelin, Edrahil, Derelict, Catryn, Lyali, Viridis, Stellaria, Anubias, Nostromo, Pax, Israfel, Maurtia, Helion, Risa, Sickle, Nemeon, Sokali, Alanis, Starros, Maeglin, Fazia, Beldam, Clopin, Valoel 46 Last post by Squirt
    on 11-11-2024
    13 active · 0 closed · 7 need replies · 13 total

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