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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: adult

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: hybrid

    Height: 16.1 hh

    Player: Squirt


    Color: amber champagne w/ bark pattern on points (EE/AA/nCh)

    Eyes: amber

    Markings: none

    Mane & Tail: dark brown



    Parents: Armande x Marijka

    Children: none yet



    Genetic Traits: squirrel shifting

    Non-Genetic Traits:

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [SQUIRREL SHIFTING][mushroom shifting][glowing]



    Viridis's Forum Info
    Joined: 10-01-2020
    Last Visit: 04-13-2021, 01:52 PM
    Total Posts: 5 (0 posts per day | 0.01 percent of total posts)
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    Time Spent Online: 8 Hours, 49 Minutes, 43 Seconds
    Viridis's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open quest] Round Two (of Two) - RESULTS
    on 12-09-2020
    Mountain Archives Beqanna Fairy, sleaze, Tiercel, avocet, Wight, Ionia, Grove, grimjaw 10 Last post by Beqanna Fairy
    on 12-19-2020
    [open quest] round one (of two)
    on 11-26-2020
    Mountain Archives Beqanna Fairy, sleaze, Tiercel, Laia, avocet, Wight, Ionia, Grove, grimjaw, obelisk 11 Last post by avocet
    on 12-02-2020
    [private] if you get lost in the shadows
    on 11-15-2020
    Forest Brilliance 5 Last post by Viridis
    on 12-31-2020
    Squirt's Stupid Children
    on 05-07-2019
    Trackers Eremis, Cinona, Squirt, Isilya, Ripley, Vastra, Anuya, Velkan, Altissima, Tamlin, Malkin, Agetta, Garett, Tiasa, Fiorina, Beyza, Mazikeen, Tirza, Mesec, Laurelin, Avelina, Edrahil, Derelict, Catryn, Lyali, Stellaria, Anubias, Nostromo, Pax, Israfel, Maurtia, Helion, Risa, Sickle, Nemeon, Sokali, Alanis, Starros, Maeglin, Fazia, Beldam, Clopin, Valoel 46 Last post by Squirt
    on 11-11-2024
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