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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: 32

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: abstang hybrid

    Height: 15hh

    Player: Squirt


    Color: teal w/ silver markings (n/a)

    Eyes: pink and blue

    Markings: silver nose and stocking

    Mane & Tail: black, long, wavy



    Ivar & Evia




    Genetic Traits: horns, water entity, flowers, jewel touched

    Non-Genetic Traits: aquatic form

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [WATER ENTITY 5][HORN 1][FLOWERS 0][JEWEL TOUCHED 0][AQUATIC FORM*][immortality 0][shapeshifting wings 2][possession 3]



    Tiasa's Forum Info
    Joined: 11-02-2019
    Last Visit: 05-07-2023, 12:18 AM
    Total Posts: 14 (0.01 posts per day | 0.02 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 1 (0 threads per day | 0 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 14 Hours, 23 Minutes, 43 Seconds
    Tiasa's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open quest] will you fight? or will you perish like a dog?; round III
    on 11-22-2021
    Mountain Carnage, brunhilde, bible, alleria, Wherewolf, Reave, Elliana, Tumult, bolder, thorax 11 Last post by bolder
    on 11-30-2021
    [open quest] violence for violence is the rule of beasts; ROUND II
    on 11-16-2021
    Mountain Carnage, brunhilde, bible, alleria, Wherewolf, Reave, Elliana, Tumult, bolder, thorax 11 Last post by brunhilde
    on 11-20-2021
    [open quest] do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?
    on 11-07-2021
    Mountain Carnage, brunhilde, bible, alleria, Wherewolf, Reave, Elliana, Tumult, bolder, thorax 11 Last post by bolder
    on 11-14-2021
    [private] i will sing to you as if my chest is glass
    on 10-25-2021
    River alleria 2 Last post by Tiasa
    on 11-12-2021
    [open] did I build this ship to wreck
    on 06-29-2021
    River jamie 9 Last post by Tiasa
    on 01-17-2022
    [private] won't let it go down until we torch it ourselves; Tiasa
    on 05-19-2020
    Ischia Lumina 5 Last post by Lumina
    on 08-10-2020
    [open quest] a burning star - round 3
    on 03-10-2020
    Mountain Archives Straia, Leilan, Castile, sochi, Beryl, Lepis 8 Last post by Straia
    on 03-17-2020
    [open quest] a burning star - round 2
    on 03-07-2020
    Mountain Archives Straia, Castile, sochi, Leilan, Lepis, kildare, Beryl, Ruthless 9 Last post by Castile
    on 03-10-2020
    [open quest] a burning star - round 1
    on 03-02-2020
    Mountain Archives Straia, Castile, sochi, Leilan, Lepis, kildare, Beryl, Ruthless, Oisin 10 Last post by kildare
    on 03-06-2020
    Squirt's Stupid Children
    on 05-07-2019
    Trackers Eremis, Cinona, Squirt, Isilya, Ripley, Vastra, Anuya, Velkan, Altissima, Tamlin, Malkin, Agetta, Garett, Fiorina, Beyza, Mazikeen, Tirza, Mesec, Laurelin, Avelina, Edrahil, Derelict, Catryn, Lyali, Viridis, Stellaria, Anubias, Nostromo, Pax, Israfel, Maurtia, Helion, Risa, Sickle, Nemeon, Sokali, Alanis, Starros, Maeglin, Fazia, Beldam, Clopin, Valoel 46 Last post by Squirt
    on 11-11-2024
    7 active · 3 closed · 5 need replies · 10 total