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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Of Legends & Myths

    Age: Immortal

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: Rocky mountain/QH hybrid

    Height: 15

    Player: Neo


    Color: Chestnut pintaloosa (ee/aa/nZ/nT/nLp)

    Eyes: L-Blue, R-Red

    Markings: App blanket, tobiano head with stripe

    Mane & Tail: Mane and Tail- Mixed

    Equine Appearance: Red chestnut with long white face stripe. Tobiano front half, blanketed backhalf(see ref). One blue eye, one red eye. New to this form as of her rebirth yr 231 Avian Form: Colors are true to the bird's natural color but retains her equine eye colors. She often mimics those around her in her choice of shifted forms. Mood also affects her choice of avian. (She does not speak in this form but instead uses telepathy.) Hippogriff- This will be a common form for her( discovered yr 232) and displays her equine coloration. The harpy eagle front half is deep reddish brown, with red and blue eyes. The feathers fade into the equine backhalf that is white with reddish brown spots. She does not speak in this form(uses telepathy).Ref in photos, belong to their respective artists. Her current appearance will be noted in posts.


    Kind, just, honest, outgoing, brave but has some insecurities. Loves mimicry and will often shift to bird forms that mimic others around her. She uses telepathy to speak in her bird forms. Avian shifting favorites: Hippogriff- common land form/battle(ref) Peregrine Falcon-scouting/hunting Owl- at night(ref) Pheonix- when rebirthing Raven- when spying Thunderbird- angry


    Parents: Imperial X Kuma

    Children: Twin to Embassy



    Genetic Traits: Avian shifting, Phoenix-type Immortality

    Non-Genetic Traits: Telepathy

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg



    Born year 195 in Loess- Taken over by Arthas so family moves to Hyaline. Been hiding away in bird forms until yr 231. Rebirths from the flame of the Phoenix in yr 232 to age 4. Rejoins the lands as an equine to pursue her destiny(unknown yet). Meets Ruhr who travels with her thinking she is chosen by the moon for something. Meets Knaught who is searching for something of Tephra. Shifts into a macaw and gives him a feather for his quest.

    Demi's Forum Info
    Joined: 02-22-2018
    Last Visit: 11-03-2024, 01:47 PM
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    Time Spent Online: 23 Hours, 31 Minutes, 35 Seconds
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    couldn't stop the ocean leaking in the cracks; demi
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    The Gates Deiti, Ruhr 14 Last post by Ruhr
    on 08-18-2024
    [open] Go Forth and Set The World On Fire {Quest}
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    Meadow Knaught, Ruhr 9 Last post by Ruhr
    on 03-30-2024
    [Auto-Quest] 0-space
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    Mountain N/A 1 Last post by Demi
    on 03-09-2024
    [open] Of Legends & Myths
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    Meadow Ruhr 11 Last post by Demi
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    [open] i am someone to hate
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    Meadow Çevik, kalika, Doctor, elodie, Amenadiel, hysperia 13 Last post by Doctor
    on 03-28-2024
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    Hyaline Tähti 10 Last post by Demi
    on 05-17-2018
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    Demi's Signature
    //Avian Shifting-Phoenix Type Immortality\\
    Her appearance will be noted 
    at the end of each reply.