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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: adult

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Stratosian

    Height: 14hh

    Player: kahzie


    Color: sunrise (possibly greyed, depending on moon cycle) (ee/aa/Gg)

    Eyes: brown

    Markings: sunrise markings when greyed

    Mane & Tail: soft pastel sunrise colored

    Ruhr is small, slender, and hollow-boned, with much of his apparent bulk being a trick of his colorful feathers. He has a noticeable limp in his right foreleg. In the air he is an agile and darting flyer. He has longer feathers in his mane and at base of tail that are emotionally expressive. Ruhr's head is covered in feathers, and his legs have a sparse covering of small feathers.

    He is very birdlike in his appearance - quick sharp movements, feathered wings, leaps easily into flight. He has an aura of moonlight that surrounds him after dark.

    Color: Depending on the phase of the moon, Ruhr will be sunset colored or grey(ing) with sunset colored feathers, markings, mane, and tail. He grows more grey as the moon waxes, and reverse greys as it wanes. He also ages with the moon, appearing as a young adult at the new moon but very decrepit at the full moon.


    religious, believes himself chosen by the Moon, mentally unstable, intelligent, charming, ambitious


    stratosian stallion x stratosian mare

    Ravin (x Viszla)
    Luvi (x Viszla)


    Companion: none

    Genetic Traits: moonwater divination, petrification (moonstone), bird mimicry, moon phase immortality, moonlight aura

    Non-Genetic Traits: none

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [PETRIFICATION 2][BIRD MIMICRY 1][MOONWATER DIVINATION 1][MOONLIGHT AURA 1][MOON PHASE IMMORTALITY 0][wings 1][feathers 0][stratosian eyes 0][stratosian aura 0]

    Defects: limp due to old shoulder injury (R)


    Was active in Stratosian politics following a long and brutal stint in their army, with the goal of an eventual Council appointment.

    He is sworn to Demi, who he believes Chosen by the Moon, to serve her in whatever way she might need. Using his new power of Petrification, which he believes was granted to him by the moon, Ruhr stole Malik's glowing light aura in the summer of BQ 233.

    In 235, he received a vision of his child with Viszla, who he did not know at the time. After a brief fling, she gave birth to Ravin and Luvi. Ruhr remains in the Gates, and is an involved - if erractic - father.

    Ruhr's Forum Info
    Joined: 11-12-2022
    Last Visit: 12-30-2024, 09:22 AM
    Total Posts: 50 (0.06 posts per day | 0.05 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 14 (0.02 threads per day | 0.07 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 9 Hours, 37 Minutes, 9 Seconds
    Ruhr's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open] cross the red river where it opens wide
    on 11-09-2024
    The Gates N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 11-09-2024
    [open] drown my daring heart
    on 09-24-2024
    The Ruins Claudia 2 Last post by Ruhr
    on 09-29-2024
    the pillar of myth still stands
    on 08-31-2024
    River N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 08-31-2024
    where nature unmakes the boundary; narya
    on 08-24-2024
    Meadow Narya 11 Last post by Ruhr
    on 12-10-2024
    [private] we lay here for years or for hours, so long we become the flowers
    on 06-22-2024
    The Gates Viszla 2 Last post by Viszla
    on 06-22-2024
    couldn't stop the ocean leaking in the cracks; demi
    on 06-13-2024
    The Gates Deiti, Demi 14 Last post by Ruhr
    on 08-18-2024
    [private] leave it to the land, this is what it knows
    on 06-02-2024
    Forest N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 06-02-2024
    [open] i just need this stage to be seen; any
    on 05-05-2024
    Meadow Zohariel 7 Last post by Ruhr
    on 08-31-2024
    [open] Go Forth and Set The World On Fire {Quest}
    on 03-25-2024
    Meadow Knaught, Demi 9 Last post by Ruhr
    on 03-30-2024
    [open] tell them I was a light; any
    on 03-22-2024
    Meadow Golde 2 Last post by Ruhr
    on 03-23-2024
    [open] Cast my light, it's yours to take; Any
    on 03-17-2024
    Meadow Plenilune 8 Last post by Ruhr
    on 03-25-2024
    [open] Of Legends & Myths
    on 03-09-2024
    Meadow Demi 11 Last post by Demi
    on 03-25-2024
    [open] pull up the ladder when the flood comes
    on 11-05-2023
    The Chamber N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 11-05-2023
    [private] couldn't stop the ocean leaking in the cracks; snowbell
    on 05-07-2023
    The Chamber N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 05-07-2023
    [TAKEOVER] who wears the crown - any/all
    on 05-06-2023
    The Chamber Iris, jamie, Abrus 5 Last post by Iris
    on 05-16-2023
    [open] came in through the embers
    on 05-06-2023
    The Chamber N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 05-06-2023
    i want to feel the edges start to burn
    on 03-06-2023
    Forest Snowbell 10 Last post by Snowbell
    on 04-27-2023
    [private] cross the red river where it opens wide
    on 11-28-2022
    Forest N/A 1 Last post by Ruhr
    on 11-28-2022
    18 active · 0 closed · 4 need replies · 18 total