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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    We are stars; any

    The black filly had over time earned herself some freedom, now that she knew how to swim. She was ever thankful that Solace had taught her, because it was hot outside and because it meant her mother was not worrying over her constantly any more. She wasn't sure if she'd ever gotten the freedom she had now, if there was even the slightest possibility she might drown.

    That still didn't mean that Tähti knew everyone in Hyaline. She liked warming up close to her mother, and explored the kingdom largely on her own for lack of a playmate. Ilma had neglected to tell her that Kagerus would have a to have a child running around somewhere, for the sake of not tempting her to go look for them in the Riverland. After all, even Ilma had never been told by Kag what had happened exactly, even if the white mare felt deeply sorry for her friend. She was not the same as when they'd met last year in the meadow.

    Now, the white winged mare simply watched her daughter run around and fly small distances, she was content to know that the girl was as safe as could be at this point, so she did not intervene when she ran around a bush and disappeared from view. For Tähti, this was marvellous, and exciting. She was having her own adventures after all!

    However, running around wasn't enough for the excited filly. It wasn't like there were only three horses living in Hyaline, was it? So, she flared her nostrils and tracked the area until she found another horse's scent. Set on following it, she picked up a pace, trotting around. Hoping she wasn't too bad a tracker to find them.

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
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    Arriving in the land late one summer night, my family took refuge in the mountains of Hyaline.  A darkness had spread once again in the kingdom bordering Loess and mother couldn't take the thought of it leaking into their home.  I did not know the extent of my mother's worry but I am young and do not question my parents.  

    The journey was short.  Loess and Hyaline shared borders and similar landscapes so it made little difference to me.  I took to my nightly form, the owl.  Shifting these days grew more effortless and quickly my knowledge grew of just how vast my powers were.  When we finally arrived and settled into the lands, I began to explore.  It was easy for me to sneak about as a song bird or dark raven.  None would suspect me being anything more than a nosey buzzard.  

    Daylight kissed the edges of the cragged structures against the horizon.  I awoke early as always.  Before my parents could stop me and before my twin could slow me down.  I leapt forwards with four hooves and before they landed I have shifted.  My form mimicks avian creatures I have seen before.  So today I choose the falcon.  

    I am quick.  My lightened bulk moved easy about the lands and to those below, I am nothing more than a pin prick in the sky.  My vision though is sharp and one eye an eerie red.  This is the only part of me that remains the same in any of my forms.  Dad never adimtted it but the hue of my ruby eye always set him uneasy.  My view from above is wide and I watch for anything of interest to me.  Horses grazing in the grassy fields peaked little inside me, but a tiny dark form trailing off near where I had shifted catches my attention.  

    I dive from the azure skies and dip into a nearby tree.  My ruby eye trained on the young winged foal.  My wings ruffle at my sides as my head tilts to better my view.  I watch as the filly seems to be looking for something but I do not make my presence obvious.  The dull brown and greys of my plumage blending me into my surroundings...   
    Legends & Myths

    @[Táhti] feeling my bird shifter out Smile she's curious and if it's not clear, she is a peregrine falcon now.

    The black filly was disappointed - the longer she followed the scent, the fainter it turned out to be. She also saw or heard no-one around, and assumed by now that she was headed in the wrong direction.

    The ebony girl was not one to give up easily, though. She turned around, but as she did, she was distracted with something else on the wind, and she rearranged her wings accordingly. Perhaps some birds would like to play. There must be one up close for her to even smell them; hah, this one must be smelling of horse to have led her this way. She chuckled to herself at that, then set into a trot to scan the area. "Birdie birdie, wanna play?" she called for it, eagerly moving the wings at her side. "Is it hide and seek now?" she added, pouting a little when none of the avian creatures around responded with their song. Perhaps they thought her to be a predator bird, with her size? Or they did not speak horse?

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
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    @[Demi] I am sort of assuming the falcon still smells vaguely of horse, let me know if I need to change that.
    I do not often transform into my equine body.  I find it mundane to be quite honest.  Very little interested me in remaining a hoofed mammal when I could take to the endless skies.  Leaving the trivial world behind.  Something though was intriguing about meeting one with similar abilities as mine.  Horse but yet a little more.  Inside I smile at this fact(as I have a beak of course).  

    I listen as she tempts me into a childish game.  I hadn't had much of a childhood and found her innocence refreshing.  The dark girl meanders about below me and I leap from my original perch.  As I do so my shape shifts from the multi-colored falcon to a more equipped tree dweller, a raven.  This avian was one of my first forms I had mastered transforming into.  Often abundant and quite easy to mimic, the raven was cunning and swift.  Also I may have chose it for its matching hue to the winged filly wanting to engage in a game. 

    I find another branch closer to where the equine had traveled.  Hovering overhead as she searches, a slight sigh escaping her lips in frustration. Not wanting to deter the girls interest, I dive from the tree canopy and flutter down to land upon the fillies back(between her wings).  My head tilts to examine her with my crimson eye, but I do not say anything.  I find myself unable to speak words in my shifted forms(at least for now I haven't mastered it).  My birdie head nods as my wings unfurl in response.  A crisp caw escapes my vocals and I thrust my light body upwards.  Coming around in front of the filly and remaining low to the ground as if attempting to get her to chase me...  
    Legends & Myths

    @[Tahti] tag?

    The ebony girl scrapes her hoof over the forest floor, then holds still and silent once more. She shouldn't chase away whatever bird does want to play, does she? She remembers Lullaby asking about the fish being scared when she was swimming, and honestly, come to think of it perhaps the birds in this part of the kingdom do not like her so much for running around and making noises in a place where they rest.

    She hears movement then; but if any bird is flying away outside her view or towards her she cannot tell. Her ears swivel around in hopes of catching the sound and if the avian creature is coming or going; then, one of them lands on her back, and she needs every bit of determination in her not to rear in a fight-flight reflex. Instead, she tries to see, turning her head, but the black winged creature, that she sees, is already cawing and winging away.

    She's happy to see it return, however; her eyes give a sparkle and she rears lowly, wings spreading. Ready to follow! The black filly makes a small, happy jump in place before attempting to chase the bird. "I see you! Coming!" she announces. It's a game of tag now!

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
    ©HTML Tiny

    Tag works with an ä (2 dots on it) which you'll get by "+a. I guess last post you didn't use the shift bar and made an á instead.
    Or just copy; [Tähti]
    It doesn't take me long to coax the girl into a game of tag.  Surely all knew this game and at one point in their lives, partook in the simple joy it gave you.  Even adults could be seen in its innocent chases.  My wings spread and with rhythmic movements I propel forwards.  Occasionally glancing back with my crimson eye to ensure I am still being followed, but not to closely of course.  Finding the dark filly flapping her wings and bounding forwards happily, I take that as game on!

    The scattered forests of Hyaline dot the landscape between dips and rises in the terrain.  Surrounding them had been barren deciduous trees, leafs having recently shed as the weather shifted.  My focus shifts back to the path I had set upon.  Dodging low hanging branches and tree trunks with precision that I have only acquired with practice.  Soon I see a break in the confines of the vegetation.  Excitement causes me to accelerate my flight...

    As the forest thins to reveal open sky I begin my ascend into the atmosphere.  My incline is drastic, and I force myself to work against the gravity trying to pull me back to earth.   Knowing the winged girl would be quickly at my tail feathers, I attempt to gain as much height as possible.  This was no task for the raven.  No, this was a job for the peregrine falcon...

    Along my climb into the sky, I twist into an upward barrel roll.  What fun was shifting if you couldn't do it with some flare? Half-way into my fifth roll, my body transforms and heading into the sixth roll, I spread my wing span wide to stall my movement further up.  My head is leveled to look below me and locate my playmate.  Hoping to find her not far off.  I allow the updraft of wind to glide me gently at nearly a hover as I look at my new friend. I screech happily before turning my view back to the earth below.  A one-sided smirk could reveal my next move.  One more quick glance towards the winged horse and I fold my wings to my side.  Allowing my body the fall like a rain drop from the clouds above.  

    I hold no resistance against the air that envelopes us, so quickly I fall.  Much quicker than any other creature on earth.  I figure this game of chase has become unfair to my friend.  As I near the soil, once again, I release my wings from my sides. Slowing me to a soft flight.  I look for a suitable landing spot.  The turn of my head reveals to me a stump of a tree lost long ago.  Talons outreach to grasp the wood and I settle atop of it with a ruffle to my wings.  I have never tried this before, but I use the blueprint of Tahtis' form to shift now.

    Where once perched a small avian, a russet and white, spotted filly emerges.  Her front half that of a pinto and back half of an appaloosa, but she retains one features she was not naturally born having.  A symmetrical pair of russet spotted wings that resemble the raptors of the night, the owl.  My equine head rises and with a twist I examine this form I have created.  A pleased smile paints across my face.  Just then I hear the incoming sound of the filly I had yet to give my name to.  My natural eye finds her and extends a greeting, "Hello Tahti... My name is Demi."  My eyes bright and nearly glowing in satisfaction, I wait for her to respond.  Nearly forgetting we had been playing a game in which I was to be tagged... 
    Legends & Myths

    lol I cant figure it out on the keyboard.  
    So I am assuming they are the same age(almost 1)...?  And she only shifts into things she has seen so far, so I wanted to fit it in that she just shifts bird wings in her horse form so she can be like Tahti Smile

    The summer-black filly chases. She runs after the raven, wings stretched and playfully flapping them once or twice to provide her with extra speed. Now - although she doesn't realize it because she never met him - her father's genes of the sleek Anglo-Arabian racing horse come into play, as she makes haste easily.

    A break in the canopy leaves the filly no other option than to chase through the air; her wings carry her high in her rush, forgetting how steep they go or how high or low - all she sees is the raven leading the way, but then it gains much more speed than she who is ultimately heavier and she fails to keep up.

    Which doesn't mean she does not try - she keeps herself a little lower, winging around in circles as she watches the bird change form and colour - "Oh! You're magic!" - she exclaims. It's a joy to watch, although she cannot propel herself forward as easily as the falcon. It screeches at the ebony filly happily, and she whinnies at her new friend. "I'm Tähti, what's you're name?" she calls against the wind; then the falcon glances at her mischievously and dives before it gives an answer.

    And the careless girl follows. She dives, though slower, wings only half-closed, because she nears the ground fast enough with her heavier bulk - she cannot shift, she's always had the wings, and she'd rather like to keep them.

    When her raven-falcon-friend reaches the ground, she shifts again, and before her eye, a filly emerges while Tähti takes her time to land as well. She whinnies happily, trotting back to her friend. Her name is Demi, she says, but the ebony filly does not come to the expected stand-still when greeting a horse. Instead she continues her trot, closing the distance fast, and taps her shoulder. "You're it, Demi!" she giggles, side-stepping quickly to dodge any back-tagging.

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
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    Yes, Tähti was born last spring (march in RL).
    The new found form a Pegasus horse intrigues me.  It was a nice medium between both worlds.  I ruffle the white and golden feathers at my sides as the filly nears with a quick pace and smile at my name.  I don't think twice about being tagged. I nearly have forgotten the game we had set out on.  That is until the dark girl reaches for me and steps away with the classic chanting of words.  I giggle as my fore hooves lift off the ground in a half rear.  My painted face tucking to my chest and wings unfolding into a fan of feathers.  

    My light tail whips at my hunches and I push off into a gallop.  Following in Tahti's tracks with a challenge escapeing my vocals, "Not for long!"   My hooves eat up the ground as my avian appendages flap at my sides.  Gripping at the atmosphere and lifting me gently into the air.  Each stroke of my rounded wings bring me closer to my dark friend.  Though my wings are made for stealth and not speed, I manage to keep up.  Using my silent flight to my advantage I attempt to sneak up on Tahti and tag her on the rump.  

    Laughing as I exit my chase, I look to the lake centered in the kingdom.  I shout to my friend, "Watch this!"   My Pegasus form begins to rise into the sky slightly to position myself over the water source.  I hover for a moment and my red eye looks to see that my friend is watching before I tuck my wings a fall towards the lake.  My fore limbs outstretch and my hind limbs curl underneath me.  I hold this position until, just feet from the reflective surface, my body shifts into a sea bird and I plunge into the cool waters.  My wings now serve as fins and propel me deeper into the waters.  A trail of air bubbles show my path from above.  Soon my breath runs out and I resurface.  Bobbing along the ripple of waves I had created from my impact.  My webbed feet paddle me about as I wait for my friend to join me.  If she wasn't opposed to getting wet of course...
    Legends & Myths


    The girl is fast, but, the other uses a technique unknown to her, and when the ebony pagesus filly has reached a clearing to gain speed on the downing slope, the white and red has reached her, and touches her on the rump suddenly, silently. That simply means that Tähti will have to adjust, and she uses her forward momentum to make a turn - but Demi has something else in mind and is bound for the lake.

    Now, being born in Hyaline means swimming in the lake - even with wings. So the black winged girl chases, and takes flight after her friend, but she is not a horse much longer, changing into a sea-bird (on of those that could be seen from the western mountain ridge, if one looked towards the sea). Tähti giggles, and plunges into the lake water much less elegantly, dropping from just above the surface from the sky. She tucks the wings to her sides, because otherwise they will hinder her movement in the water, and uses her hoof to splash some water at Demi. ”That’s such a cool trick!” she exclaims, wishing for her own magic but stuck to only the wings that she most likely inherited from her mother (so far she hasn’t seen a man around who is black like she, and although the girl doesn’t think about the lack of a father often, she sometimes wonders what he would look like. But she’s glad for her new friend all the same.

    we are Stars, wrapped in skin
    the Light you are searching
    has always been Within
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    Sorry I’m late (: Tähti is moving to Nerine though, so I think maybe we should finish it?
    I am floating along in my sea bird form when suddenly I hear a whiz above me.  My red eyes upturns to see my friend plummeting from the skies.  I brace for the impact and just as suspected there is a turbulence of waves when the filly lands onto the crystalline surface.  I roll atop the white cap of such a wave and when it levels I shift into my equine form.  

    Laughter expels from my lips as I paddle with slender legs.  The cool aqua soaks my strawberry and cream hide as I approach the surface and find my footing on solid ground.  Eve was quickly approaching with the sun teasing the skyline.  They have spent the day playing and time has gotten away from them, "Oh my... Its getting late Tahti.  We better head home before our parents gets worried." I stand on the greenery of the land, allowing my neck to crane and look upon the filly.  A smile apparent on my maw.  "I'll see you around friend," no more than a flicker of feathers and I am my raptor of the night, taking off into the darkness of the trees... 
    Legends & Myths

    @[Tahti] done! Smile

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