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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  I'm the one that drives away then follows you back home


    What he thought might be just a small kernel of hope had quickly dispersed through Beqanna, much like a cluster of cottony dandelion seeds stirred into action by the softest movements. He had severely underestimated how many others were invested in Tephra’s reemergence. He actually feels slightly guilty for bringing them to the Mountain, for their reasons are far more profound than his own. Still, he can think of no better way to tempt her into at least speaking to him again.

    He makes the journey alone today, having told the others that he would meet them here so that he might have some time to think along the way. He first recalls his meeting with the purple woman that became his inspiration. Her pure devotion to a land she was not only born in, but born of, and the beautiful descriptions she provided were the fertile soil he needed to begin cultivating the kernel. As he swoops lazily through the skies (a far less strenuous way to reach the Mountain’s peak than he’d previously used), he chuckles at the memory of her unique demeanor and hopes he has not kept her waiting too long.

    His thoughts drift next to the one who watered and nourished the planted seed, who encouraged its rooting with her reminiscing over Tephra’s final years. He had been pleasantly surprised to learn that she had been its last queen, that she too would do as much as she could to see her kingdom restored. Laughter tickles his throat once more as he remembers the moment she divulged her parentage. The catalyst of his falling out with Adriana had been the mere mention of an innocent history lesson (okay, so he hadn’t mentioned that part) with another woman; how ironic that this throneless monarch should be that woman’s daughter.

    The sun warms his face gently as he approaches the peak, giving him a boost of energy, much as his encounter with the young lilac-adorned girl vitalized the seedling sprouting within his heart. Like the others, she spoke so reverently of her lost home that he had little choice but to tell of his plan. Even if Tephra’s return were not enough to win back the sea siren’s affection, he felt that it would be some small consolation to know that this bright-eyed girl could again flourish in the jungle’s humidity.

    Then there are the two young men that struck him as breaths of fresh air that carried untold possibilities within their sinless hearts. One, young and hungry for a sense of belonging in this world—something that he, himself, can relate to all too well. Perhaps these steadfast souls could offer the boy what he craves. He thinks of the other, a seemingly wholesome Tephran. Their conversation had been succinct, but it was enough to rouse a bit of admiration within his own chest. Already that one is the kind of man that he still might have the potential to become.

    Finally, he considers the one he had not actually met. The dragon queen told him of her mate, the man who had been born to serve the very land that Assailant now seeks out, the protection a tender young shoot might need to survive. He knows little of the man, but he feels there is no choice but to leave his faith in her word that whether or not success is to be found, her king will rise to the challenge of retrieving his home from the murky ether of Beqanna’s depths.

    At last, a glint of light off of purple metal captures his attention. Eager to begin, he hastily dives into his descent and lands lightly near her. He smiles broadly, excitement thrumming in sync with the quickened beats of his heart, filling the air with a nearly tangible crackle of electricity. “I never asked your name, but I am quite pleased to see you here.” His feet shift restlessly beneath him as he continues. “I am Assailant, by the way. Others are coming.” His head turns to the sloping terrain, anticipation sparking in his eyes. He has a good feeling about this.

    Let’s hope he does not leave the Mountain in shambles yet again.

    All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware

    --Martin Buber

    image by HalwestIV

    Assailant is seeking a quest to bring back Tephra
    @Kreation, @Casimira, @Matilda, @Knaught, @claudius, and @savior intend to join him
    He had heard of this quest, a mission, one could call it. He wasn’t sure what to expect or what was going to come of this, but at least he should try. At least it would get him to explore and adventure new areas of Beqanna. It’s been a long time since he adventured and explored. How does he get there? He’s heard stories of the Mountain. The Mythical Mountain as his mother once called it. His mother. Oh, how he misses her. He wonders how he’s stayed alive all this time and hadn’t succumbed to death. The darkness that enveloped him grew deeper and darker each day. The darkness that swallowed him whole for him to be reborn from it.

    He is a new horse. He won’t let his past consume him until there’s nothing left. Not anymore. Not again. The snowy capped mountain illuminated by the starry night peaks over the far horizon. He takes a deep breath and exhales, letting all his muscles relax knowing that it’s going to be a long journey.

    His pace picks up, carefully planning each step, cautiously ensuring he doesn’t step on a sleeping snake, or wake a snoozing bear. His hoofs rhythmically land against the loose, gravely rocks crunching below. His muscular black haunches dotted with purple contract and release with every stride.

    His mind wanders as he’s traveling towards some destiny he heard about. He’s not sure why they want him or need him, but he likes adventure. At least it gets his mind off of wallowing.

    Night turns to day which turns to night in an endless cycle as the snowy peaks come closer and closer to him. Or him getting closer. The nights feel endless, the days too quick.

    His mind turns over all the possibilities of how he could save an entire land. He won’t be by himself, but how could he save a land that he’s never seen before? Never been to before. A chill comes over him causing the hair on his back to rise. We must be close.. Hoofprints coat the cold, earthy ground. One set in particular makes him wonder. He follows the prints and makes his way to the base of the mountain.

    It’s cold now. Colder than it was before. Turning around, he looks back at his own path. His own journey. His life. How much he’s grown, both physically and mentally. At least he hopes he’s grown mentally. He’s no longer that lanky, black colt cowering behind his mother. He’s a grown stallion.

    He inhales deeply, feeling the cold air cut into his lungs, feeling the ball of air warming up before freeing it back into the universe as he begins his ascent to save Tephra.

    @Kreation @Casimira @assailant @savior @Matilda @claudius

    The mythical mountain had not been far from where they had met.  No more than a hop and a skip away, as the Pegasus flies.

    Even though my body weighs heavily from the metal it is partially cast, I move swiftly.  Wings beating across the skies until the large, jagged rocks are in view.  I climb the winds as high as they allow, twisting around the formation as I go.  It begins to narrow as I near the top, and I find a path carved into the surface.  The winds become turbulent, and the air thins.  With one last push of my wings, I prepare my landing upon the rocky plane.  Iron hooves make a less than graceful contact as my wings pull back for drag, then clench to my sides.  The lines of my face do not furrow but twist in amusement and determination.  My iron body collides with the side of the cliff with a large thud, as I slide sideways to hit with the full length of my barrel.  Coming to sudden stop along the carved, winding path, I yell out, "Whooo Yaaa.  Still alive!"  My neck curls proudly and I begin my mortal strut up the path.

    The rocky terrain is unforgiving, as meant to be.  Each step placed is with purpose, so I do not fall to a certain death.  As I move along the path becomes narrower; in places even missing a chunk of earth.  I jump these spots and continue on; nothing would stop me now.  Destiny calls and I am to bid it hello.

    They arrive soon enough.  I have found entertainment in checking out the magical plateau of the top of the Mountain while I wait.  In my loitering I decide to pull together some fashionable wears.  My powers reach deep into the earth's crust to pull from it the iron I need to manufacture such things.  Bit by bit they are molded into trinkets, delicately etched and linked together to form a fancy breast collar.  Within the center of my breast is my Familys crest.  A large K with intricate scrolling surrounding it.  I smile in satisfaction; we were going home.  

    In my work I hardly hear the shoveling of hooves, many hooves.  It is the voice of familiarity that stirs my attention and has me crawling out of the shadow of the mythical place.  "Finally!," I exclaim, "took you long enough."  There is a muse in my voice as I come to stand beside the winged man proudly.  My eyes, both equine and iron, scan the crowd he has gathered, all sorts of creations that wish for the same as we.  "It is good to see so many others willing to do whatever is asked of the Mountain to raise our beloved Tephra to Her former glory," my voice carries to the crowd and any who wished to hear my words.

    Say What You Wanna Say

    This may be a more -end of the thread- post but I'll just put it up lol


    i’m only whatever you make me

    She had stayed as long as she could.

    Casimira was familiar with chaos and strife. She had been only an adolescent when Loess launched their attack on Tephra, when she had fought a dragon far larger and more experienced than she had been at the time. She had died that day, too — reborn from her only dragon’s scale that had survived, but she had been too young to see any nobility in her death. All she had seen was a failure, and she had disappeared.

    When she had returned to Tephra, she had promised herself that she would not leave again.

    She stayed after the earthquake, when the only thing that connected the volcanic kingdom to the mainland was the remnants of Loess creating a precarious landbridge.

    She stayed after the strange thunderstorm that brought such forceful lightning strikes that it created new rivers of lava, destroying a large portion of the kingdom.

    And she had tried to stay through the tornado.
    Her and Savior — with his tie to Tephra maybe even stronger than hers, because he had been created for the purpose of protecting her — had both stayed until they physically could not, until staying might mean their own demise as well. There had been something strange about the storm — just like the earthquake and the lightning before it — and Casimira did not know if it was something her serial immortality could bring her back from should she stay.

    They make the trek up the mountain now, together, her and Savior. Every now and then she caught herself stealing a glance towards him, wondering how he felt knowing that they might be one step closer to bringing Tephra, and his dragon form, back. Casimira had been so relieved to meet Assailant, to learn that there were signs that Beqanna herself was rebuilding and that along with it there came a chance of reviving their home.

    When they reach the summit she seeks out Assailant, offering him the barest slip of a smile before sweeping her gaze briefly across the others that came. She does not recognize them but she is grateful for their appearance all the same, and she turns to touch her nose to Savior’s neck, whispering softly only to him, “I hope this works.”

    Matilda has been caught in a daydream since meeting Assailant - dreams of lush tropical foliage and the comforting danger-glow of the lava rivers that crisscrossed the ground. Her family had left as soon as it had become unsafe and she had been disappointed to discover it was concealed, or missing, by the strange clouds that now covered a good portion of the continent.

    It had not occurred to her that they might be able to ask the fairies to bring it back.

    And now that thought would not leave her - granting her a dreamy smile as she makes the trek up the mountain. Carefully picking her way up the rocky slopes while she remembers what it had been like to scamper through the jungle with hoof and wing and paw with her family.

    The group has begun to gather and aside from Assailant there are only two others she vaguely recognizes - she can’t remember their names, though she’s reasonably sure they had been the rulers of Tephra and she knows them by virtue of having lived in the same area and having seen the opal and dove-white pair around.

    Feeling uncharacteristically shy, undoubtedly thanks to the anxious wait of what they are all hoping for, she simply offers a smile in greeting to any who may look her way and joins with the wait.


    There’s a boyish hope within the depths of Claudius’ periwinkle eyes that never seems to die. Perhaps such naivety has been molded over the years, folded end over end into admirable qualities like honor and courage. He lives with his innocence as self-aware as he can be, as if some shadowed secret always lingers around the corner, just out of reach.

    There are times in the past, dark times, times much forgotten—times that Claudius caught those shadows. Every time, he was swallowed whole, lost, flesh torn by the ravaging claws of anger and anguish. Those memories are ones most untouched, filed in dusty, rusting boxes. The kind of hair-trigger emotions that Claudius prides himself on not feeling live within those recollections. He doesn’t remember what it feels like to panic, to fear, to wonder if his next minutes truly are not guaranteed.

    They came to Tephra like the shadows around the corner. Perhaps full of secrets, but mostly an alluring unknown. Something Claudius desperately needed to understand.

    Why do they love Tephra? Why are they banding together now?

    Are their intentions to ignite hope only to snuff it out?

    Nevertheless, Claudius follows them when they go. He never voiced his concerns, never dared to seed even some perceived doubt; but his heart beats as they climb The Mountain, beats so loudly he hears only the aggressive thudding and a blurred ringing.

    This must work.

    i start the day lying and end with the truth
    that i'm dying for the knife

    A breeze, thick with the rich scent of the tropics, swirls around the group once they have all gathered. It blows harder into the face of one in particular more than the rest - the Mountain displaying its disapproval to the one who dared take its minerals to forge senseless trinkets. A funny way to ask for help - by starting off stealing from the one you seek a favour from.

    Still, it has been preparing for this moment so no further punishment is made. Just a gentle warning. Beqanna wishes to be whole, has already scattered pieces to be found, and it will not be delayed now that the process has finally begun.

    The breeze fades and a phoenix hummingbird appears from thin air - a small, burning orange-and-red creature. It flutters before every one of them - meeting their eyes each in turn. Assailant is the last it comes to and it is there it speaks but its voice is loud enough to be heard easily by all present.

    “Beqanna has granted your quest. Go forth, find pieces of Tephra, and bring them back here - let’s see about bringing that jungle back into the light.”

    Congratulations! You successfully rolled for a land quest.

    @assailant @Knaught @Kreation @Casimira @Matilda @claudius must each:
    • Find a different flora or fauna that would naturally occur in Tephra
    • Write (at least) 2 posts about seeking/finding the thing and obtaining a sample

    You may work together, if desired. Once everyone has met those requirements, they must then post back at the mountain with a sample of the flora/fauna they found. It is not advised to return back before the entire group has finished meeting the requirements.

    If you have any questions or require clarification, please reach out to an officer


    He is not the same man that had originally brought this group to the Mountain. He had experienced such a violent swing in his emotions that it had scared him as much as it had confused him. From the excitement upon receiving the fairy’s quest on their first try, to the joy of completing his leg of the journey so quickly, to the frustration of going so long without catching even a glimpse of Adriana. All the way down to the anger and doubt that had begun to fester in their time apart, growing so much that he had begun to wonder if it was even worth attempting to restore Tephra to its glory.

    But then a chance encounter brought them together and though it had taken some effort to banish the negativity he’d begun to associate with her, he eventually crumbled and had given her what she needed to crack open her stubborn heart to him. Yes, their reunion had a lot to do with his renewed dedication, but deep down, he’d ultimately known that he would have completed the mission even if she had destroyed every last piece of him.

    After a (much needed) brief detour to the Meadow, they now stand at the base of the Mountain, gazing at the faraway peak. It does take an achingly long time to complete the grueling climb, but at the end, he is surprised to find that he is not nearly exhausted as expected. Perhaps it has something to do with the red and gold woman at his side. As he leads her to the clearing where the group had gathered, a gentle buzz of excitement vibrates in his chest. He still has not told her exactly what they seek here, as he is hoping their success will be spoken aloud and he will be able to witness her reaction in its rawest form.

    As they come to a halt, he reaches for her, taking a moment to appreciate how the tropical blooms look among the seashells tangled in the ombre strands. He leaves one of the glowing flowers behind, then lays the rest gently on the ground before them. Having nothing else to do but wait for the others, he leans into her cooling comfort, idly toying with the ends of her mane.

    All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware

    --Martin Buber

    image by HalwestIV

    Assailant found several bromeliad flowers, as well as an unknown flower (permission obtained from Squirt to simultaneously do a flora/fauna quest for the unknown flower)
    Proposed name: glowing plumeria (unless someone else has a better idea!)
    Proposed description: a golden-yellow center that then ombres from white to hot pink edges. At night, it is surrounded by a bright gold glow and it always smells of a seaside jungle, which can be comforting to the holder. Continues to live much longer than ordinary flowers after being picked.

    @Knaught @Kreation @Casimira @Matilda @claudius
    (if the last to post could tag the officials please, that would be lovely!)


    i’m only whatever you make me

    The trek back to the mountain somehow feels easier than the first.

    This time, she is buoyant with hope. She knows that Claudius and Matilda are not far behind her with their findings, and that at the top they will be joined by the others. For the past few weeks she has been keeping her hope at bay, afraid of being burned if they were to fail. Losing Tephra the first time had already been difficult; somehow the idea of failing to bring her back seemed even worse.

    With the orchid branch in her mouth she finally reaches the mountain’s peak, and is greeted by the sight of Assailant, and a mare that she recognizes as one of Varick and Sabbath’s children. The puzzle pieces click into place, as she realizes that this is the girl that Assailant had been so set on winning over. Her eyes meet Adriana’s briefly, and she sees the flash of recognition cross the other mare’s face, though Casimira does not say anything directly to her. Setting the orchid branch alongside Assailant’s glowing blossoms, she only offers the two of them a small, knowing smile, before stepping back to await the rest of the group.

    Casimira brought an orchid, I'm not sure if you need a link to the posts but this is her, Claudius, and Matilda's thread: https://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=31562

    For Matilda, the return to the mountain took a lot longer than the first trip here. Owing to the much shorter legs that she travelled on this time. With her capybara friend/kidnap victim/adopted child by her side, she made the trek - chattering away the entire time. She wished she could speak capybara, but the brown soft-faced creature didn’t seem to mind that it couldn’t understand. It barely seemed to mind that they were far from the forest and were travelling up a mountain.

    It was not lost on Matilida that she could probably learn a lot from this rather chill creature.

    They found their way to the group and there, Matilda shifted back into a mare. Just in case - it seemed better to show her proper face to the fairies. With the luck that seems to come to neurotypicals, the capybara shook itself - releasing a few tuffs of brown, coarse hair. Matilda gathered these and placed them near the flowers Casimira and Assailant had provided. She grinned, thinking that the little pile was already starting to look very Tephra-y, and returned back to her new friend. The capybara took all of this very well and simply leaned gently on Matilda's lavender legs as they waited together to see what was going to happen next.

    Thread Here - Matilda found a capybara and donated some of its hair

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