Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

Burning It Down
Age: Yearling
Gender: Filly
Breed: Arabian Hybrid
Height: 14.3
Player: Neo

Color: Chestnut Sabino ()
Eyes: Red
Markings: Sabino
Mane & Tail: Mix of flaxen and red chestnut
Red chestnut sabino with mixed flaxen/chestnut(glittering red) mane and tail. Bold face marking and tall stockings. Loud sabino ticking. Her body is covered with living fire. Leaves a trail of flames wherever she goes. Tiny orbs of flame can be seen floating around her. Has fire wings, they blend with body when at her sides
Outgoing, curious, spitfire, fearless, troublemaker
Parents: Zain x Auroraelis |
Children: |
Genetic Traits: Fire Mimicry(Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings)
Non-Genetic Traits: Fire Breathing, Water Immunity
Trait Genetic Code: tegteg
In utero her flames burned her twin Eviction and caused heart burn for her mother. She was born otherwise healthy. Spends her days picking on her little brother and giving her parents grief. Meets Amen in the Meadow after running off. She sets the grass on fire accidently and gets a ride on Amen's back to fly out of the flames. They leave the meadow to find a home in the Dale where there are less flammable things. The night of their arrival to the Dale she, along with her brother, sneak off to where they cross the river into the Dale. She hurts herself in the river, her brother helps her then heals her unknowingly as his fire aura shields them from their father(who Vic does not trust). He becomes weak and passes out, to which Zain and her bond while waiting for Eviciton to awaken. Once awake they head back to their mother and Jack. Jack becomes enraged they ran off. Escence, in defiance, develops weak fire wings and flies off, finding herself in the Chamber. There Kreed finds her and creates an illusion of her setting the Chamber on fire and killing her brother. Her mother and Amen find her, distraught and mournful, unknowing what had happened. She's a bit more cautious after the experience, especially around her brother. Eviction tries helping her control her powers to create her wings. They instead discover she has fire breathing abilities too. Zain, their father, shows up to steal them to Pangea for a year. There she meets Beetlejuice, her father's henchman. She meets Niklas in the canyons. Goes looking for Vic, finding him returning with black flames. Their father sends him to the Gates for having left Pangea. After saying goodbye, hoping to convince her dad to let Vic come back, they go to Carnage's altar where he jumps off the plateau. She saves him with her fire wings, which fixes them as developed.
Escence's Forum Info | |
Joined: | 02-23-2024 |
Last Visit: | 08-05-2024, 05:00 PM |
Total Posts: | 31 (0.09 posts per day | 0.03 percent of total posts)
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Time Spent Online: | 21 Hours, 2 Minutes, 22 Seconds |
Escence's Threadlog · View Profile | ||||
Thread | Participants | Posts | Last Post | |
[private] boy of fire [Zain and Escense]
on 07-26-2024
Pangea | Phoebus, Zain | 5 | Last post by Phoebus
on 09-02-2024
[private] ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS[Aurora & Phoebus]
on 07-07-2024
Pangea | Zain, Phoebus, AuroraElis | 5 | Last post by Escence
on 07-20-2024
[private] She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire[Zain]
on 06-27-2024
Pangea | Zain | 4 | Last post by Zain
on 07-07-2024
[private] ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS [Twins & BJ]
on 06-07-2024
Pangea | Zain, Beetlejuice | 4 | Last post by Zain
on 06-23-2024
[open] forty-six & two
on 06-05-2024
Pangea | Niklas | 3 | Last post by Niklas
on 06-24-2024
ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS [Twins]
on 05-24-2024
The Dale | Zain, Beetlejuice | 6 | Last post by Zain
on 06-02-2024
[open] Twin Flames [Escence]
on 05-24-2024
The Dale | Eviction | 4 | Last post by Escence
on 05-26-2024
[open] Not All That Glitters is Gold[Family]
on 05-17-2024
The Dale | AuroraElis, Jack in the Box, Amenadiel, Eviction | 9 | Last post by Amenadiel
on 05-24-2024
[private] Young Aspirations
on 05-06-2024
The Dale | AuroraElis, Jack in the Box, Amenadiel, Eviction, Crucis | 13 | Last post by Eviction
on 05-17-2024
[open] Night's Tranquility
on 05-03-2024
The Dale | Eviction, Crucis | 9 | Last post by Crucis
on 05-06-2024
[open] Not All That Glitters is Gold [Family]
on 04-30-2024
The Dale | AuroraElis, Jack in the Box | 6 | Last post by AuroraElis
on 05-04-2024
[private] She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire [Kreed]
on 04-24-2024
The Chamber | Kreed | 4 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-27-2024
[private] She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire
on 04-12-2024
The Dale | Zain | 3 | Last post by Escence
on 04-16-2024
[open] Transformation In Fire
on 04-01-2024
Meadow | AuroraElis, Jack in the Box, Amenadiel | 17 | Last post by AuroraElis
on 04-06-2024
This Little Light of Mine [Jack]
on 03-30-2024
Meadow | Eviction, Jack in the Box, AuroraElis, Zain | 22 | Last post by Eviction
on 04-05-2024
[open] Rejoice! He Has Risen [Jack]
on 03-22-2024
Meadow | AuroraElis, Jack in the Box | 12 | Last post by AuroraElis
on 03-29-2024
I tried to wrestle every wonder
on 03-18-2024
Meadow | Beldam | 6 | Last post by Escence
on 04-15-2024
17 active · 0 closed · 13 need replies · 17 total |
Escence's Signature |
//Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings |