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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I Was Lightning Before the Thunder[Kylin]

    His leave from the party was quick.  Not that he was threatened by anyone.  More or less creeped out.  That was way too many balls in one section of island for his liking...

    Some may wrongly think that the brotherhood would have been his thing.  Male domination.  Females had little say in anything.  They were more to be seen and used than heard.  But those some would have been sorely mistaken.  He thought himself no greater than any other, male or female.  He was just, well...him.  He valued family above all else and one member of his family had not gathered on the beaches today.  Thankfully actually.  Kylin didn't need to see that.  Again her home being ripped from under her and now, now she wasn't even welcomed because of her gender.  He couldn't allow himself to leave without her.  

    Having sent Krone and the kids on their way to another kingdom isle, he took to the skies.  Scouring the beaches and caverns.  The waterfall cliffs and barren islands for the lavender mare.  His deep voice called out her name, "Kylin.... KYLINNN...." Silver eyes scanned the horizon frantically.  Where could she have gone? When she had left that night, before the Sylva incident, he had not pursued her.  Thinking she possibly wanted some time to be alone.  But as days turned into weeks, he became increasingly worried.  If she had left, why hadn't she told him?  He deserved that didn't he?! To at least know.

    His search concludes on the very beach he had found her upon.  Soiled and nearly lifeless, she had laid right there.  Over there was the small pond they had bathed each other in.  His head hangs low as he thinks of her and what had happened to her.  Not knowing was far worse. 

    In a soft and nearly defeated whisper he thinks out loud, "Come back Kylin... Your family needs you.  I need you." 

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Kylin] ok, this one is forrealzies! Third time's a charm.  I know you're on an away but I wanted to get something up for you.
    Looking back to that particular day last winter, she wonders why she had allowed Kagerus to guide her away from Ischia. Part of her knows why and how it had happened, and also why she had allowed it to happen. Kylin had so naturally followed the piebald’s guide, unable to make her own decisions and instead relying on others to make them for her. She still thinks that Kagerus has done her a favour. She had needed to be away in order to see what all did have in life, instead of focussing on all she lost.

    The inability to decide for herself, to set her own guide and live her own life, had turned her into a prisoner. Not in the direct meaning of the word, she had been allowed to go and come whenever and wherever her heart desired, but Kylin had simply been unable to get herself to it. Instead she had been watching Hyaline’s lake – which is still beautiful as ever – and had been longing for it. So close, and yet so far away too. Like that she’d spend the spring, all alone in the cave, and by now, most of the summer has passed too.

    That long had it taken Kylin to get herself together. She’d hated it to be alone, but at the same time she had not known how to connect with others. Probably because she hadn’t opened herself to them too. She simply was too scared. What if they left her too?

    All this time there has only been one that had not left her. Not that he was to consider hers, but he had opened his heart and family and welcomed her in. It had been Kylin who had left him, in a failed attempt to find whatever she had been looking for in Hyaline. Now the lavender woman knows how blind she had been. All she ever wanted, was right here in Ischia. It had been right underneath her nose all the time.

    She returns to Ischia in almost the same state as she’d left it. Physically she is not better off, but neither does she look worse. Her frame just slightly too thin, and because of it het coat is dull. Mentally she is better. He hazel eyes are no longer dull, instead they are bright and full of life.

    Her loud whinny is carried by the wind, across the water towards the beach. Kylin is coming home.

    Hope it makes up for the wait!

    It was into the winds he whispered a select few words.  Finding his walls crumbling around him at the thought of never seeing the lavender and cream mare again.  He had to be leaving.  Ischia was no longer his to call home... 

    That is when he hears a faint call on the same breeze.   Coming from down shore.  Lavender ears perk forwards at the noteable familiarity of his tone.  A tad sweet, just like she was.  His hooves immediately find their pace.  A quick canter as his wings are held neatly at his sides.  She couldn't be far now...

    As he rounds the slight bend of coast, hazel eyes fall upon her.  His voice is quick to call to her a greeting, "Kylin!" He was relieved in every way to see her.  As he approaches swiftly, he slides to a stop in front of her.  Muzzle quick to extend another greeting.  It was so good to feel her again.  "Kylin! I thought I might never see you again.  But I couldn't stop looking for you, not until I knew you were safe," he presses himself possessively against her.  Wanting so badly to never see her go.

    Upon realizes she may have just been getting back, he backs away from her to find her gaze with his, "I've sent the others to Tephra already... We should go now..." Her hesitation and confusion confirms that she did not understand what he meant, "Brennen has taken over the island, Kylin.  He has moved in his brotherhood to overthrow Krone.  We can't stay here." His eyes scan the depths of hers to find understanding but what he finds is fear.  Uncertainty plagues her and he is suddenly aware that her ties to the island may go deeper than he thought.  

    His expression lightens as he moves in closer to embrace her with his neck.  To let go again so soon was unthinkable...

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Kylin] so I'm assuming her reservations here to kind of move things along per our pm conversation.  So maybe they spend one night together on the beaches before he has to leave Wink if I need to change something let me know Smile
    She hears his voice – the shout out of her name – before her hazel eyes find his form. Her heart had skipped a beat at the warm welcome, but it does so again when she actually sees him. Kylin is not able to not smile, and her ears are pointing forward. His call is answered by another loud whinny, and the lavender woman does not hesitate to push forward in a gallop to meet him halfway.

    Boldly she presses forward, her neck extending to push her muzzle against his. “Klaudius” she murmurs with a sigh. She is ready to tell him she’s sorry for disappearing, for taking this long to get back, but she never gets the chance. Her frown doesn’t do her features any good, but Kylin simply cannot help herself. He is rambling. “K-Klaudius?” she repeats, this time questioningly. “W-what d-do you mean, not s-safe?” She cannot keep the tremble out of her voice, as she gladly presses herself up against his side. He simply makes her nervous, and confused. Nothing had happened, right? We’re Krom and Karat okay?

    Confusion is clear on her face. His words don’t make sense at all. “Leave? Who left? Why do we have to go?” The more he says, the more confused she becomes, until he drops the bomb. Her eyes widen, and her body is frozen due to the shock. All Kylin does is stare at him, his words almost falling to deaf ears. Taken over? Brennen? And what was a Brotherhood? What did it mean for them? Was Krone – and through her her family – exiled? In denial she shakes her lavender head, hazel eyes tearing up as she watches him desperately, pleading for him to tell her it’s all a joke, that it is not true. It cannot be. She is finally read to embrace his family, and now he tells her she is too late? Her body is soon trembling, and again she shakes her head. “No.”

    Pain and desperation are in her eyes as he backs away from him, shaking her head again and again. “No,” she repeats, her voice thick with emotion. Even her ears flick back, as she is uncomfortable and unsure. He couldn’t ask her to leave. She’d just gotten back, she has just realise that Ischia is home. Even if it is not where her heart is. “I.. I can’t leave..” As she says the words, her voice breaks, and so does the waterfall of tears start. They roll down her cheeks, and put a lump in her throat.

    She is still broken in two parts, there is her mind and there is her heart.

    440 words

    She is every bit confused as he expected her to be.  In his rush, he hadn't thought of what he was telling her may upset her ad that the idea of leaving here would be too much.  That is until tears begin pooling in her eyes as she rejects the idea.  His persistence mellows with softened eyes and an extension of his face to hers.  Brushing the lavender of his muzzle to the matching tone of her cheek.  He whispers calming words to quite her tears, "It will be ok Kylin, I promise..." He wanted her to come with them but could understand her hesitation.  She refused change, time and time again, and he hopes this will not break what she had just seemed to get back. 

    Again, he tries to explain, this time more considerate to her feeling, "Brennen has dethroned Krone, Kylin.  We, cant stay here." There is a rise in the way he says we, meaning Krone, him and the twins.  "I don't know what Brennen has planned exactly... but it is best we find a new home," his eyes lower in shame at his failure in securing their home.  His thoughts turn to what he wants and finds it is standing right in front of him.  Someone to have and to hold for the remainder of his life.  Every other attempt at that has failed, from his own doing or theirs.  He didn't want to lose that with Kylin, but he also knows that he cannot force her.  That if he truly loved her, he would wish her only happiness and if it was here, without him, then he must let her go...

    I can't leave...

    The simple statement nearly rips his heart from his chest.  His silver eyes rise again to look into hers.  Finding her saddened eyes drawing him closer to her.  His head raises to rest along the crest of her neck in attempt to console her.  In an understanding tone he speaks again, "You don't have to leave if you don't want to Kylin... I won't force you to leave with me."  Her tears begin streaming down her cheeks and he releases his hold on her.  Backing away, just enough, to look into her eyes again, "Can I stay with you one last night?"   He pauses for her answer.  Wanting to embrace her again, but not force himself onto her if she just wanted to be left alone...  

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Kylin] <3
    He does not understand. Klaudius promises, promises her, right here and now, that everything will be okay.  How can it be okay when it is not safe? And why is it not safe? Ischia has always been safe. It is the only stable thing in her life. All Kylin can do is stare up at Klaudius with teary eyes, as she slowly shakes her head, not understanding whatever it is that is going on.

    Not until he offers her a clarifying answer. A bit more clarifying answer that is, because each answer only brings up more questions. More denial too. There is no way this true, right? This couldn’t be happening. But, on the other hand, Kylin sees no sigh of her absent family members. Nor does she smell them. “T-they’re gone?” she manages to mumble, tears filling her eyes.

    He said we. Her heart skips a beat, thinking he meant them, just him and her, only to have that thought crushed because, one, he had already send his family – Krone and the twins – away, and two, Kylin really could not leave. She does not want to either. Enough to make her heart crumble.

    Things happen quickly after that. Kylin backing away, Klaudius following. She is shaking as she presses herself up against his chest, welcoming the embrace. Not only does she need something to hold on to, she wants him too. So, so badly. Even if he would leave at the end of the day. Kylin does not even attempt to stop the tears, instead she just squeezes her eyes shut and allows herself to cry, because Klaudius is here to hold her.

    Or isn’t he? As he backs away her teary hazel eyes search his, and her sobs become more violent just from the thought of Klaudius leaving alone. No. No, he couldn’t be leaving. Relief, followed by sadness, roll over her. Kylin does not hesitate to press closer. Her body is pressed against his, the velvet of her nose pressed against the corner of his mouth. “S-stay..” she murmurs, body trembling with both grief and need. “Please stay.”

    Even if it is only one more night.
    Even if it will kill her in the end.

    @[Klaudius] <3

    He offers all he can.  One night is all he could allow her right now.  He needed to get to Tephra to ensure his children got there safely.  To secure them a new home.  They did not belong to the brotherhood.  Or perhaps the brotherhood did not belong to them.  

    He was unsure of many things but what he was not that he wanted Kylin to follow him.  Wanting to protect her and offer her a home.  A true home.  One filled with happiness and everything a home is.  A place is not home.  The people you surround yourself with is home.  He could not show this to her if she was unwilling to look beyond the island.  It is all she knows though and he understands this.  So when she is trembling and falling apart in front of him once again, he steps forward.  Pressing his lavender body into hers and allowing her to lean into him.  His lips trail gently along the base of her withers and begin to move towards her unique assets.  The shimmering fins folded at her sides felt foreign to touch.  Not that he hasn't felt something of that texture before, but that he is touching her here.  Along her body in such a way that makes his thoughts churn within his cranium.  Of all the ways he wanted to love her and show his dedication to her.  Wishing she would feel the same.


    As his muzzle glides along the bridge of bone that held the wings taunt, his nostrils flare at her scent surrounding them.  Along the shoreline luminescent plankton begins to glows in a marvelous display only found along the isles coast. The evening air was cool but humid and a gentle breeze offered little relief from the thickness of the air.  He found it familiar and in a way comforting but no more than the company that he spent the evening with.  He again thinks of his family and wanting Kylin to be part of it.  His ears flicker at the sounds of her whimpered breaths.  Placing gentle kisses along the base of her neck, he shifts slightly backwards and away from her.  Following the length of her neck back to her cheek.  The heat of his breath hits the chilled night air, causing small puffs of vapor.  With a deep baritone whisper, he presses his lips to her cheek again, "Be mine Kylin...  I will keep you safe and we can make a home together..." He pauses briefly, "You'll never be alone again..."  He is insinuating something.  A start of a family. 


    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Kylin] I imagine a ring would be involved here XD
    There is a saying that tells that ‘home is where the heart is’, in other words, the land does not make a home, but family and friends do. Technically that would mean that it doesn’t matter where you are, and that you can make yourself a home anywhere. Too many of her family and friends had left to places where she cannot follow, and Kylin had been left behind to make a home of whatever there had been left; Ischia.

    With this light shed on the situation, it might not be too hard to imagine that only the thought of leaving Ischia is enough to scare her. Though the thought of losing her new family – and more – is almost as freighting. It is easier to just not think of it, which is exactly what Kylin does. She pushes it far away and instead focusses on Klaudius.

    Suddenly she is so very aware of him, of his presence, in body and mind. She focusses on his touch, a gentle exploration of the glossy and see-through fins at her sides. Kylin cannot help the slight tremble underneath his touch, which leads her to shyly glance away as a flustered smile makes the corners of her lips twitch. And dear lord what does his hot breath feel good against her skin, good enough to make her lean into his touch unconsciously.

    Her awareness of the world around them reduces, until it is just them – her ánd Klaudius – in their little bubble. Somewhere along the line her breathing has changed, which she only realises when she gasps for air the moment he places a delicate kiss on her cheek. When pulls away, her body moves with him, searching for the touch, the connection, she just lost. Luckily Kylin does not have to search very long. A content sigh, followed by a deep breath, escapes past the barrier of her pale lavender lips.

    His words hold her frozen. Hazel eyes have widened, and she looks up at him in both flustered and shocked. Did he really just insinuate what she thought he was insinuating? Kylin tears her gaze away, troubled now her thoughts are back at the subject she would rather forget for now, and let her gaze roam over Ischia’s shore. She pauses, words on the tip of her tongue, but her heart is held with fear.

    “Make me..” she murmurs. Not to challenge him, not to mock him, but to simply plead him to do it. Slowly Kylin’s hazel gaze finds his again. “Please.. Make me yours.” Even if it is just for one night.


    With another press into her, she is leaning into him as well.  It isn't just the sound of want coming from her lips or quickening of her heart.  He'd love her how she was meant to be loved... 

    There was only a moment of hesitation.  She was pure in every way and he was unsure if he should remove that from her.  But she had asked for it, hadn't she?  Yes, yes she had. Nearly begged for it.  His large wings settled tight against his sides as he draws nearer to her.  Silver eyes slipping along her figure as he again begins to trail his velvet lavender lips down her neck.  Continuing down the dip of her spine and the incline of her rump.  Careful to not entangle her fragile wings amongst his.  Slow steps bring his shoulder to inline with her hip while his muzzle drags from her topline and down the side of her gaskin.  Her lilac and cream pelt was soft under his touch as he explore every inch of her body.  Feeling the slight involuntary twitch of her muscles beneath him was addicting.  Like an addict finding his next fix, he trailed down her thighs.  Seeking the slight movement of her body giving to his touch. Every now and then, he'd place a kiss along his chosen path.  Waiting for a signal from her that she was ready for him to claim her for his own...

    When that moment does come, he moves smoothly behind her.  Placing his head atop her rump and rising up, fore limbs settling into the slight indent before her hips and gently holding her.  Again careful to not harm her in the process, he pulls her into his loins.  Pushing himself into her with caressing thrusts.  He pauses only once to massage a place along her withers and then he continues to make her his.  

    Only after his task is accomplished does he slip off her.  Still placing attentive touches along her rear and sides as he moves up alongside her.  Silver-hazel eyes searching for her satisfaction in becoming his, he needed no words.  The night around them is silent still except for the light crashing of waves along the white-washed sands.  He wished he could stay here with her forever or that she would change her mind in leaving Ischia behind...   


    They remain inseparable, settling beside one another.  Needing only the company of one another.  Soon dawn would creep upon the lands again and he would disappear before she awakes.  Leaving a part of him with her.  Pressing his lips to her forehead, he whispers a goodbye as she sleeps, "I will return for you soon, My Kylin." 

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    @[Kylin] respond if you'd like Smile
    She wants him, so, so badly. And the knowledge that he desires too, makes her feel special and cared for. All she had ever wanted was for someone to hold her, and love her, but none of the males in her life had ever stayed around long enough to allow it to happen. Not that Kylin had known Klaudius very long, nor does she know him very well, but he had always showed genuine intention and had never failed to include her in his life. How that would change tomorrow, is something she refuses to think of.

    Her neck is bend and curved as she reaches out to gently lip at his feathers. She had always loved Kharon’s wings, and how protected they made her feel, and it is no different for Klaudius. In her eyes they make him more attractive, and Kylin just wants to feel them gently tickling her skin. Soft sighs escape past her lavender lips, and she finds herself leaning in, even ghosting after his touch as he moves on. Her tail gently sways, and when he stands at her hip she presses it against Klaudius, shivering ever so slightly. Butterflies flutter in her stomach, and the air around him is filled with their desire. There is no way in hiding that she desperately longs for him, all of him.

    Words are not needed, between them are only glances and exchanged touches. The way she holds her body, presses against him and sighs softly is all proof he needs. He rises and she pushes her rump right back against him. His forelegs fit perfectly around the curve of her hip. It does not take long before sweat covers her coat, painting her lavender a shade darker.

    Too soon their dance is over. Kylin is panting softly, her head slightly lowered to the ground as her whole body is sensitive to any and all touches. A soft moan escapes past her lips, a result of the shiver that jolts down her spine, as Klaudius presses up against her. She finds herself leaning into him, her lips finding the corner of his, where she places a delicate kiss. Still no words, but a flushed and content expression. And a whole lot of affection.

    Sleep takes her too soon, but fighting it is of no use. He is like a comfortable rock against her side, keeping her grounded, making her feel secured and safe. And she instantly realises it is lacking once she starts to stir. Confused she blinks her eyes against the sunlight, only to really find Klaudius gone once she is able to look around. He has left her, without even allowing her to say goodbye.

    @[Klaudius] <3 How could I not reply?

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