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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Oh look, a quest!

    on tarnished golden wings

    Name: Engelsfors {ehn - girl - four}
    Nickname: Enge, Fors, Gelly
    Name Meaning: Angel Fall
    Breed: Swedish Warmblood {Purebred}
    Colour: Palomino {ee/Aa/nCr/nZ} Blue Eyes
    Age: Three Winters
    Appearance: Engelsfors is a brilliant Palomino. A rich gold coat with no dappling or rusty patches. Her mane and tail are an off-white. She has a white blaze and two white stockings on her hinds. She is well-built and muscly. Quite strapping and broadly build from her Warmblood lineage, but leaner as she is still young. She always seems to have quite a glossy coat, her mane and tail like gossamer threads. Well-Proportioned and put together she has got the height of her sire within her, reaching 16.3hh she is quite the tower, when matured she will reach quite the lofty 17.1hh
    Persona: Engelsfors at first glance is a walking beauty; incredibly expensive gold with precious gemstones. First impressions are often proved wrong. They think she is vain, egotistical and flawless. Yes, she is flawless in a way that blown glass can rarely have imperfections if down right. Her breeding, her blood is done right, but what is inside her head, her heart, is blacker than night. She has used her beauty to get many things, mostly the hearts of men. At the tender age of three she has taken a few lives, and this has made her quite the cunning, shrewd mare. she is loyal, and very respectful. Manners are on her top priority, because when someone has manners, they get places. She wants knowledge and will stop at nothing to gain knowledge, in any way.
    Not as sociable as many think

    History: Engelsfors was born in a far off place. A few herds had grouped together in a valley, and Engelsfors' Sire was the one who had founded it. He was a cruel man, ruled the herds with an iron-fist. He had a penchant for beautiful mares and when he met her mother, he had to have her. She was a strong-willed mare and her sire broke her down to nothing. When Engelsfors was born, the herds were in a great conflict, she was the first filly to be born in two years, of course many had their eye on her. Such a polished beauty would certainly not go unnoticed. Engelsfors started her education of life then, and her mother's first lesson was that beauty was everything, beauty got anything and beauty would ultimately destroy you in the end.
    Engelsfors's first year was a hard one, she spent hours listening to her mother's tales. she absorbed everything and created her own little persona, to hide the scared little girl within. A budding yearling she attracted many eyes and she first used her beauty to dispose of one of the few bullies in the herd. He was just a little older than her, he was persistent and she gave in, or so he thought. She lured him into a trap and like a black widow, she struck. Killing him. Blood on her hooves, she started a cycle that blossomed until she took her father's life. She killed her father the very day she left home. She wanted to pave her own destiny and not live within a herd of obsessive men and women. She thought she liberated her mother, but she ended her own life to be with Engelsfors's father. There was a love there, however unrequited. Engelsfors wears a mask, hides her true self behind a graceful and observant demeanour. She has no intentions of letting that up in Beqanna either.
    In Beqanna she heads to the field, where she is met by Straia, Queen of the Chamber. She ends up following, wanting something to do to pass the time, wanting a job to do.
    Where she is: Engelsfors is currently talking to Straia in the field. Mid recruitment so she'll get swept off while the two walk towards the Chamber
    Colours: Deep Burgundy, Blood Red, Soulless Black
    Numbers: 77

    even the angels start to fall

    • Name and physical description of your character (color, age, gender, build, eye color, any important scars/markings, the usual): Bay Tobiano. I envision her with more brown than white. Her bay parts are a more darker, warmer chocolate tone than a red. She has mixtures of black, white, and brown in her mane as well as her tail. She is young, about 1.5 years, and female. I envision her build to be tall and lean, think athletic thoroughbred off the track. Although she has a proportional head to her body, and a slightly thicker muscle tone throughout. Definitely could pass for a lean warmblood. She has haunting blue eyes much like her mother, and no important scars or markings as of yet!

    • Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure: Smother is currently homeless, and I would imagine you would pluck her from the dark solitary shadows of the field. Probably sulking or maybe grudging about her life as of late.

    • Tell me a little bit about your character.  A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think is important. Or, if she’s active, feel free to include a link to a recent post or two.  Or a picture that feels like her, or whatever you think will help convey who she is.  Yes I know this is vague.  Sorry about that.  Roll with it.  It’s going to be okay.  This bit isn't life or death or anything.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask on OOC board or in cbox or what have you. : Smother is a very confused female right now. She was dropped off by her mother, and left in the hands of a man not fit to raise a young girl. She felt unloved and abandoned by her father despite his casual company. Her life took a spin when she learned her father had been off raising his other child instead of herself, and after his hurtful words (and her retaliation) she left. Her family is quite dysfunctional and she is sort of suffering from decades of issues leading up to her birth. Most of the drama that has happened to her are rippling effects from her father, and mother's life prior to her being born. I would say she is very opinionated, and bold in what she has to say. She doesn't take anything for granted, and she treats people exactly how they treat her. She is very open and honest to others, and will eventually suffer the consequences of this trait. A significant negative influence is certainly her father Warship; she loathes him, but cannot stop obsessing about hating him. He makes huge influences on her thinking and her actions, always trying to prove him wrong almost to an unnecessary level. Another negative influence in her life is the "ghost" mother. Her mother that she has never met plays a huge role in her life just by leaving unanswered questions and zero closure.
      Here is a look at her and Warships relationship, as well as a post from her: http://www.beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=663

    • Your three favorite colors. You the player, not you the character. Be as specific or as general as you like, as long as you’re using words instead of numbers.  No wait, feel free to use numbers too if you want, because for example, “puce” means very different things to different people…: #D4FFFE , #29152B, #CBC4FF - idk I just picked 3 colours. I like baby/faded colours or very rich, potent pretty colours. Anything but red or green!

    • Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number.: 94

     Name and physical description of your character (color, age, gender, build, eye color, any important scars/markings, the usual)
    5 yrs
    Silver dapple,has a snip, and scattered scars on her breast and quarters from abusive father
    Rather small pintorabian
    Chocolate brown eyes

    Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure
    --She is wandering the Gates lands alone, inspecting some orange wildflowers she has never before seen.

    Tell me a little bit about your character.  A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think important
    --She is a little southern belle,bit of a stubborn streak at times,all around kind and loving. Timid and resentful around males she does not know,as her father was cruel and abusive. Very warm and touchy with other females,she doesn't hesitate to get in their personal space for some grooming or greetings.
    The Fray-You found me
    Field thread

    Your three favorite colors.
    [Image: glpaper%24192203924(s).jpg]
    [Image: 532136750f145392_4698-w422-h212-b0-p0--c...-paint.jpg]
    [Image: tumblr_lixvj78Phd1qezwmho1_500.jpg]

    Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number.



    I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
    tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife

    Name and physical description of your character (color, age, gender, build, eye color, any important scars/markings, the usual):
    He’s his father’s son, but that’s not saying much, for the boy is born of two men.
    So, let’s try again: he is Garbage’s son, black all the way down and well-built. His body betrays little of the Arabian lineage, it prefers the thicker breeds, mustangs and god-knows what else. He is not particularly muscular; he has nothing to train for and no bloodlust (he prefers prostrations to battle, never understood the unique art of hoof and teeth to skin). His eyes do lack Garbage’s orange jack-lantern hue, instead they are his other father’s – a soft brown, a creature gentled, a creature who still remembers with a strange ache the way Garbage would lay his cheek across his back for just a moment too long.
    He bears few scars. There are a few unimportant lines across his legs, encounters with thorns and unforgiving underbrush. Most of his battles took place inside his head, and are not displayed for them to see. The only ones of note are on his knees – they are bare and hairless from spending so much time prostate on them, bent in ways horses are not meant to bend.
    All in all, he is an unremarkable boy. There is perhaps a bit of uniqueness in his becoming – a boy created by magic but ultimately ordinary, a boy whose father (Garbage, the one who remained, for Cancer had left by then, left both of them) taught him garbled prayers, who kept him on his knees.
    (Garbage left too. He does not know why. He was never a particularly perceptive boy, and he never realized the twist in Garbage’s heart when his orange eyes trailed over Sleaze’s growing body.)

    Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure:
    Wandering. He is always wandering. There has been no place for him since that nameless meadow where Garbage raised him. He drifts in and out of Beqanna, feeling no real fidelity to any particular land (his blood holds promises of the old guard – the flavor of kings and queens from the deserts and valley and dale, but none of those lands appeal to him). When he comes, he mostly goes to the meadow (where he’d once met a mare, a mother figure, who had held him close and he still wonders about her, what they had been; and what, exactly, he had wanted from her).
    He is in the meadow now, when the magic wraps its shackles around his ankles. He feels it like a particular weight, a pressure around the fetlocks, a tightening, and for a moment he wonders if his legs are about to be severed, and he wonders if this is the end.
    He has never been a particularly strong boy, and he doubts he’d survive for long, amputated so.
    But instead the magic yanks him forth, all of him. His stomach drops as he travels, and he sees things from the corner of his eye as he goes and he thinks one of them looks like his father and then he thinks, I’m going mad, I’m finally going mad.
    (He’s wondered often enough when it would happen, it seemed inevitable: the religious zealot who sometimes battles queer feelings he cannot quite grasp or describe, the boy who spent hours on his knees mumbling prayers to half-formed gods.)
    But the spiraling world stills and he is now in a new land, one he does not quite recognize. He stands and makes no attempt to still his shaking knees.
    “I’m here,” he says, as much to himself as to the beings around him.

    Tell me a little bit about your character. A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think is important. Or, if she’s active, feel free to include a link to a recent post or two. Or a picture that feels like her, or whatever you think will help convey who she is. Yes I know this is vague. Sorry about that. Roll with it. It’s going to be okay. This bit isn't life or death or anything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on OOC board or in cbox or what have you:
    He is the child of lovers who were halfway out the door. Cancer, the gray magician who fell in love like the west was won, had magicked him, made Sleaze from himself and from his lover, Garbage. But before Sleaze finished gestating in Garbage’s magicked womb the gray magician had left them, chasing his macaw-winged androgen.
    (Garbage had no hard feelings. Even then, Garbage always expected them to leave him.)
    So Sleaze was raised with only one father. He was raised to believe in gods that Garbage could neither fully articulate nor fully believe in, but Sleaze believed in ways his father never could. He took to prayer like a fish to water, spent enough time on his knees to wear them bear. Sometimes Garbage would join him, and sometimes Garbage would lay his cheek across his back and Sleaze could hear the heartbeat.
    (He has never been a particularly bright boy, and he didn’t know the turmoil that raged inside Garbage, who never quite knew how to love him as he should a son, the edges were blurred for Garbage, washed away by the storms.)
    This is what Sleaze is: a strange religious zealot who is no longer quite sure who or what to pray to.
    This is what Sleaze is: a lost boy, an isolated boy, a boy who wants things he cannot quite decipher.
    This is what Sleaze is: never a particularly bright or strong or perceptive boy, who does not know why he is here or why his ankles still ache form the magic shackles that drew him forth.

    Your three favorite colors. You the player, not you the character. Be as specific or as general as you like, as long as you’re using words instead of numbers. No wait, feel free to use numbers too if you want, because for example, “puce” means very different things to different people…:
    1. Purple. Dark purple, like #6A287E.
    2. Pink. Bright/deep pink, like #F52887
    3. Black. Just normal black, no hexcode.

    Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number:

    cancer x garbage
    Name: Shannisoran
    Color: Bay, will grey
    Age: 6 months
    Gender: Male
    Build: Tall and well muscled. He takes after the Kladruby quite a bit in his build, though he has slightly more refined features and will grow to be only about 16hh. At the moment he has the lankiness of youth.
    Eye color: Very dark brown, almost black
    Markings: He has a full blaze down his face, a sock on his left front leg, and a full stocking on his right front leg.
    Other: Ultimately he will end up being grey with slightly darker dappling down his legs and along his haunches. The greying process has not yet started though, so he is currently a slightly darker bay.
    Where your character is and what he is doing: He has just left his mother and is about to make his entrance in the meadow for the first time. Frankly he hasn't yet done very much as he is still very young. At the moment, he is simply wandering and exploring, growing into his manhood.
    Tell me a little bit about your character: Unfortunately Shannisoran does not yet have much history, as he is only 6 months old. He is just leaving his mother to explore the big wide world. He is a very quiet, serious colt. He only speaks when he feels what he has to say is important. His dreams for when he is older is to become a strong, brave warrior. To that effect, he will soon search out a kingdom to which he will swear his loyalty and fight for. Additionally, he is fiercely protective of what he cares for.
    Your three favorite colors: Teal (#026963), Dusky Purple (#664a64), Pale Silver (#dddddd)
    Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number: 27

    I call her the devil
    cause she makes me wanna sin

    Bay leopard appaloosa, will gray.
    3 or 4
    Spanish Norman/Tiger Horse Hybrid - big, but not draft big. A little bulkier on the front end, and has a short back with round, compact flanks. About 15.5hh
    Blue eyes.

    It’s hard to tell where Shaytan is at the moment. She’s already kind of wandered off from the Chamber, rather discouraged by her fail at diplomacy. Also, she wants bunnies. So with that in mind, Shaytan has most likely moseyed over the Meadow and is standing very, very still (like a statue), waiting for the bunnies to forget she is a bunny-eating horse, and come back around.

    Shaytan is a little weird and that’s no surprise, given that Bel is her dad, and her mom, Xyster, was apparently more than a little nutso. She spent her childhood in the Meadow, with a less than attentive father, and never really made any friends. Probably because she liked to kill bugs and then mice and voles, and then bunnies. After awhile, she grew sick of Bel’s lackadaisical and yet, tyrannical parenting style and left for other prospects. She found the Chamber, and then her half-brother, Navarro, found her. He's always kind of been her puppy dog. Shaytan developed an infatuation with Straia, the Chamber Queen… but she can’t quite bring herself to stay there because it isn’t green and there aren’t any bunnies… and she really isn’t very good at anything.

    TL, DR; Likes to kill bunnies, alternately ignored and chastised as a child, and in love with Straia. I like to think that she has Aspergers.

    I like #a71c1s - maroon/blood reddish, #295eff - a blue blue, and white white white

    Number 0.


    and every time she knocks
    I can't help but let her in

    Name: Malis
    Age: Four
    Gender: Female
    Build: Malis is very much a hybrid. She’s 15hh and on the leaner side of stocky. She isn’t overly muscular, but she is athletic after a childhood of playing with the Jungles cats with her dad. She’s pretty, feminine, but nothing overly special. If tomboy has a look, she’s probably it.
    Color: Bay Sabino – She’s a dark bay with four white stockings. The left back stocking extends up to her belly a little by a narrow strip on the front on the back leg. She has a thick blaze, and her chin and a strip underneath her jaw all the way back to her throat are also white. Her mane/forelock is black, as is all but the tip of her tail which fades to white. No scars yet.
    Eye Color: Green
    What Was She Doing: She was probably sulking around the Chamber somewhere because she’s good at that. She hasn’t been in a great mindset since her dad left the family and they in turn moved to the Chamber. There’s also a good chance she was spying on Erebor because he both intrigues her and reminds her of her father which is both good and bad.
    About Malis: Malis is the firstborn of Makai and Oksana. She was a very spoiled, very loved only child for about two years until suddenly siblings, which she actually took to well. The role of protector comes instinctively to her. But she’s also very emotional. This embarrasses her and makes her feel utterly vulnerable which she also hates, so she usually puts up a tough front. This makes it more difficult for her to make friends, which is why her family is her only friends so far. Malis was also super close with her dad, Makai, and when he left them in the night with nothing more than his haunted eyes and an apology, her heart kind of broke. She still hasn’t forgiven him and as a result, she carries that anger like a sword. Feeling so emotionally tattered makes her want to make reckless decisions because anything has to hurt less than this. Poor Malis.
    My Three Favorite Colors: INDIGO INDIGO INDIGO. Okay or Indigo, Gold, Fuchsia? Idk favorites are hard
    Baby Stat Generator: 31

    i am doing this at work during my five second lunch break because the internet is out at home, i hope everything is right/there  D:
    1. Ephrelle is a one and a half-year old hybrid filly. She is a mixed breed, but looks nearly exactly like a warlander. She's a smoky black varnish roan, but has very little white yet because of her age (and my imagination). She has bottle green eyes and no noticeable scars. She has an Amazon tattoo of a green fine and red flower on her chest, and for now her personal tattoo is a very tiny honeybee that moves around the vine/flower. She will eventually grow to be 16hh, but for now is probably closer to 14.2.

    2. Ephrelle has just started a jump over a 2 foot high, moss-covered, fallen log in the amazons. She often runs through the jungle as a training exercise.

    3. Ephrelle, often called Ellie, was born in the Amazons. She and her twin brother, Yronwood, are the result of a one night stand that their mother had. Ephrelle met Nayl, another young Amazon, and is platonically enamored with the other filly. She swore herself to serve the Jungle at six months old, so she’s been a full sister for just barely over a year now. She wants to be the very best Amazon, but has no desire for power, just personal improvement. She is incredibly curious and care-free, and has a vibrant personality. She wants to be friends with everyone, and is fortunate enough to have never come across anything even remotely bad or dangerous in her young life. She has dreams of having a grand romance and falling in love, but I think she might be too flighty to ever actually settle down. She’s very trusting, and while not immensely intelligent, is fairly clever. She’s never met her father, her mother has recently left Beqanna, and she considers her brother and Nayl to be her best friends.

    4. purple(#642EFE), green (#58FA82), and silver

    5. 45


    vithiraki and charoki of the amazons

    Name and physical description of your character (color, age, gender, build, eye color, any important scars/markings, the usual)

    Yronwood: He is Ephrelle's twin, and thus also about a year and a half old and of hybrid breeding. He is a red chestnut blanket appaloosa in color, and has emerald green eyes. He has no scars or markings other than the appy spots, and will end up around 16hh when grown.

    Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure

    He is probably wandering around the Jungle, feeling bored/restless, and making nebulous plans to visit the Tundra soon.

    Tell me a little bit about your character. A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think is important. Or, if she’s active, feel free to include a link to a recent post or two. Or a picture that feels like her, or whatever you think will help convey who she is. Yes I know this is vague. Sorry about that. Roll with it. It’s going to be okay. This bit isn't life or death or anything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on OOC board or in cbox or what have you.

    Yronwood is friendly to a point, but tends to be cautious about putting too much trust in horses that he has just met, preferring to wait and see how they are over time before committing himself fully to a new friendship/relationship. He loves and admires both his mother and his twin sister, and misses the former greatly already. Unlike Ephrelle, he hasn't made any non-familial connections in the Jungle yet, and hasn't really any notions of doing so, since he is planning to eventually go elsewhere.

    http://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1427 yronwood with dorne and ephrelle

    http://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1210 yronwood with ephrelle and yayl

    Your three favorite colors. You the player, not you the character. Be as specific or as general as you like, as long as you’re using words instead of numbers. No wait, feel free to use numbers too if you want, because for example, “puce” means very different things to different people…

    Fire-engine Red
    Emerald Green

    Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number.


    Love is Blindness
    Love is clockworks and it's cold steel
    Fingers too numb to feel
    Name: Fraktyr
    Color: Smokey Black
    Age: 1
    Gender: Male
    Build: Tall and muscular (thoroughbred/warlander hybrid)
    Eye color: Chocolatey brown

    Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure

    He is on his way to meet his father for the first time with his mom

    Tell me a little bit about your character:

    Fraktyr is really sweet and insecure. He is really quiet and nervous about meeting his father since all he wants is a normal family life. His mother isn't the most compassionate mother figure ever and it has made Fraktyr constantly looking for affection.

    Your three favorite colors:

    Royal blue
    pastel sky blue
    dark copper

    Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number.


    I don't want to see

    Fraktyr | Hybrid | Smokey Black | Colt

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