"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
This quest is going to be a bit of a mystery, friends. Instead of the usual jumping right in intro post, I’m going to get your info first and dive in from there. This will be a writing quest, it’s just going to be a bit of a surprise, yeah? Trust me, it’ll be fun. SO. No limit on the number of entries, aside from the usual one entry per player. However! The Fairy Godfather has a few other rules. It doesn’t matter if your character has been posted. There are no prior activity requirements. But no entrant may have any trace of unnatural color. No entrant may have participated in any previous quest (the character, not the player. Player can have been in as many as you want, the Fairy Godfather doesn’t care about that.) And no entrant may have any trait at all. Not genetic, not kingdom-granted, nada. Also, keep in mind that there’s a possibility of defect acquisition through participating in this quest, as usual.
One last thing: this is not a speed-based quest. You will be given specific timeframes (24 hours, 48 hours, the weekend, whatever) and elimination will NOT be based on who is fastest or slowest. Elimination will mainly be based on your creativity, your horse’s interactions with the world and the characters she* finds there, and the choices she makes. Still interested? Good!
Here’s what the Fairy Godfather needs from you to get started:
Name and physical description of your character (color, age, gender, build, eye color, any important scars/markings, the usual)
Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure
Tell me a little bit about your character. A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think is important. Or, if she’s active, feel free to include a link to a recent post or two. Or a picture that feels like her, or whatever you think will help convey who she is. Yes I know this is vague. Sorry about that. Roll with it. It’s going to be okay. This bit isn't life or death or anything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on OOC board or in cbox or what have you.
Your three favorite colors. You the player, not you the character. Be as specific or as general as you like, as long as you’re using words instead of numbers. No wait, feel free to use numbers too if you want, because for example, “puce” means very different things to different people…
Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number.
You have 24 hours to enter. Good luck!
* Character can be male. Picking one gender is just less awkward than typing s/he all the time. -_-
Name: Erebor Color: Black (Ee/aa) Age: 2 years Gender: Male Build: Stocky, muscular, and powerful. Looks older than his age. He spends a lot of his time working on physical conditioning, as he is trained to be (and hopes one day to be) a strong warrior. Basically, he's the equine equivalent of a male model, the kind that looks like the boy next door. Stands approximately 15 HH currently, may grow a little more. Eye color: Brown Scars/markings: None of the above. He hasn't yet fought in an actual battle, although he's put in a lot of time training for an actual battle. He does not have any markings, and is entirely black. What is he doing when plucked from normal life? Erebor is patrolling the borders of the Chamber. He does this habitually, walking round and round because he is not quite old enough yet to go to the Field and recruit without raising eyebrows because of his age. When he is plucked he is passing through the pine forests, marveling at the way the trees are starting to sprout up and come back to life through the thick coating of ash. A little bit about Erebor: Erebor can be very well described as the Captain America of the Chamber, but Erebor's moral code is "anything for the Chamber". He was born of a loveless political coupling between Warship and Straia, born specifically to provide an heir and be new blood in the Chamber. He's always been precocious and acted older than his age. He's poised, he's confident, he's a fast learner, and he pushes himself hard for the Chamber. He always holds himself like a cadet, at attention, because he's been trained to be a good soldier. He's also handsome – he's been described (by others) as a model type, although he doesn't have the overwhelming self-confidence that can often accompany some models. His is a quiet self-assurance, not a cockiness. He can be charming when he chooses, although in his natural state he prefers to be direct like his mother. He esteems both his parents and loves his family, but in a reserved way rather than a demonstrative way. The picture in his HTML represents him well – his strength, and also the fact that he's jaw-droppingly handsome. But mostly his strength. Yup. Example posts:A conversation he's just starting with Ea, showing how he can be charming. Jumping into a conversation his mother is having with a new Chamber recruit, showing how he can be a little more direct, but also still a little charming. Favorite colors: Navy blue (e.g. #001146), deep wine red (e.g. #990012), very dark green (e.g. 053D0E) Baby stat generator: 95
Name and physical description of your character
- Syl is a hybrid mare, through and through. The most recent injections of pure blood into her family history (which was a few generations ago), were Falabella, Friesian, Shetland and Anglo-Arabian. So I sort of imagine her as a finer boned, short friesian without the feathering (she's only 14 hh). She's not terribly powerfully built, because she did have to spent her younger years scrounging to survive. Because of this huge mix in heritage I don't imagine her as being particularly pretty, but because ~*~*magic*~*~ she's not a huge mess conformation wise like some hybrid can be. Her eyes are an ordinary brown, and her coat is black tobiano, with a pattern that looks something like this http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/0...39mwu0.jpg (the important part is the dark head, other parts of the pattern could be subject to change, obviously she doesn't look like the horse in the picture other than the coat xD). She doesn't have any particular scars or anything, but hey, maybe after this quest that could change. xD
Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure
- Well, I know it hasn't officially happened yet, but since it will, and I'd like to have her time line make sense, this will happen after she's gone home with Kreios to Orange Country. I'll say she's exploring the canyons in Orange County when she gets whisked away - she finds a cave in one of the canyons, and is just going in to investigate.
Tell me a little bit about your character. A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think is important.
- Syl was born in the meadow to Sand, daughter of Kars and Elite. Sand was looked down upon by her parents for not being special (no traits or colours), and when she saw that her daughter (that she'd had with Azriel, then king of the Valley), was also not special, she abandoned her, but not before ranting to her about their 'glorious' family history. Young Syl was horrified by what she heard and left Beqanna immediately and spent a great many years roaming the lands outside of Beqanna without any particular intent in mind. She heard more rumours about her family during that time, especially about the massacre that Elite instigated and generally became disgusted with her family. Despite her disgust towards her family, she gradually began to feel a pull back towards the land where she was born and eventually she gave in and made her way to the field. She's particularly terrified of someone figuring out that she is the granddaughter of Elite, and associating her with all of those tragedies (never mind the fact that she had nothing to do with them, lol), and will do her best to never go to the Valley. In the field she met (and is currently talking to, technically), Kreios, who is both a part of the Deserts, and the lead stallion of Orange Country. He has offered her a home in his herd land, and she will join his herd in the next post or two, which is why I would like this to happen after she has gone there, time-line wise, just to not cause confusion. She is nursing the tiniest crush on him at the moment, and thinks he's handsome. Personality wise she's a little unsure of herself and self-conscious, but I think once she's tested, she will start showing some hidden steel. She has more strength than she thinks she does. xD If she does end up getting something in this quest she will be terribly conflicted about it, since she will associate it with 'special-ness' and therefore with her mother and her grandmother. Part of her will be happy that she is finally special, but part of her will be horrified to have become potentially more similar to her grandmother.
- Here's a link to her thread with Kreios. http://beqanna.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1653
Your three favorite colors.
- Blue (especially deep, bright blues, like royal blue or cobalt blue), Purple (again, deeper, bright purples, like royal purple or even violet, which yes I know is in-between blue and purple :| ) and darker greens.
Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number.
- 10
Name and physical description of your character (color, age, gender,build, eye color, any important scars/markings, the usual) Erling. I'm bending time here and saying he's about 6/7. He's of average height, about 15.3-16h, and stocky. He is very gray - he was born a dark dapple gray and is a slightly lighter shade now. Has gray eyes. He has no scars or markings but is perpetually dirty and his mane/tail matted.
Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure He's probably walking or standing around the meadow trying to talk to someone.
Tell me a little bit about your character. A little about her personality, her history, significant influences, whatever you think is important. Or, if she’s active, feel free to include a link to a recent post or two. Or a picture that feels like her, or whatever you think will help convey who she is. Yes I know this is vague. Sorry about that. Roll with it. It’s going to be okay. This bit isn't life or death or anything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on OOC board or in cbox or what have you. He was born to Adolf and Desirae, neither of whom were big on parenting, and kind of raised himself because of that. Also because of this he's pretty naive. Very outgoing - always trying to make friends and meet new people but he is rarely able to because he's pretty annoying and he also turns others gray on accident (which he does by touching them, BUT IT'S A DEFECT). But he means well. Just imagine that guy who's always like HEY WHAT'S UP HOW'S IT GOING and everyone's like, oh, it's Steve again. Great.
Your three favorite colors. You the player, not you the character. Be as specific or as general as you like, as long as you’re using words instead of numbers. No wait, feel free to use numbers too if you want, because for example, “puce” means very different things to different people… A bright pink (#ff96ca), a nice royal blue (#4169e1), and a mint-y green (#bced91)
Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number. 84
Sorry if the formatting is messed up at all, I'm on my phone
Name: Sinder Age: Eight years old Color/Appearance/Markings: He's a bay tobiano with a white face. Amidst the white, there's black-brown surrounding his eyes and lining his lips like the face of a malicious clown. His eyes are a deep brown - nothing extreme as they are hooded and contemplative. Sinder isn't one to stand out much. His build is somewhat stocky due to mustang and hodge-podge descent, but he isn't exactly muscular. Most of his days are spent relaxing in the shadows of an oasis or woods. With no interest to fight Sinder lacks motivation to build and tone himself. He is more of a snake in the grass than a gladiator. Location: Taking life as it comes in the Desert What is he doing when he's plucked by a magic being? Sinder is threading through the oasis minding his own. His thoughts are drifting in and out of the present and past. He is a straggler among his ambitious peers; he has no interest in being a king or even a high ranked member. So, he simply wanders in utter silence. About Sinder: As mentioned before, he is more of a snake in the grass. He slithers along keeping to himself but addresses obstacles as they come to face him. At one point in time he was lustful of stirring chaos but his lack of voice inhibits him. Communication is vital for someone with plans and so he has fallen into a quiet hiatus, taking the time to enjoy peace.
His history, you ask?
Sinder was borne to Kindling and Osric - two lovers - but at a young age he watched as his parents separated. Mother fell for someone else before vanishing. Father ended up being killed by a horrific creature. Sinder's twin, Smolder, inherited the throne while he stood in her shadow. She was all he had then and so he was overly protective of her especially after seeing (and smelling) the different men on her. Eventually, however, Smolder disappeared as their mother had. It left him alone and confused. He quickly found company and some amount of solace in a young girl named Noori. She took the place of Smolder as he wanted to keep her all to himself. She was the only one he would try communicating with. He didn't love her - love doesn't exist in his eyes - but he wanted to use her in some way that could bring him out of his family's shadow. Together, they had a child, Nihlus, who Sinder has yet to meet. Since then, he has kept to himself after realizing that Noori also had flings with two other stallions. It solidified what he has always told himself: love does not exist. My three favorite colors: I love teal, pinks, and sky/royal/caribbean blue. First number from baby roll: 91
Name: Speck Description:
Color: Chestnut
Age: Under 1 year
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Blue
Color: Chestnut with star
Build: Speck does have some falabella in her. She is small for her age. Where: Speck has been chilling with her mom, Bother, for most of her childhood. Before the quest begins she will be on her way to the tundra to meet her dad. She would most likely be skipping her way to the Tundra in joyful bliss. Personality: Speck is a curious little gal. She loves to taste test absolutely everything. Think puppy during the biting/tasting stage. I have not posted with her yet (foals make me nervous), but she is sweet natured and blissfully ignorant. Her main personality trait though is her curiosity- she will approach everything and at least lick it Color: Orange, Yellow, Lime green (Happy colors!) Roll: 53
Name: Dagny
Age: Weanling
Gender: Female
Physical Description: Abstang hybrid; slim and leggy baby build with fluffy mane & tail and dished face. Chestnut sabino - not minimal but not a lot of white (white blaze, chin spot, white legs, some white on belly - classic sabino) with hazel-greenish eyes. No scars yet.
Where your character is and what she is doing when, as per quest-usual, she gets plucked out of her ordinary life by some magical being and thrown into adventure: Dagny is playing with her twin, Olivier, in the Tundra. They usually like to play in the wide-open spaces, but it's not unusual to find them frolicking in the deepest secret caves or on the cold ocean shores. When they're tired, they sleep together under the watchful eye of their father Brennen. One idyllic childhood - check.
Tell me a little bit about your character: Dagny is brave and impetuous, a carefree little girl who's never really met a stranger. She'd be the child who insisted on wearing her dress-up play clothes to school, complete with those funny fake wings. Or the teenager with the pixie haircut died all the colors of the rainbow. Always smiling, always adventuring, though with a crazy quickfire temper when you get her riled. She and her twin were brought to be raised by their father as soon as they were weaned, but he dotes on them and they don't lack for love or care.
Your three favorite colors: sunshine yellow (#FFCC33), pomeroy blue (#5599CC), and navy (#000033).
Go roll the baby stat generator and give me the first number: 33
name: munroe
gender: male
age: 3
breed: mustang hybrid
color: classic champagne dun with hazel eyes
build: currently a little too thin for his build; lean and kind of straggly-looking; currently no outstanding markings/scars
current setting: He would currently be staying as close as he possibly can to Yael, but far enough away to not interfere with her newly adopted daughter. So they would probably be out and about somewhere near an oasis where he would be silently hanging back behind the pair.
personality: He's very standoffish and immediately distrustful of strangers. He doesn't speak very well and he's considerably still rather feral sometimes. He had been abandoned in the meadow and adopted by a kind deaf mare so he never really learned how to communicate well. But during a particularly harsh winter, his adopted mother had been viciously attacked and killed by a pack of wolves. After falling incredibly ill and hungry and cold, Yael happened upon the wild boy in the meadow and began the process of taming him. He's fiercely loyal to her and those she cares for and she is pretty much the center of his world. But he found himself in the middle of a freak sandstorm one day and he was lost to Yael. He has finally found his way home now after months of wandering the harsh desert.
favorite colors: any blues, black, and lighter greens
baby stat number: 89