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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    gathering ideas
    I've been having some thoughts, but before I implement them I wanted to check and see what other members of the Tundra (and their players) think of the ideas.

    Thought 1: Add more levels of ranks to the castes. Right now there are only 2.
    Addition to Thought 2: Do we want to stick with two castes? Should we combine them into one caste? Should we add another castes? Ideas for these other castes? My preliminary thought was to have little pockets of castes - border patrol, thieves, army, air force, politicians/diplomats, recruiters - and any horse can be in any number of these, but there might not be ranks within the many castes, except to have a lead?

    Thought 2: Make a point system for rank advancement (getting 10 points equal a promotion, etc)
    Addition to Thought 2: What actions should be worth which points?

    Thought 3: Please help me think of cool Tundra ideas. Should we re-enforce the ice wall? forget about it entirely? make a fun map of the tundra? anything is game Smile
    Hey, hope you don't mind me dropping in?

    I've been thinking of joining the Tundra with one of my boys (in fact it's Viento's half brother, if you remember Viento at all? Smile ) Hopefully it'll give me a bit more of a muse spurt.

    Regarding your ideas, I love the added levels. Like having certain jobs to do and having certain titles (Sort of reminds me of a supermarket? don't know why! Im weird like that.) And Point systems sound excellent Smile

    Again, hope you didn't mind me dropping by! Just wanted to run it by you before I thrust a random Aneku Tundra's way?
    Yep so Brennen is here with two kids this season at least and also Cagney exists but is basically useless unless Elite is in trouble, so don't worry about him except maybe put him in residents.

    Love the ideas of more specific jobs, though maybe they could still report to two main leads? So general/head diplomat would still be positions. I dunno, maybe the little groups would't work without more of us. :| I DON'T KNOW THE THINGS KAHZIE.

    Points are ok I guess. I feel like it makes thinks fairer, in a sense, to the players who work hard and post a lot but yet complicated and hard to account for the sometime fluid reality of things that happen in our heads. And also hard for those of us who do make quality, but not quantity, of posts XD But if we're gonna go with points I think successful steal/recruit/challenge/block should be the most, training activities completed & attempted recruits/challenges/steals would be less. And then visiting things and general activity in there somewhere. On a personal and selfish note, sometimes I hate point systems because there comes a time in one's life when doing challenges over and over is just tedious, even if you have a warrior character, but as long as there are other ways to earn points that don't involve writing an endless number of battle posts I have no real objection. Also I trust you so whatever you want is fiiiine.

    Also according to Crito and Brennen's thread with Straia and Erebor, Bren already put the ice wall back up. Hope that's ok. It makes him feel better about life. XD I am all for maps. If it gets left where he put it it extends to the ocean/insurmountable cliffs and has only a couple openings. I like maps. I like the cave. Also the ocean, the ocean is cool.
    (05-30-2015, 11:46 PM)I love the ice wall, I feel like that should just be a permanent Tundra thing even without Brennan\s magic. Wrote: Are we still going with the cave inside of the magical ruins still? You could always make that a "part" of the ice wall. Like the ice wall is formed around it or the cave is built into the ice wall...idk. Just a thought.

    I like the addition to the castes i.e. the specific jobs. I also like the idea of a point system for promotions, etc, however, to touch on what Devin said, I feel like that kind of gives an advantage to the quantity v quality posters. I think that promotions should weigh heavily on some kind of point system, but ultimately be up to the king/queen or leader of the castes for all things considered. The air force is a cool idea, obviously only ones with wings could participate but I love that idea. 

    Warhorses (army?) - Air force - Border patrol/Fortification (also maintaining the wall etc) - 

    I like the idea of having a spymaster, etc but idk if that goes into diplomatic/army ranks. I'd suppose more of the army ranks considering thats not very diplomatic. 

    In addition, I just really want some damn polar bears. CAN WE MAKE THAT HAPPEN. 

    Also, Kratos has yet to do the cave thing. Are we still doing the cave brother initiation thing? Or something new?
    charmx of coruse i remember viento! and i'm glad you're here with a new guy. welcome back! xD

    so my thought with the multiple jobs that i just had. all horses will still be in the same two divisions (peace and war, though maybe also have an airforce with so many winged horses?) but when hovering overthier names, their other rank/job will appear?

    also yes, ice wall is good! i'll maybe sketch something up and get everyone's input before having like, an actual art person make it look pretty Tongue

    and yes, still doing the cave thing! i was holding off for the new magical entity thing to kick in first, but if you want kratos to go do it now that's totes fine! Smile

    also, what about just keeping a list of what everyone's done?
    not necessarily points, but you can list recruits, battles, etc, and also any unposted training that your character does. so if like they go and chat up a horse in the meadow or run 20 miles around the tundra in your head you can write that on there too?
    So I love the idea of having a training list.

    Maybe the army cast leader can make a misc training thread where you can post your various random trainings like you said, patrol, running around the wall, etc. It can be optional and just something extra from your character? It might be fun to even go so far as to add little details like the ones below. 

    Ex. 1
    Brother1 completed total patrol of the Tundra borders ___ times this week. He greeted __ number of horses including ____, no injuries.

    Brother1 tracked polar bear tracks in the northeast corner of the Tundra, inside of the ice wall. Was unable to locate bear, trail was lost. No injuries.

    Brother1 encountered wolf pack within ice wall, was able to safely flee. Left fore hoof was injured in chase. 

    Idk. Something like that. 

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