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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I Was Lightning Before the Thunder[Kylin]
    He does not understand. Klaudius promises, promises her, right here and now, that everything will be okay.  How can it be okay when it is not safe? And why is it not safe? Ischia has always been safe. It is the only stable thing in her life. All Kylin can do is stare up at Klaudius with teary eyes, as she slowly shakes her head, not understanding whatever it is that is going on.

    Not until he offers her a clarifying answer. A bit more clarifying answer that is, because each answer only brings up more questions. More denial too. There is no way this true, right? This couldn’t be happening. But, on the other hand, Kylin sees no sigh of her absent family members. Nor does she smell them. “T-they’re gone?” she manages to mumble, tears filling her eyes.

    He said we. Her heart skips a beat, thinking he meant them, just him and her, only to have that thought crushed because, one, he had already send his family – Krone and the twins – away, and two, Kylin really could not leave. She does not want to either. Enough to make her heart crumble.

    Things happen quickly after that. Kylin backing away, Klaudius following. She is shaking as she presses herself up against his chest, welcoming the embrace. Not only does she need something to hold on to, she wants him too. So, so badly. Even if he would leave at the end of the day. Kylin does not even attempt to stop the tears, instead she just squeezes her eyes shut and allows herself to cry, because Klaudius is here to hold her.

    Or isn’t he? As he backs away her teary hazel eyes search his, and her sobs become more violent just from the thought of Klaudius leaving alone. No. No, he couldn’t be leaving. Relief, followed by sadness, roll over her. Kylin does not hesitate to press closer. Her body is pressed against his, the velvet of her nose pressed against the corner of his mouth. “S-stay..” she murmurs, body trembling with both grief and need. “Please stay.”

    Even if it is only one more night.
    Even if it will kill her in the end.

    @[Klaudius] <3

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    RE: I Was Lightning Before the Thunder[Kylin] - by Kylin - 05-04-2018, 03:05 PM

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