He offers all he can. One night is all he could allow her right now. He needed to get to Tephra to ensure his children got there safely. To secure them a new home. They did not belong to the brotherhood. Or perhaps the brotherhood did not belong to them.
He was unsure of many things but what he was not that he wanted Kylin to follow him. Wanting to protect her and offer her a home. A true home. One filled with happiness and everything a home is. A place is not home. The people you surround yourself with is home. He could not show this to her if she was unwilling to look beyond the island. It is all she knows though and he understands this. So when she is trembling and falling apart in front of him once again, he steps forward. Pressing his lavender body into hers and allowing her to lean into him. His lips trail gently along the base of her withers and begin to move towards her unique assets. The shimmering fins folded at her sides felt foreign to touch. Not that he hasn't felt something of that texture before, but that he is touching her here. Along her body in such a way that makes his thoughts churn within his cranium. Of all the ways he wanted to love her and show his dedication to her. Wishing she would feel the same.
As his muzzle glides along the bridge of bone that held the wings taunt, his nostrils flare at her scent surrounding them. Along the shoreline luminescent plankton begins to glows in a marvelous display only found along the isles coast. The evening air was cool but humid and a gentle breeze offered little relief from the thickness of the air. He found it familiar and in a way comforting but no more than the company that he spent the evening with. He again thinks of his family and wanting Kylin to be part of it. His ears flicker at the sounds of her whimpered breaths. Placing gentle kisses along the base of her neck, he shifts slightly backwards and away from her. Following the length of her neck back to her cheek. The heat of his breath hits the chilled night air, causing small puffs of vapor. With a deep baritone whisper, he presses his lips to her cheek again, "Be mine Kylin... I will keep you safe and we can make a home together..." He pauses briefly, "You'll never be alone again..." He is insinuating something. A start of a family.
@[Kylin] I imagine a ring would be involved here XD