07-14-2015, 08:49 PM
Sunday could not have guessed the depths of her sisters' triumphs on the quest, nor have understood her lows. Her empathy, her ability to read colors, her magick - they only allow her to peek. She cannot truly see, she cannot truly live in the others shoes. A great flood of emotion is but a snapshot of the reality of Rhy and her quest. Her words are calm, but haunted, and Sunday (dear Sunday, who knows very little about love and affection) knows only how to comfort others.
She extends her muzzle and places it gently on Rhy's shoulder, sending her gentle, quiet vibes into the mare. Anything, she reasons, anything to help the other.
And her new ability! Sunday laughs gleefully at the movement, both impressed and excited for her sister. "It appears that much has changed," she agrees.
She extends her muzzle and places it gently on Rhy's shoulder, sending her gentle, quiet vibes into the mare. Anything, she reasons, anything to help the other.
And her new ability! Sunday laughs gleefully at the movement, both impressed and excited for her sister. "It appears that much has changed," she agrees.
the amazons magickal mare
the amazons magickal mare