wait and hope; any - Pharaon - 06-23-2015
“All human wisdom is contained in these two words - Wait and Hope”
-Alexandre Dumas
She had been gone for sometime, wandering, thinking, waiting. For what and why she did not know, maybe she could not understand. But something subconscious drove her away, drove her on a journey of self discovery. And time passed quickly in this state, slipping like grains of sand through the hour glass. It was a year before the little dappled grey returned home. Autumn had once again taken hold of the land of Beqanna, but the ever green Amazons was just as hot and humid as she remembered.
It is night as she neared the border. Her flame lace coat glows softly in the rising light of the moon, creating a warm, encompassing light around her. She pauses, breathing in the strong scent of the jungle flowers, and vines, and earth. Home. She knew her sisters would recognize her - whether by scent of by the tattoo she bore upon her forearm. She also knew they would understand and accept her absence. She was ready to begin again, to strive to make her home, her family better. Pharaon was ready for whatever life had in store.
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ooc: back! Sorry I was gone for so long. Life is hectic Missed you guys!
RE: wait and hope; any - Rhy - 06-30-2015
and when I breathed, my breath was lightning Rhy has taken to stalking the Amazons while being invisible. She’s practicing, you see, because this new trait is starting to prove supremely fun. And perhaps more to the point, it could prove to be supremely useful. Imagine what she could learn as a ghost, invisible to the naked eye, wandering around other kingdoms. Everything, really. Though not in the Valley or the Deserts. Stupid magicians for monarchs. Rhy was powerful, but not that powerful, and she knew her limitation as well as her strengths.
Today though, she spots Pharaon, and it has been all too long since Rhy spoke to her once upon a time recruit. She noticed the mare’s absence, but thought little of it other than to hope Pharaon was all right. But Pharaon was an Amazonian, and they were strong and fierce, and Rhy didn’t worry much. Rather, she figured Pharaon had left for the same reason many others leave – personal time. Everyone needed it now and again.
She flickers back into view before approaching Pharaon. Most of the sisters were used to the electric and her lioness form, but they were not so used to air speaking at them. She didn’t think they’d ever really like that, and so she doesn’t try it. The whole ghost shifting was still pretty new to her anyway, and she liked to practice on her own. “Pharaon,” she says warmly, a smile growing on her face. “How are you? I hope you have been well.”
rhy the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle character reference here | character info here
RE: wait and hope; any - Sunday - 07-01-2015
Sunday has been gone, too.
Her absence is less noticeable, though, because the life of a diplomat is transient. If she's not in a kingdom, she's in the meadow or the field. She's everywhere and nowhere, and lately this has created a sense of isolation from her sisters. The Gates trip was fruitless - or maybe not. Sunday felt the weight of others emotions dragging on her. At first the ability to see the colors around others was fun and exciting. Now? Now the drag of emotions weighed her down.
The Amazons felt like a breath of fresh air.
Sunday isn't too deep in the jungle before she hears the familiar voices of her sisters - Pharaon and Rhy. This quickens her pace and brings a smile to her face. Of all the Amazons she loves those who bring peace and stability to her life most of all. She breaks through the brush to meet them, nodding her hellos.
It doesn't take her long to notice a change in Rhy's colors, but in a pleasant way, so she asks, "Has something changed with you?" SUNDAY
the amazons magickal mare
RE: wait and hope; any - Pharaon - 07-06-2015
“All human wisdom is contained in these two words - Wait and Hope”
-Alexandre Dumas
The little grey is not alone long before two of her sisters approach. The rattling of leaf and vine drifts to her delicate ears long before they appear. But what was interesting to the inquisitive Pharaon was that the sound of Rhy comes much closer then she expects without a visual. But the mare ignores this thought. And with a soft nicker of greeting, she calls to them - her family. "Rhy, Sunday. It is so wonderful to see you both." While a year had passed, returning to the Amazons and the every humid Jungle always felt like a relief. It was as though the weight of travelling, the stresses associated with being on the move were lifted as she stepped across the boarders.
"Rhy, I am very well - and very glad to be home. How are you? And how have the Amazons fared this last year?" She pauses, turning her amber eyes to Sunday. "Sunday, It's wonderful to see you!.." But as Sunday asks Rhy her question, the grey mare trails off in her greeting. It was odd, come to think of it, the way Rhy's footsteps neared without a glimpse of the mare. Maybe Rhy HAD changed. (But doesn't everyone change in some way?) Beqanna was always proving herself full of magic. Magic and wonder and glorious surprises. Perhaps Pharaon was yet to discover more..
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RE: wait and hope; any - Rhy - 07-07-2015
and when I breathed, my breath was lightning What hadn’t changed? That seemed like the better question, really. Everything had changed lately. First her. The quest where Carnage called them away, where she saw space and the end of the world and heard the static of everything being eaten away. Where she nearly lost Lagertha and Kratos and then nearly died herself in the other realm. Where she found her parents, dead but together and happy. Where Vanquish sent her hurling through a crack in the realms and she learned she can surf on lightning and create solid objects from the particles.
Where she came back still partially dead. She was broken and rebuilt after that quest in so many ways. In the all the ways that she needed to finally begin to understand who she really is. Not quite the happy go lucky little girl her father raised, but not so very different from her either.
And then, Beqanna changed. Their tattoos were stripped and their kingdom traits stripped away (though Rhy never had any of those), and new things given. Rhy has started picking up on others emotions, but like the jaguar spirit that now roams the Jungle, it’s in a fledgling state. She can tell both her companions are curious, but she’s not sure if that’s just reasonable institution given their questions or because she actually feels curious as well.
“Well,” she says, when Pharaon has said her piece. And then she flickers out of view entirely. Nearby, though far enough away that neither of her two sisters are in any sort of danger, a rock lifts from the ground and hovers in mid-air. Rhy flickers back into view, though she’s semi-transparent, still ghost, and the rock still hovers some feet away from her. “This happened, I suppose. Carnage sent us to find Gail, and we traveled to the end of the world and brought her back. But Beqanna wouldn’t let her come back to the living, because she was already dead really. And we were all sent to the realm of Beqanna’s dead. I saw them all. And didn’t come back quite the same.”
She doesn’t tell of her parents right now, because she’s spoken of that enough. Before she tells anyone else, she needs to find Kora and tell her sister. Because the last thing Rhy wants is for someone else to break the news to her sister. Rhy needs to be the one. That much she knows for certain. “And the Amazons have been well Pharaon. Nothing has changed here, really.” It had been far quieter than when Scorch first took the throne, and for that, Rhy was grateful.
rhy the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle character reference here | character info here
RE: wait and hope; any - Sunday - 07-14-2015
Sunday could not have guessed the depths of her sisters' triumphs on the quest, nor have understood her lows. Her empathy, her ability to read colors, her magick - they only allow her to peek. She cannot truly see, she cannot truly live in the others shoes. A great flood of emotion is but a snapshot of the reality of Rhy and her quest. Her words are calm, but haunted, and Sunday (dear Sunday, who knows very little about love and affection) knows only how to comfort others.
She extends her muzzle and places it gently on Rhy's shoulder, sending her gentle, quiet vibes into the mare. Anything, she reasons, anything to help the other.
And her new ability! Sunday laughs gleefully at the movement, both impressed and excited for her sister. "It appears that much has changed," she agrees. SUNDAY
the amazons magickal mare