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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Darkness is needed for light to shine - any

    However harsh his own conclusions, Leilan does (somewhere, deep down) have a heart. Not much, perhaps, you'd say - but enough of one to feel attraction, family bonds, and the like. He'd absolutely loved the idea that his first meetup in Beqanna had been Trekori, turning out to be Noori's kid - even if he was a bit of a stiff prick. He'd longed to see his mother, even if her emotional states had almost killed him in the process. Enduring her overwhelming kindness was better than not meeting with her at all. In a way.

    Now, he cannot help but sigh a little. Nuage took everything the roaning bay fed him, every tiny piece of information that implied that he already knew Nihlus. His first comment had been an instant hit; from there everything had spiraled down quickly. Too quickly, really; it was no fun this way. Not really, you know? Not for long.

    The pretty bay-pointed boy is in denial, but still tearing up - said Nihlus had promised, although what he had promised Leilan isn't completely sure of. He muses over that, well, it isn't as if he knows Nihlus all that well; he'd just heard from his mother, Nih's grandma, what he was like; approximately. It probably wouldn't do Leilan well if he scared Nu so much, that Nih would want to hunt him down and kill him.

    All this passed in his head while Nu took his much-needed time to recover, and even stumbles. Oh, what the hell.

    The silver roan steps closer to offer his shoulder in a bit of a lean-in position, without outright giving the blue-pointed bay a hug or anything more. "I'm just guessing, you know. He might just make up to his words. It's just that... well, I know what his mother is like, so prepare yourself a bit. It's highly likely that you're not his only lover in the world, so do make up your mind - if you can live with that. And if you can wait for him." he decided to soothe. Perhaps, this will make good just a little bit. "Hey, you know, maybe wait while invisible. Give him a taste of his own medicine, huh?"

    Lashing his tail about in the dark, the roaning stallion waits until he gets another response. A question this time. And you? He shrugs. "Like I said; I'm going back to Nerine. Staying there this winter. Then, who knows? It'd be good to have a bachelor herd here, too, but I haven't found one yet, so maybe I'll try and find some decent guys to hang around with." It's definitely Leilan's more serious side that is up now, but he doesn't really care. His lust for teasing had gotten him into outright bullying, and he knows he's crossed a line too many. Yes, he needs to get back on Nu's good side, he has decided. Perhaps when he's not daydreaming about Nihlus any longer, he'll want to come with the aforementioned group. Not that Leilan has to offer anything Nihlus has, but he feels like Nuage would be a loyal friend anyway, however platonic the relationship should be.

    @[Nuage] I'll just wordsplose you back Wink Idk if you have anything to add, but perhaps this might make a good ending on Lei's side.
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Darkness is needed for light to shine - any - by Leilan - 04-05-2018, 12:57 PM

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