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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I lock myself inside these walls, cause out there I'm always wrong. [Scorch//Any]
    Scorch gracefully closes the gap between her form and Breckin’s awkwardly outstretched muzzle.  Conflicted thoughts had prohibited the extension of her nose to the other woman’s bare skin any further, but had yet to recede it back towards the core of her own frame.  The mere fact that she had considered to initiate the contact had brought on a slight glimmer of pride, even despite the fact she could not bring herself to finalize the small gesture.  And for that she was thankful to Scorch; her gratitude evident with the diminutive smile addressed towards her.  A smile that would grow a little wider to learn that the physical interaction did not seem to cause any discomfort to the spotted girl’s new friend.

    To be honest, Breckin was beginning to feel the forming of a new bond with Scorch; something not entirely unlike what a daughter would feels towards a mother.  Though she is unsure of just exactly who her mother had been, there is no doubt that she had been someone’s daughter at some point in time.  And she cannot ultimately say one way or another, but hope is there with the sincerest desire that her own mother had been just as kind and patient of a teacher as the woman standing nearby.  A hope that carries over to drifting thoughts as she calmly closes her eyes, content to identify the makings of a memory, albeit they are fuzzy and out of focus.   But when her eyes open again she is left with the lingering sense of satisfaction knowing confidently that somewhere hidden behind a glazed veil, there are in fact memories to one day be reclaimed.  But for now the decision is made to focus upon the makings of a new memory here with Scorch, where the workings of Beqanna fall upon inquisitive ears.

    “I am not sure,” she mumbles in response to Scorch’s question, “I can only hope that if the situation arises, I can keep my wits about me. I suppose I will have to wait and see.”

    Words rang with unbridled truth in them.  As remarkable as Beqanna was, this place was still new and fear inspiring to the girl.  Thinking of  what the fae themselves were capable of may have been hard for her to believe merely a few weeks ago, but a prime example stood before her and it was no longer possible for Breckin to try to deny their might.  To think creatures of manifesting such beauty and good could also wrought chaos on just the slightest of whims and provocations.  For now she knew she would be destined to keep a low profile until she could grow more.

    Wearily, she moves to change the subject to something less foreboding—or so she hoped.

    “Nerine is like a kingdom, I believe a remember you mentioning.  I assume someone is governing the people that live here?” Her sentence ends with the inflection of question, curious to find out who ruled the land and what kind of other equines lived here.


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    RE: I lock myself inside these walls, cause out there I'm always wrong. [Scorch//Any] - by Breckin - 03-27-2018, 01:33 PM

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