02-23-2017, 10:12 PM
Uncle Kade is a silly billy. He does this cute thing where he pretends not to smile, but just the veriest corner of his lips twitches anyhow like he’s holding in a laugh that’s just an incy wincy bit too big to contain. I like his games, ‘specially when he’s playing all serious-face. Just like now, when he says he doesn’t think I can handle adventure. And then shoves me, to make sure I’m not all pushovery. I wobble, a’cause he’s much bigger than me, but I catch myself before I fall.
“E’scuse me,” I proclaim indignantly, even if the indignantly-ness is just as pretend as his oh-so-seriousness. “I have been on adventures! Or at the very least one big adventure all by my loneso--uuuummmm...” Ohhh oops. Ummm, I actually very did not mean to say that. My eyes go wiiiiide, and my mind races to try to cover that one up. But being not truthful is not exactliest a thing I’m good at, and I gnaw on my bottom lip and look around for inspiration.
“Uhhh I mean, because being borned was a big adventure? Yeah. That. Mm-hmm, so see? I’m not all breaky, a’cause that didn’t break me. Right? That sounds good.” Yes. Good cover. I grin and meet Uncle’s eyes again, my smile maybe a little bit too big. “See, so we should go a’venturing! I like deserts, we could go find one of those! Or! Or we could go swimming! Or catch butterflies! Or if you wanna, we could climb a whole mountain! Or we could go make friends at the playground, you want to go play there?”
“E’scuse me,” I proclaim indignantly, even if the indignantly-ness is just as pretend as his oh-so-seriousness. “I have been on adventures! Or at the very least one big adventure all by my loneso--uuuummmm...” Ohhh oops. Ummm, I actually very did not mean to say that. My eyes go wiiiiide, and my mind races to try to cover that one up. But being not truthful is not exactliest a thing I’m good at, and I gnaw on my bottom lip and look around for inspiration.
“Uhhh I mean, because being borned was a big adventure? Yeah. That. Mm-hmm, so see? I’m not all breaky, a’cause that didn’t break me. Right? That sounds good.” Yes. Good cover. I grin and meet Uncle’s eyes again, my smile maybe a little bit too big. “See, so we should go a’venturing! I like deserts, we could go find one of those! Or! Or we could go swimming! Or catch butterflies! Or if you wanna, we could climb a whole mountain! Or we could go make friends at the playground, you want to go play there?”
pic by Qinni