sometimes darkness can show you the light; uncle - Printable Version

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sometimes darkness can show you the light; uncle - Rora - 02-11-2017

You need never feel broken again.
Ohhhh big big big big, I’m finally big enough that Momma said I can play with Uncle Kade by myself without my tummy needing her to tag along! We finally get to go have an adventure just us, oh goodness me, I can hardly breathe I’m so excited! I know just where to find him, too, or at least I think I do, so I race race race to his favoritest spot in Sylva, the biggest spot where the trees aren’t, and there’s sky smiling down on the ground instead of just peeking through the treetops overhead.

Uncle Kade likes the sky, which makes sense because the sky is super pretty and has sparkly twinkle stars in it when it’s dark out and the big bright sun when it’s daytime, and the moon that peeks out whenever it feels like it, sometimes in the daytime when it’s little bitty and grinning all happy-like, and more at nighttime when it’s big and round and glowy with light like Momma sometimes gets when she’s extra happy or cuddly or cozy-like.

I like the sky too, which is good ‘cause Uncle Kade’s one of my most bestest friends and it’s good when friends like the same things. Well I mean not ALL the same things, but it probably would be hard to be best friendy with somebody who didn’t like anything you did, especially if all the things they did like were dumb.

Thank goodness that isn’t the case with me an’ Uncle Kade. He’s pretty much the bestest.

Anyhow, so I run into the open space where Uncle Kade is easiest to find, and I don’t even trip on a root or a rock or anything which is at least I think pretty impressive. But I do sorta not do a very good job of stopping, and skid right into him with a bump and a crash and a great big “oof!” Ow. Oops. “Sorry, Uncle uh-KADE-ee-an.” I look up at him, my head ducked a little, all embarrassed but not enough to squish away the excitedment. “I didn’t meanta bump you, sorry ‘bout that, but also guess what, guess what! We can go on a ‘venture all by ourselves! Momma said and everything!” And just like that I’m all wiggly and excited again, grinning up at him, forgetting all about how my shoulder kinda hurts a little from that oomphy boomphy smashy crash because so what? We get to play!
Sometimes darkness can show you the light.

pic by Qinni


RE: sometimes darkness can show you the light; uncle - Akkadian - 02-21-2017

He was here most often, perhaps. It wasn't the hard-packed clay of a desert where the pale gold of land met the deep blue of a cloudless sky, but it was open. It was the only place in Sylva where the trees gave way to the sunlight that stretched down to bathe his back in warmth, the black of it soaking in the rays with the eagerness of a starving man.

With his eyes closed, he could almost slip into a cruel dream. One that repeated often. One that would have eventually darkened into a nightmare with the haunting blood and screams had not there been little hooves racing toward him.

His lips quirked as he remained still, as she ran too fast for her little legs and crashed right into him. She rebounded as she apologized, very carefully pronouncing each syllable of his name and looking contrite with a ducked head. But of course, with her, those lesser emotions never stayed long and she was lighting with glee again proclaiming herself finally old enough now to be on her own with him.

An adventure? His eyes narrowed and he managed to look skeptical as he repeated her. A hard, brown stare took her in slowly from face, to rump, to feet, and all the way through again. He loved that she was mostly as black as he was, but he wasn't really sure why. Are you sure you can handle that? You look a bit.. fragile. Amusement flickered into those eyes as he toyed with her, dropping the word with the grace of a warrior that had no training for dealing with children, even his favorite one.

What if you break? I can't have your momma coming after me, you know. Erratic tingles drove down his spine at that, probably for both good and bad reasons that he'd rather not explore further. He drew her a sly grin on his dark face as he reached to nuzzle her, and instead gave her a good shove to test her balance and strength. He didn't really touch anyone, usually, even his little moonbeam friend. But today he would make an exception.

RE: sometimes darkness can show you the light; uncle - Rora - 02-23-2017

You need never feel broken again.
Uncle Kade is a silly billy. He does this cute thing where he pretends not to smile, but just the veriest corner of his lips twitches anyhow like he’s holding in a laugh that’s just an incy wincy bit too big to contain. I like his games, ‘specially when he’s playing all serious-face. Just like now, when he says he doesn’t think I can handle adventure. And then shoves me, to make sure I’m not all pushovery. I wobble, a’cause he’s much bigger than me, but I catch myself before I fall.

“E’scuse me,” I proclaim indignantly, even if the indignantly-ness is just as pretend as his oh-so-seriousness. “I have been on adventures! Or at the very least one big adventure all by my loneso--uuuummmm...” Ohhh oops. Ummm, I actually very did not mean to say that. My eyes go wiiiiide, and my mind races to try to cover that one up. But being not truthful is not exactliest a thing I’m good at, and I gnaw on my bottom lip and look around for inspiration.

“Uhhh I mean, because being borned was a big adventure? Yeah. That. Mm-hmm, so see? I’m not all breaky, a’cause that didn’t break me. Right? That sounds good.” Yes. Good cover. I grin and meet Uncle’s eyes again, my smile maybe a little bit too big. “See, so we should go a’venturing! I like deserts, we could go find one of those! Or! Or we could go swimming! Or catch butterflies! Or if you wanna, we could climb a whole mountain! Or we could go make friends at the playground, you want to go play there?”
Sometimes darkness can show you the light.

pic by Qinni