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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  a falling star fell from your heart; rora

    Some days he travels far and wide. He has become curious about the new world, learning about the new lands and new faces. It was only recently that he had learned this was not the same Beqanna he knew. Beqanna was entirely a different place. The very history of his family and birth home had been wiped from the pages of history. There was no longer a mark of his blood among here. Nevertheless, the new world did not bother him, as much since Astrophel knew these very elements did not create him. It was the very universe itself that held and created him—something he yearns for more than ever lately.
    But, for now, and some days like today, he stays close to the meadow. The boy wanders through the dense forest between the field and meadow. He twists and turns around the tall trees, admiring their colors of autumn and some that stay green all year around. A part of him feels almost as if he could get lost here, and sometimes he almost dies. If he wanders too far into the deep parts of the woods he often loses his way. Thankfully, he has always found his way back.
    Always his way back to this home
    But never back to the home he wants go back to.
    The boy sighs softly, and comes to a direct halt. He lets his nose fall to the earthly ground. He pushes a small pile of leaves and then a rock. The rock becomes his entertainment for a moment. He lets thoughts of the stars and sadness fill his head with silly things.
    Then suddenly, his attention is pulled away, by the familiar scent of someone. The boy knows the scent of the girl. How could he ever forget her? She had been so full of life and a curious sight for him. Astrophel had not stop thinking of her.
    He quickly moves forward, yelling out her name. “Rora?” He calls out. “Rora, is that you?” He yells out again in the silence of the forest. Astrophel halts, ears perking forward and eyes full of life as he waits and listens clearly for an answer from her or whatever it might be.
    character info: here | character reference: here

    @[SamShine] @[Rora]
    [Image: ioPeFeU.png]
    (pixel via bronzehalo)

    Messages In This Thread
    a falling star fell from your heart; rora - by Astrophel - 02-22-2017, 07:42 PM

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