[private] a falling star fell from your heart; rora - Printable Version

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a falling star fell from your heart; rora - Astrophel - 02-22-2017

Some days he travels far and wide. He has become curious about the new world, learning about the new lands and new faces. It was only recently that he had learned this was not the same Beqanna he knew. Beqanna was entirely a different place. The very history of his family and birth home had been wiped from the pages of history. There was no longer a mark of his blood among here. Nevertheless, the new world did not bother him, as much since Astrophel knew these very elements did not create him. It was the very universe itself that held and created him—something he yearns for more than ever lately.
But, for now, and some days like today, he stays close to the meadow. The boy wanders through the dense forest between the field and meadow. He twists and turns around the tall trees, admiring their colors of autumn and some that stay green all year around. A part of him feels almost as if he could get lost here, and sometimes he almost dies. If he wanders too far into the deep parts of the woods he often loses his way. Thankfully, he has always found his way back.
Always his way back to this home
But never back to the home he wants go back to.
The boy sighs softly, and comes to a direct halt. He lets his nose fall to the earthly ground. He pushes a small pile of leaves and then a rock. The rock becomes his entertainment for a moment. He lets thoughts of the stars and sadness fill his head with silly things.
Then suddenly, his attention is pulled away, by the familiar scent of someone. The boy knows the scent of the girl. How could he ever forget her? She had been so full of life and a curious sight for him. Astrophel had not stop thinking of her.
He quickly moves forward, yelling out her name. “Rora?” He calls out. “Rora, is that you?” He yells out again in the silence of the forest. Astrophel halts, ears perking forward and eyes full of life as he waits and listens clearly for an answer from her or whatever it might be.
character info: here | character reference: here

@[SamShine] @[Rora]

RE: a falling star fell from your heart; rora - Rora - 02-26-2017

You need never feel broken again.
Time is a funny thing. The way it twists and turns, the way it seems to pass at different speeds for different people. Or at different points for the same person. I have watched time stand still, have seen it stretch out and fold in on itself again, and I can’t help but wonder whenever I step away from someone what lifetimes they might lead before I see them again. What lifetimes I might lead.

It seems like forever since I met a boy made of fallen starlight on a forbidden adventure in the Meadow. Lifetimes may not have passed for me, but new lives have begun and old ones have ended, the way they do every moment, with every breath.

It all feels sharper now, stronger somehow, a pulsing thrum in the air, vibrating against my skin, sometimes clenching around my chest, a pressure I can’t explain, something far beyond words but it reminds me of a shining girl made of glowing white light, eyes the same blue as my own the only break in her brilliance. It reminds me of her silent screaming, and the endless weight of goodbye.

When time wraps around my chest and squeezes so tightly, it’s hard to catch a breath, hard to remember myself as I’ve always been, wide eyes and bright smiles and boundless enthusiasm. That girl feels like a distant memory on days when time reminds me of the choice I made to let the one made of light die.

Another year is drawing to a close, and I can feel her screaming again, the way it echoes in the air without making a sound. So loudly it buzzes along my skin, I don’t quite hear his voice the first time he calls. He calls again, and I turn to catch the sound. “...Astrophel?”

Of course I remember him, the brightness of his coat, the faraway dreamy look in those soft blue eyes not unlike my own. Except his eyes seemed to take in everything, every detail, no matter how miniscule. For just a moment, the thought of those too-perceptive eyes staring into me right now sends a nervous tightness through my chest, stirs an anxious flutter in my belly. But I take a deep breath, put a bright, cheery smile on my face, and head toward the sound of his voice. And the nervousness fades when I catch sight of my friend, tension melting away and making the smile genuine. “Astrophel, it’s so good to see you!”
Sometimes darkness can show you the light.

pic by Qinni

RE: a falling star fell from your heart; rora - Astrophel - 02-27-2017

He had forgotten about the meaning of time. There was never a sense of time where he slumbered all these passing years. Time was simply endless and a continuous cycle that continued on and on forever. However, it was like that until that one very day he was pulled from the celestial elements and shaped and fashioned into the very earthy materials he had been born from.

Time is alive here.

The boy can feel the sense of time, just as the sun rises and sets each day. His family and friends have passed on, life growing and death ending it all. There is nothing capable of stopping it, for it must always continue forward and backwards. No matter the cost.

Astrophel soon enough will fill the heavy hinges of time. Each passing day is a remember he is no longer among the stars. Eventually, if he can ever get back up there, he may as well forget he was once a part of the very stars. Time is funny that way, making you forget the memories as the years go on and on.

One day he will find his way back among them.

But, for now, in this very moment he does not. He hears his name calling in the distance. Astrophel heart leaps with excitement as his eyes search around where he stands. The soft blue eyes of his glance from here and there. The girl calls out his name again. Astrophel jumps when he catches sight of her in the distance. Rora comes after him with a smile more genuine than he has ever seen before. His heart fills with warmth once more just as the day they had met.

“Rora!” He says as soon as she is closer to him. The boy does not hold back a large boyish grin from her. He is all eyes and ears for his friend—yes, she was his friend he decided. “I am glad to see you too!” He pokes his muzzle at her own muzzle. “How are you? What have you been doing?!” He asks one question after another, almost sounding like one huge gibberish of words together.
character info: here | character reference: here