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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  he laid low the warriors of old; nicole pony, any
    he laid low the warriors of old
    He too has heard of the news of others gathering. Horses grouping together and forming some sort of sanctuary for those that need a safe place to go. A place they could maybe one-day call home again. There was not just one that sprouted, but many of them appeared across the land. Rome has yet to even enter into one of them, let alone explore this new world still called Beqanna. There is much he has not done, but there will be a time and place for it all he knows.

    As for his family though, he hasn’t also really dwelled on that subject either. Rome had certainly come to an age where he was capable of being on his own, but it did not mean he didn’t have to look for his parents. Kreios, his father by lies told to him from his mother, was still around in his own place, and his mother was off in another land safe and sound. However, Rome’s true father was long gone—and may always be a secret he doesn’t know. These little facts did not cross his mind right now, instead he focused on where he was and what was around him.

    This was his life—a beginning for him to start.

    Rome is quick to catch the scent of the other horse. She, however, carried the feminine scent that carried so heavily in the presence of stallions during this time of year. The scent was new and full of life, but he does not cling to it like a madman like some do who have no willpower of their own. Rome is simply interested in it, the feeling is sweet and enticing. It is new and fresh, but he does not draw to it so blindly. Instead, Rome smiles as the young mare approaches him. His head tilts politely as nutmeg eyes search across her silky black coat. He finds her eyes though first and never lets them fall away.

    “Hello there, Analiese.” He says with a calm voice, but there is an obvious hint of friendliness in his words. Rome has always enjoyed the company of others. Meeting strangers though was something he enjoyed most of all. “I’m Rome.” The name and greeting comes easily from his lips as he introduces himself back. The beginning of conversation was easy. It was simple to draw in and form words. It only seemed to become more complicated as the conversations draw on and the subjects change something more—sometimes it became too personal for others. “How are you doing this fine day?” He asks with another smile.
    tarnished x lucrezia
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    RE: he laid low the warriors of old; nicole pony, any - by Rome - 10-24-2016, 01:15 PM

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