05-14-2016, 09:35 PM
“ Give you a reason?” His face crinkles with puzzlement. “The reason must come from within you, I imagine.” He looks toward the horizon, pondering. “But I can tell you that many exciting things will be in the future for me and mine, adventures, love, children – conflict, if you desire it. Many things. I don't plan on hiding idly by in my dwelling, just taking in more mouths to feed.” He takes a breath, looking over her body and then back to her face. “I can promise you protection, fun, and your freedom – apart from you swearing your loyalty to me. I don't require your heart, but your utmost loyalty is a must. I won't force you to make a million babies or fight wars you don't give a shit about.” He draws in a breath once again. It's been a long time since a mare has asked for any sort of explanation in that depth before.
“My forest is beautiful and secluded. There are only a few paths leading in and out of it, secret paths used by us and the deer. Meadow grass, enough to sustain us all through the warm months, mountain caves, a lake, rivers and dense, protective wood that goes on forever. The resident wolf pack and I have an understanding, they will not bother us ever. It is a sanctum of whatever you desire.” He watches her carefully for a read on what she might think about his description of his Forest.
He almost can't believe he's even bothering, but there is something about the girl. Something he finds interesting – irresistible, even. He's drawn to her fierceness and reluctance to trust him even a little.
astra inclinant, sed non obligant.