“Make fun of me, eh?” He chortles and gives his thick tail a toss. “Well, woman with whatever strange name, is that what you're doing to me right now? Making fun?” His grin gains girth with yet another sinister chuckle, but this is nothing she should fear, only his ever spinning mind. Bugs are starting to find his dark coat now and he starts to twist his ears a little more, shaking and tossing his tail to scatter them every few minutes.
“Ah. Pests.” he bends to scrap his teeth against his shoulder, relieving an itch. “Little fuckers love it here.” Small black flies seem to be very attracted to his dark color. He notices her retreating step and only smiles, perking his head up. “No need to be fearful. I am not the worst type you'll find roving around this Field.” He shakes again, the bugs seem to be getting thicker by the minute... “They are not even half as bad back home. The dragonflies and the bats keep them delightfully in check in my Forest.” He watches carefully for her reaction. She seems weary, but not stupid. He might just be a very harmless opportunity for her to get out of here.
astra inclinant, sed non obligant.