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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In this heart, this barless prison [Kimber, Ygritte/Kreios]
    They are such a mess, anyone could see that but no one dared to say it at least so far. Times had been hard, life had been hard and Kimber was doing her best to keep stride. Kimber can tell that what she said wasn't exactly what the bay wanted to hear but she had to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. She was stubborn to a fault. As she turns from him, she immediately feels pulled back in like a moth to a flame - flittering away as the flame licks the delicate wings, only to circle back in and feel the heat all over. "Nymph," she whispers under a cracking voice, it's vulnerable and raw in tone but then she tightens her lips as he progresses, it's not worth the trouble now. She follows, quietly as she makes her observations of the Falls. Her shoulders are still achey from the newfound wings that have sprouted in recent days, a little dried blood still remains even. She wonders if the waters were truly healing, she wonders then even if they were if the King and Queen would allow it. Sometimes being the big bad wolf wasn't as fun as everyone sad it was.

    She had been good, she had been bad, she hopes she isn't damned to either.

    Her heart was whirling with emotional turbulence but on the surface it was a calm, collective wave you would see. She listens quietly as the necromancer, her necromancer (though her possessiveness wasn't openly returned) introduced them. The two seemed friendly enough but she wasn't here to make friends per say, she wasn't sure she had made a true friend. Warship she had considered a friend but he just wanted a fuck. "He's better with formalities, obviously," she manages to give a half-hearted smile to Kreios and Ygritte, she cannot discern yet if they are together but she is certain that her tiff with the bay stallion was not unheard. "Would you mind if we give the area a look? We don't want to impose on you but I can take to the skies and Nymph can search the ground if that's permissible?" Kimber was not often so well spoken, nor did she often ask for permission but the last thing she wanted was to get caught up in controversy while her dear daughter was missing. "What about the waterfall? Is there any caves hidden behind it or around it?" she wants an excuse to go, it's true that cats are curious and this one has infinite lives. The closeness of the two monarchs gives her a certain need to be closer to her own kind and so she steps closer into Nymph's shoulder, her bluejay wings folding down across his ribs and her own. She closely watches the bay, knowing that her signals aren't the best but it needs to appear a group effort even if he never wants to talk to her after this. The blue dip-dyed mare realizes there's only so many times you can push and pull before the string breaks but it's not that thin yet; at least not on her side.
    You don't know how hard I fought to survive,
    waking up alone when I was left to die

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: In this heart, this barless prison [Kimber, Ygritte/Kreios] - by Kimber - 05-10-2016, 09:59 PM

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