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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any
    While Corbin takes his sweet time at the lakeside, simply pretending he is enjoying the refreshing water, he also peers at the two groups on either side of him. He easily takes note of the foals in one group. Of course, newly mothers sit in gossip in a corner. An interest of sorts takes place in his mind. Corbin cannot help after all to ease drop on the others. He would have liked to stroll up to the mares and speak charming words but there was just something with little ones he entirely didn’t like – commitment. The man, after all, has never made an impact on his own daughter (to which he has no idea what Azlyn had done with). It simply had been a one-night stand and nothing more after that. And that’s something he should be grateful for since that the mare didn’t come demanding certain requirements of him.

    Corbin laughs silently at the situation though and possibly what the outcome would’ve been like. He thinks he could be a terribly father anyway. The idea of looking after younger ones did not settle well with him and indeed he would be a bad example of what a father looks like. Corbin’s habits are not of the best in fatherly terms. However, he just only smirks at the possible day when that comes.

    He turns his attention away from the group of newly mothers and quickly spots a red roan and a turtle. A turtle? He asks himself feeling a little bewildered at the sight of the other animal. No, that’s not a turtle! It’s too small! He laughs a little, probably heard by the oncoming duo but he cannot help himself. Sometimes he forgets that Beqanna is full of unbelievable things such as this moment now.

    The red roan is rather cheerful in his greeting to him. Corbin has a smile growing on his face already, especially when the other stallion praises the look of his coat. He has always been a fan of his coat since he was born. It had brought a lot of attention to him as a colt and he simply loved that to begin with. “Well hello to you both too!” Corbin greets with an extraordinary tone of pleasantry. “And that was very kind of you to say. However, I do say that you indeed bring an extraordinary friend with you as well.” Corbin says, obviously mentioning the tortoise who is now sliding into the shallows of the lake.

    “I’ve never seen a tortoise up so close before,” Corbin says with fascination, his eyes wide with curiosity at the aquatic animal. “Darwin you said his name was?” The boy asks flickering his hazel gaze back to the red roan. “And you are Weir.” Quite the duo we have here, he thinks with a silent smile. “I am Corbin.” He says with a satisfaction tone and a sparkle in his eyes.
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    Messages In This Thread
    Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any - by Corbin - 02-08-2016, 09:10 PM
    RE: Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any - by Corbin - 02-28-2016, 12:43 PM

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