Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any - Printable Version

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Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any - Corbin - 02-08-2016

It is like any typical spring day in the field. The season of new life was here, along with fresh vegetation and newborn foals. There are many horses here in the heart of the field, where a small cascade of liquid runs down a cliff-side before reaching the lake. Corbin was not surprised to see many gathered around the lake this mid-morning. After all, that’s where he was heading towards.

It was a small routine he built into his morning since he arrived back in Beqanna but he wasn’t sure for how long that would be. Corbin had never been a long time planner and often changes his routine a lot. I suppose you could say he grew bored of things quickly. He didn’t stay around one place for long and most of his friendships ended without real any reason. Corbin was just a simple guy, he liked to live in the moments and make others laugh. He never asked for much.

However, he isn’t sure what brought him back to Beqanna. Corbin likely thinks it might be because the outside world bored him now. Beqanna was his homeland. It’s been two years since he has been gone. He isn’t sure what he is going to do here. The field was the best way to figure it out – something he remembers his mother telling him a long time ago – since the only place he knows in Beqanna was the Deserts. And he doesn’t feel particularly interested in going back there. It was just too damn dry for his liking.

Corbin’s hazel eyes, a mix of gold and teal, scan across the field. He can feel the warmth of the sun on his indigo golden stripped body. It’s a nice day, he has to admit, but maybe a little warmer to his liking would be nice. However, he shouldn’t complain too much since he knew he could do nothing about it. Corbin is comfortable in just accepting the fact how things are. So, indigo and golden stripped boy makes his way to the lake.

He makes his way between two small groups that stand at the lakeside. Corbin is comfortable around others. He actually has come to prefer to surround himself with others. There was just something about paying attention to others he liked. Maybe it was the conversations, discussing things for hours and hours. The boy was fond of witty conversations but never anything philosophical about the world and questions like “what-ifs”. He knew there was already plenty enough of those type of others to go around in the world. He simply just relaxed and enjoyed himself including the presence of others.

Corbin dips his head down, his tongue laps at the water as he drinks. His hazel eyes, however, keep an eye on the crowd around him. He is curious to see who will have the courage to speak to him today. It’s not like he was a scary looking guy. In fact, Corbin was rather pleasant to look upon and rarely ever was greeted with a negative attitude. He preferred the more positive minded individuals anyway, not that he was cold-hearted against the more depressed, negative type. He could bear with them for a time, but not too long. For now, he just simply waits and see what happens (until it becomes too boring for him).
html © shelbi | character info: here | color reference: here

OOC: Bleh. Sucky post. It's my first time to bear with me. As well, no Tundra, Chamber or Deserts since I already have ponies there Tongue

RE: Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any - Weir - 02-09-2016

Ahh, the Field, a delightful place indeed. Early this morning Weir had given several hints of going, praising the common grounds for their spring beauty, and insisting they look for recruits. Several, until Darwin had agreed. The great tortoise had finally conceded with a yawn, “Yes all right then Weir, all right.”

After a spot of breakfast they departed to the Field in not so much of a hurry- Weir never did. Well, that is not to say ever for there was a time and place for rushing, just not today. Today was as any other day, one filled with a warm sun on their backs and a breeze blowing in the scent of fresh grass and flowers. It was practically perfect in every way, including the leisurely pace at which the roan embarked to the commons, Darwin calmly pacing beside him.

“You know Darwin, I’ve got a good feeling about today. Today’s the day yes indeed.” Weir insisted something felt lucky, that the timing was right and that this or that was a good sign.

“Oh? Is that so?” Darwin smiled, though his tone was clearly one meant to challenge.

“You’ll see my friend, you’ll see. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.” He chortled, tossing his ginger mane as they found themselves among the mingling crowds. “Ahh, even more than I expected, yes, a good sign what did I say Darwin?”

“Well you didn’t say exactly..” The tortoise began, trudging carefully through the gathered horses. “Oh, never you mind what I said, I meant…” Weir began his retort but something else had caught his attention removing him from the current debate.

“I do say Darwin, I am feeling rather thirsty. What say you?” The man’s amber eyes twinkled, resting on a colorful horse by the lake. ” Hmm?..” Darwin started, still waiting on what he was sure would have been a splendid argument from Weir. “Oh! Right, yes I am thirsty as well, and a soak mind you. I don’t care what they say, a nice soak is refreshing to us tortoises as well.”  Never mind that Dawin didn’t hunger, that he never thirst for water, or slept. He had seen the twinkle in Weir’s eyes and found the object at which they stared.

“Hallooo, and good day.” Weir began, speaking brightly and beaming. “What an extraordinary coat I do say!” His words and his eyes took on an inspectorial tone, blinking towards the indigo and gold pattern with interest.

“I am Weir from the Dale, this is my good friend Darwin.” He nodded to the Galapagos tortoise who was currently sliding into the shallows.


RE: Today I just don't give a fuck; kingdoms, any - Corbin - 02-28-2016

While Corbin takes his sweet time at the lakeside, simply pretending he is enjoying the refreshing water, he also peers at the two groups on either side of him. He easily takes note of the foals in one group. Of course, newly mothers sit in gossip in a corner. An interest of sorts takes place in his mind. Corbin cannot help after all to ease drop on the others. He would have liked to stroll up to the mares and speak charming words but there was just something with little ones he entirely didn’t like – commitment. The man, after all, has never made an impact on his own daughter (to which he has no idea what Azlyn had done with). It simply had been a one-night stand and nothing more after that. And that’s something he should be grateful for since that the mare didn’t come demanding certain requirements of him.

Corbin laughs silently at the situation though and possibly what the outcome would’ve been like. He thinks he could be a terribly father anyway. The idea of looking after younger ones did not settle well with him and indeed he would be a bad example of what a father looks like. Corbin’s habits are not of the best in fatherly terms. However, he just only smirks at the possible day when that comes.

He turns his attention away from the group of newly mothers and quickly spots a red roan and a turtle. A turtle? He asks himself feeling a little bewildered at the sight of the other animal. No, that’s not a turtle! It’s too small! He laughs a little, probably heard by the oncoming duo but he cannot help himself. Sometimes he forgets that Beqanna is full of unbelievable things such as this moment now.

The red roan is rather cheerful in his greeting to him. Corbin has a smile growing on his face already, especially when the other stallion praises the look of his coat. He has always been a fan of his coat since he was born. It had brought a lot of attention to him as a colt and he simply loved that to begin with. “Well hello to you both too!” Corbin greets with an extraordinary tone of pleasantry. “And that was very kind of you to say. However, I do say that you indeed bring an extraordinary friend with you as well.” Corbin says, obviously mentioning the tortoise who is now sliding into the shallows of the lake.

“I’ve never seen a tortoise up so close before,” Corbin says with fascination, his eyes wide with curiosity at the aquatic animal. “Darwin you said his name was?” The boy asks flickering his hazel gaze back to the red roan. “And you are Weir.” Quite the duo we have here, he thinks with a silent smile. “I am Corbin.” He says with a satisfaction tone and a sparkle in his eyes.
html © shelbi | character info: here | color reference: here