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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i love the way that your heart breaks... (any)

    A ruckus of clashing chorus rises up the cliff side from the shore below. The pebbled beaches are home to various sorts of marine life, one of which barks. He could not be more pleased at the prospect of their game, this would be something new. Kult crawls to the ledge, blinking down at their prey, taking the group into careful consideration. They line the sands below, rolling in their absurd attempts at motion. Really, he couldn't understand how they managed to progress anywhere with their fat, cylinder-like bodies. They didn't even have legs, instead they maneuvered with useless flapping appendages known as flippers. Flippers, what a ridiculous word.

    It doesn't take long before he scans each spotted harbor seal, deciding on a rather fat female. The fading bay slides down the craggy paths with ease, clinging expertly as if he had often traversed the narrow passages. Which he had. Kult could navigate the sea side far easier than any intruder, and that was the point of it all. He would not allow an outsider to be as well-versed in sliding down the shifting routes, particles of the rocks moving beneath one’s hooves. His foul, slinking gait picks up as he finds the obsidian pebbles below.

    It’s not something to be thought beautiful, this awkward forward prowl, his head and neck always hanging low. What is can be considered is (perhaps to some) mesmerizing, hypnotic, in the way a train wreck was to the casual passer by. The eye can not help but be drawn to the chaos of it. Here the cliffs end into a stretch of polished black rock before the worn stones slowly blend into fine silvery sand. At night the grains would shine with moonlight, trapped somehow in the granules of worn mineral, lighting the cove with silver luminescence. It is on these tiny bits of silver dirt that the harbor seals lay out to sun, their fat little bodies spread randomly across the shore line. He finds his target, his lightless eyes have not since left her form, picking up pace as he approaches her. They all start to call now, blasting their barks against the sound of the tide, fumbling to move their ill equipped bodies.

    He merely smiles his twisted smirk, throwing his nose into the chosen victim to send her rolling down the beachfront away from the others.

    Khaos x Killgore


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    RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - by Kult - 10-20-2015, 04:09 PM

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