i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Printable Version

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i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Raelynx - 09-24-2015

I love the way that your heart breaks
with every injustice and deadly fate.

Against his will, he had been freed. There is little he had wanted more than to stay behind, to learn the true meaning of life. But that had been denied to him. He does not know how, or if, he would ever return. And it is heart wrenching. Beautifully, achingly heart wrenching.

He has been made anew by the fire, the old replaced, burned away like a layer of grease. Many would consider him ugly. He is. He has become a monster in nearly every sense of the word. His scraggly coat and unkempt tresses had been lost, his flesh becoming peeled and charred. He has healed now, leaving only horrendously disfigured naked black skin behind. His muscle had burned away upon his shoulder, leaving divots in his flesh. Three long scars decorate his rump, a remnant of the fiery whip that had flayed him with flame. His ears are but rounded nubs upon his head, swiveling in a macabre imitation of the graceful shells that had once adorned his skull as he listens to the noises around him.

Oh, but he is glorious. Few would see it, but those who did, they would understand. He had been remade in flames. So much so that the flames had become a part of him. He would forever carry that fiery pelt upon his skin. And though the last time the fire had spread across his skin it had devoured everything it had touched, this fire protects, licking his charred skin with a delicate heat, caressing him as a long lost lover might. His cracked lips stretch into a smile, a horrific smile, but a true one. He would never be allowed to forget. The thought sends a shiver of delight across his ruined flesh.

He is here because he remembers them. They had met all those many months ago, his brothers and sister. Likely they would not recognize him. He has changed so much. But he would remind them. Oh yes, he would. And they would never forget again. Just as he shall never forget, neither shall they.

The only piece of his body that is still the same, largely untouched, are his eyes. Those bland gray eyes, that insipid stare. He has come into the land easily enough, has found the statue, with its cold silver eyes staring out to sea. His father he knows. That dull gaze stares at the frozen stallion as living flame twists and winds around his scarred frame. He wonders then, would his father be proud of him?


khaos x eyrie

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i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Kersey - 09-25-2015

The Cove is quiet, much too quiet for my tastes. I have had my fill of the deaths of starlings and frogs and fish. I long to move on to greater things, to study beyond what is already known. I am impatient of childhood. Children are not expected to be of any importance, or to do anything worthwhile. I would shed my age if I only knew how. I wander the Cove daily, studying the luminescent quality of the grass and learning the patterns of the tide.

He comes in, shattering the silence, and I want to thank him for it. He approaches the statue, a place mother and I visit at least once a day. The god Khaos looks out over the Cove and someday, I know, he will look out over the world and know that is filled with his own.

I wonder if he is one of my brothers for this will alter my greeting. Mother does not stand for anyone treating family badly, nor do I have any inclination to do so, but this unknown is not a member I have met before. I approach him evenly, my hooves sinking into the marshy ground. I relish the burn of my muscles, pushing them as I climb the cliff towards the boy.

His appearance instantly fascinates me. I am unaware of being rude. All that matters to me is finding out why. I move closer, my eyes cooly taking in the burns that completely encase his body. I wonder at the fire that caused those but left him breathing. I fed a frog to the fires of a lightning strike once, and it did not take long for it to be devoured.

I follow his gaze to meet the one of the iron stallion.

"He won't answer you, you know. None of us is worthy."

I say this calmly.

"Although perhaps, you may be sooner than the rest of us." I glance appreciatively from the stumps of his ears to the three jagged scars on his rump. Something has tested him, and he has not passed away. "I am Kersey."

I will learn about this new one. Who he is and of what he is capable. And if I am lucky, he will be able to teach me many things I do not know.

the academic executioner
daughter of carnage and killgore

RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Kult - 09-26-2015

First he watched her climb the slopes, clinging to the shallow recesses of the cliffs, the thin pathways that led up. It is not until she disappears over the top that he follows, slinking up the craggy surface. It is up, up, up he slithers until he crests the top, head slung low. It almost a prowl the way he steps forth, it always had been. Some might consider it an uncomfortable gait, but for Kult it was every bit of normalcy.

He looks at his sister, the little one, the newest whelp. Not new for much longer, no, Mother already had them another sibling on the way.  He hoped it would like to play games, just as this one did, the girl child. Sometimes he would bring her things, things that squealed or squirmed. He would bring them, watch her take them apart, always with flat eyes. If he hadn’t been an actual participant, one might not even know he took any interest in the activity. He did thought, he liked to watch the pieces become laid out, but he watched in silence. He said nothing, nor often did he. When he did speak it was snippets, here or there, a name, a question.

”Kersey.” He manages to form, filling the wind with his devilish tone.  His words wicked, shadowed speech as he watches the second. At first he believes this is an intruder, something they are about to play with, but sees something familiar in the eyes. A time of grasses, of squirrels and its cries comes to him. He smiles, a wretched display, before he asks the male. ”More squirrels? Come play?” They crawl from his throat like maggots from a grave, it is not the answers he seeks, but the game.

Khaos x Killgore

RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Raelynx - 09-27-2015

I love the way that your heart breaks
with every injustice and deadly fate.

They come. Of course they come. A burning man comes into their midst and they are drawn like flies to honey. But then, who would not come see a man on fire? The world has always been filled with voyeurs. He could be dying a gruesome death and they would come to watch. But he had survived fate. Likely he should have died, eaten alive by flame. But a magician had found him worthy, had gifted him with an eternal flame. And he had left his mark, to ensure the entire world knew of his power.

The first to approach is a filly, small and garishly bright. As he turns his head in her direction, the brand decorating the very center of his forehead is displayed, limned by fire. His gray eyes fall on her, studying her with banal interest. He isn’t quite sure what to make of her at first. She is bold in her approach, a careful mask for the cold calculation that lingers just beneath the surface.

She praises him, in a rather roundabout way. He wonders if she knows, if she is aware of the realms beyond theirs. It is the only explanation for so many of the things that had occurred in the magician’s cave. So then, perhaps, it is not so far-fetched that they would see their father again, learn of his approval or disgust.

As he stares at her, considering such deep thoughts, flame licks and swirls around his charred skin in a grisly dance. It takes him a long moment to give her any sort of response, and when he does, only a single word escapes on a hoarse breath. ”Raelynx.”

Another approaches him then, a colt he recognizes. He had been present those many months ago, when fated siblings first had met. He speaks too, reminding him of their first encounter. Of the squirrel he, they, had tortured and eventually killed. He shudders at the reminder, not in pleasure, but in fear. That squirrel had come to him, tormented him in that horrendous other-world. But perhaps that is just what he needs to overcome the madness. More squirrels.

But then, he thinks, squirrels are not nearly enough. They present so little challenge. A squirrel will never grow to understand the true beauty of pain. And what he wants is someone, something, who can. He gazes at the pair of the speculatively. The boy he thinks would understand. But the girl, would she? A smile edges onto his lips, a smile that would send shivers down any sane creatures spine. And without a word, he extends his neck and presses his burning muzzle against the filly’s neck.


khaos x eyrie

html c insane | picture c

So apparently he's just going to try to burn everyone he meets now :|

i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Kersey - 09-28-2015


That is the only word in my vocabulary that is adequate to explain the sensation of crackling flames against my skin. I gasp, a sharp intake of air that is both delight and wonder. And perhaps there is more lingering beneath the surface of our encounter, darker and undiscovered depths to my soul. I arch my body in a pale imitation of my mother, sensuous and powerful yet distinctly feminine, pressing my neck further against the embrace of his muzzle.

The heat grows, and each passing moment opens up a new rapture of pain. My eyes widen, my vision filling with sparkling light. I feel alive, like I do when I am learning to take the world apart.

Is this what the creatures I study feel? Such wondrous pleasure? They should praise me for their deaths, then, because in them they are two fold blessed. They provide my mind with knowledge and they suffer gloriously.

I don't know which of us pulls away first, but suddenly I am bereft. I feel my entire body shudder, the throbbing pain of the burn lingering. I stretch a bit to assess the damage and notice that he has controlled the flames enough that I am not permanently marked. Talent, I think with the admiration of a fellow sadist. The hair has burned away and the spot on my neck is a small mimicry of the hairlessness Raelnyx wears over his entire body.

I grace the burning boy with a slow smile.

"If you are going to do that, Raelynx, perhaps you should learn to heal your… chosen... so they will last longer."

I glance at Kult, giving him a wry look. "My brother and I, we have only kept a creature alive for a day or so before they gave out. They are much weaker, birds and such. Less deserving of the gifts that we give to them."

I am speaking, of course, of his fire and my mind. Both things of great worth that need an outlet. I wonder if all he knows is fire, or if this one holds other talents that he can inflict. I cast a lazy look onto Raelynx, my words gently chiding.

"Did you think I would flinch? That I would be found anything less than worthy in the face of he who watches over us?"

I glance at Khaos with a look that is at once reverent and searching. I never cease to wonder at the thoughts of the god.

the academic executioner
daughter of carnage and killgore

RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Kult - 10-03-2015

He watches with intensity, or as much intensity that Kult can muster. Truly on the outside his dark black eyes displayed nothing, they only reflected like mirrors what was before them. In this case the fire, the rolling tendrils of smoke on flesh. He listened to the sizzle, his ears perked to find the noise, his nose found that the smell was repugnant. An unpleasant scent that one, but he did not shy away or leave. Instead he crept closer, a moth to flame, head tilting at obscene angles to peek at the activity.

His sister did not move, nor flinch, relishing the pain. Claiming the fire, taking it into herself before withdrawing. She chides the boy, the brother, what had he expected? He too wondered, what was supposed to happen? The flames consume her? A wise brother would know better. They did not hurt family, not their brothers and sisters. Had he made that mistake, they would have pushed him from the cliff, did fire help him fly?

It does not come to that, blinking as she pulls away, so he too backs up looking her over. Not a burn. His head pulls back to the boy, Raelynx, the fire having licked clean his coat.  He had an idea, a game to play, one they all might enjoy. “Seals?” he questions, the animals barking heard from the beach below. What would happen when their skin was burned? Did it smell just as foul? Would it sizzle and crack? He wanted to know, more importantly he wanted to see. He would even help them corner one, guide it away from the others. Oh, he loved to play games, now only to get this brother to play too.

Khaos x Killgore

RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Raelynx - 10-09-2015

I love the way that your heart breaks
with every injustice and deadly fate.

He had not expected her response to his touch. So few understand the true beauty of that pain, and he is delighted. Ecstatic, even if it does not show on his features. His bland gaze remains upon her, pleasure hidden deep within. He has discovered that giving pain is just as alluring as receiving it. Especially when the recipient is such a willing participant.

Her gasps, her swiftly indrawn breath, they are music to his ears. He would never have this end, but he knows it must. Ultimately he does not wish to truly harm her. She is not deserving of it yet. One day perhaps. One day she might worthy of a gift such as he had received. And when that day came, he would be happy to oblige. Even as the smile curves her soft lilac lips, a matching grin splits his own charred muzzle in a macabre imitation of hers.

And then she speaks, softly admonishing. Perhaps he should. To be able to heal those he graces with his touch, that he might do it all over again. Day after day. Burn after burn. Touch after touch. Oh, how glorious that would be. And perhaps that is why he cannot heal. He would never give his victims the mercy of death. Just as he had been denied death, so would they.

Her last words give him pause, easing the grin from his lips. His dull gray eyes find hers, the honesty within his gaze unsettling.

”They all flinch,” he says in that gravelly voice of his. ”In the end, they all flinch.” Even he had flinched, in the end.

And then Kult speaks, interrupting their short reverie. He had nearly forgotten the bay colt was here. He turns to his brother as he makes the suggestion, and his interested is peaked. He has never before seen a seal. Could they be fun? He would only ever learn by finding one.

And so, after a long pause, he says simply, ”Seals.”


khaos x eyrie

html c insane | picture c

RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Kersey - 10-13-2015

I believe him, but unlike my brother, I find no shame in flinching. It is only the discovering of one's limit. And oh, how high I think my limit could go. My bright eyes look over my burned sibling carefully, unabashedly. I do not think, however, I would last as long as Raelynx has. For that, amongst other things, I admire him and I know it shows on my face.

But only because I let it.

I walk past Raelynx to look down at the beach, my body brushing against his lightly. He holds the knowledge of pain, and that is something I want to know more of. I do not feel afraid, for a twofold reason. Kult would not let Raelynx hurt me beyond what I desire, that is, to the point of death and utter ruin. My elder brother may not be the brains that Kirin and Nicia are, but he is a staunch supporter of his family, as we all are. And two, my soul has been awakened to the pleasures of pain. I only want more. There is no fear, only eagerness to learn.

Yes.” I say with a half smile. “Come brothers, let us test their mettle.

I glance at Kult, my demeanor turning cold and calculated. There is no warmth in my study of death. I am intent. Focused. There is only blood and screams and the pulling apart of the flesh.
Pick one out for us, Kult. I'll take my usual position, herding it from the water.

I know my strengths and with my smaller size, I am not yet able to deliver the killing blow to such a large creature. I am, however, adept at frightening our chosen ones and using their panic as a weapon. A slow smile crosses my face. “Don't kill it right away. I like the sounds they make as they suffer.

Pitiful creatures, I think as I lead the pair down to the beach. They will never understand the gift we give to them, but we will never cease trying to educate them.

the academic executioner
daughter of carnage and killgore

ooc: feel free to power play Kersey for the hunt, call. ;-)

RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Kult - 10-20-2015

A ruckus of clashing chorus rises up the cliff side from the shore below. The pebbled beaches are home to various sorts of marine life, one of which barks. He could not be more pleased at the prospect of their game, this would be something new. Kult crawls to the ledge, blinking down at their prey, taking the group into careful consideration. They line the sands below, rolling in their absurd attempts at motion. Really, he couldn't understand how they managed to progress anywhere with their fat, cylinder-like bodies. They didn't even have legs, instead they maneuvered with useless flapping appendages known as flippers. Flippers, what a ridiculous word.

It doesn't take long before he scans each spotted harbor seal, deciding on a rather fat female. The fading bay slides down the craggy paths with ease, clinging expertly as if he had often traversed the narrow passages. Which he had. Kult could navigate the sea side far easier than any intruder, and that was the point of it all. He would not allow an outsider to be as well-versed in sliding down the shifting routes, particles of the rocks moving beneath one’s hooves. His foul, slinking gait picks up as he finds the obsidian pebbles below.

It’s not something to be thought beautiful, this awkward forward prowl, his head and neck always hanging low. What is can be considered is (perhaps to some) mesmerizing, hypnotic, in the way a train wreck was to the casual passer by. The eye can not help but be drawn to the chaos of it. Here the cliffs end into a stretch of polished black rock before the worn stones slowly blend into fine silvery sand. At night the grains would shine with moonlight, trapped somehow in the granules of worn mineral, lighting the cove with silver luminescence. It is on these tiny bits of silver dirt that the harbor seals lay out to sun, their fat little bodies spread randomly across the shore line. He finds his target, his lightless eyes have not since left her form, picking up pace as he approaches her. They all start to call now, blasting their barks against the sound of the tide, fumbling to move their ill equipped bodies.

He merely smiles his twisted smirk, throwing his nose into the chosen victim to send her rolling down the beachfront away from the others.

Khaos x Killgore


RE: i love the way that your heart breaks... (any) - Raelynx - 11-06-2015

I love the way that your heart breaks
with every injustice and deadly fate.

At his acquiescence, there is a shift in the atmosphere. An anticipation that is almost palpable. Even Raelynx feels it, as unobservant as he usually is. Though his gray gaze is as dull as ever, his features placid and blank, a burgeoning excitement grows inside of him. It seems that this is a sport which never grows dull.

Kersey sweeps past him, grazing his fiery skin with her body, inciting a longing to reach for her, to replace his touch on her. But he resists, withholding the thing that he longs for. There is a certain amount of exquisite torture in the act, in denying himself. It is an altogether unexpected and delightful discovery. One he would have to consider carefully at a later time.

For now though, the seals await. The trio picks their way down the cliff side, bearing down upon the noisy, stinking creatures that litter the beach below. He gazes at them with mild curiosity, wondering how such an ungainly, defenseless species has survived so long in such a hard and cruel world.

But he is left to wonder, for the answer is not to be found here. Instead, easy prey is what is to be had. The rotund animals squawk indignantly at them as they intrude upon their resting place, but they are slow in their movement, their escape. Kult picks one unfortunate female easily from the edge of the large group, rolling her deftly across the damp sands.

Raelynx steps forward, unwilling to wait. Not this time. His charred muzzle lowers, blackened nostrils flaring wide as he takes in the seal’s wretched stench. He does not ask permission, does not hesitate in dropping his burning muzzle the seals wet skin. The faint sizzle of water turning to steam reaches his ears, soon followed by the scent of burning skin. The creature squirms and shrieks, forcing Raelynx to place one large hoof on its flat appendage in order to keep the thing from wriggling away. Satisfaction fills him then, followed by a deep, intense desire to force this creature to understand. That the seal might reach her demise before such a thing occurs is a risk he is willing to take.


khaos x eyrie

html c insane | picture c

Ugh, I'm sorry this took so stupidly long to get up for you guys :/