Terribly lonely is the perfect way to describe Nemeon’s life - though that has very little to do with the fact that he is a night-creature. “There are worse things.” He quietly says in response to her - and he never would have guessed how quickly that worse would come up.
But of course he should have. His guard should never be down. He knows this.
She reaches for him and although Nemeon knows better he does not move away fast enough. She cannot know how it is not his prison of nighttime that makes him lonely, but his own poisonous body - and he so desperately wishes to exist in a world where he can be comforted, or give comfort, and not cause more harm.
There is so much that he would give for a friendly touch to his shoulder but of course it is never him that makes the sacrifice - it is always them. And though she does not say anything, she pulls abruptly away and he knows why.
Nemeon never thinks he has enough heart left to break but here he is, after thousands of small tragedies, and there is still a piece left to shatter.
All the rationality about how she is (presumably) fine because she has not collapsed, or run off, or even said anything about it cannot stand against the shame he feels. “I’m sorry.” Should he explain? Or should he just be more careful, because he is weak and lonely and wants so dearly to help a new friend for a little while longer?
He will tell her if it happens again, which it won’t because he will be more vigilant. It means not paying as much attention to their surroundings, not looking for the wolf, but he thinks this will be worth it.
“I’m Nemeon.” He offers instead, his manner subdued but still this foolish stallion does does not leave.