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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  I'm running around looking for peace of mind [Oceane, Leilan, Any]

    Help me out before I drown
    Save me now before I give up

    When she had taken off into the sky, a blaze of twilight and feathers, if she had looked over her shoulder she would have seen the regret reflecting in that gold flecked eye. This was for the best, he reminded himself. It was better to let her go, better to let that offer fade from his mind. It didn’t help, the conflicting emotions that stirred around the silent glass heart. Because he had wanted to accept it, had wanted to assent to her offer of help. It wasn’t pride that held him back, whatever minuscule threads of pride and ego he ever held had vanished a long time ago. It was fear that controlled him, fear of himself and the fear of her. The possibility of getting close to her, close to anyone, could be his undoing. It wasn’t worth it. Was it?

    He didn’t sleep well that night, his mind refusing to shut down and spiraling with the built up anxiety that finally overtook him as the sun dipped behind the mountains. When he didm manage to find sleep in the early morning hours, it was filled with the nightmares of her. Ellyse baiting him and shattering his crystal heart, Dahmer and Magnus bonding and laughing in the background, Adaline’s screams as she fell and broke to pieces. Just before dawn though, a wild warm laughter drowned out the glass girl’s screams. White wings turned to ocean blue. Molten amber eyes gazed at him with humor and Ledger found out that she did indeed hold the fragrance of her color (lilacs and lavender) as his muzzle buried itself in the curled tangles of her unruly tresses. His slumber was peaceful long after dawn had risen.

    It had been a few days since the chance encounter with Oceane and in that time, a flurry of activity suddenly appeared in the Meadow with the arrival of a portal. Of course the one eyed stallion was incredibly wary. It was hard for him to disassociate magical transportation as anything but bad, seeing how usually it meant ending up under the Mountain in Carnage’s maniacal grasp again. However, he watched as horses entered the portal and then came back through it.. Laughing and none the worse for wear. Finally his curiosity won out and he asked another traveler what the deal was. “It’s a party, a fair to celebrate the return of the sun!” The other stallion had answered with a grin before stepping through the portal.

    Snapping his flaxen tail in agitation, Ledger considered the magic before him. It was the bear that finally convinced him, sensing the ice and snowfall that taunted it beyond the veil. Surely it couldn’t hurt to check it out? Despite the years of caution instilled in him, when the bear really wanted something.. He got it. Uneasily, Ledger stepped through the portal. In seconds, he was standing in a tundra like landscape. The northern lights danced gold and green in the sky above. Snowflakes fell around them and the cold air hit him with a blast. Ledger relaxed instantly, feeling completely comfortable in this chilly environment. The bear was beyond ecstatic, wanting to come out. Ledger wrestled for control of his shifting, there were so many horses around them. It wasn’t a good idea. But once his gaze landed on the large piles of snow, it was no longer a battle he could resist.

    The glowing constellation brand on his flank seemed to get brighter as he shifts. Claws sprang from hooves, shaggy white fur spreading over his chestnut skin like wildfire, the gold flecked eye turning into a smaller beadier predators version of itself. As his snout elongates and sharp teeth broke through the old herbivore ones, a roar of approval grumbled deep in his chest and without an ounce of grace, the polar bear dove headfirst into the snowdrift. Looking like a gigantic terrifying puppy, the bear rolled and tumbled in the snow, glittering flakes sticking to his fur until finally he lays on his back and gives a contented sigh, a fanged smile on his bear lips as he closes his good eye and for the first time in a long time allows himself to just feel good.


    @[Oceane] @[Leilan] @Any <3

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    I'm running around looking for peace of mind [Oceane, Leilan, Any] - by Ledger - 04-20-2021, 12:08 PM

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