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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  don't let your wonder turn into closure

    I got extra feelings

    With so much to see and so little time to see it all, Yanhua was ecstatic that his pegasus brother had taken some of that time to come and visit this little corner of Beqanna. He knew that if Nash could somehow manage to keep awake all hours of the day, he would - just to use them for exploration or Isle-related errands. How or where his twin had gotten the energy, Yanhua never knew. Sometimes just the thought of flying here and there exhausted Yan, but every now and then he wondered; what would it really be like to see the world from Nashua’s vantage point? What would it feel like to finally see the great red giants become small? Of one thing he was sure: Nashua would be the first to know and the only teacher Yan would accept if he ever managed to figure out how to grow a pair of wings.

    “Not better! Not at all! Now you two are conspiring against me. And you- ” Yanhua jerked his bearded chin towards his brother's last known spot, frowning with his eyes but smiling anyways, “ -had to go and expose my greatest insecurity.”

    Yan’s head moved slowly from side-to-side, a weary shake despite his youthful looks.

    “Some twin you make.” He grumbled pleasantly.

    Despite the jokes, Yanhua was truly glad they were all together. He stepped in stride with Borderline, not one to ruin a gathering and not one to care where their journey led them. It was true that he’d been sparse lately, though he hadn’t heard Borderline mention as much to his brother, but the fact remained and he felt a twinge of self-guilt at not being here to immediately greet Nash with Borderline, where he rightfully belonged. Lately, Yan had been slipping into Nerine and back again to visit with Amarine in hopes of convincing the gem-studded mare to give up the ghosts of her childhood there in favor of a future here, in Taiga, with him.

    This was a secret he’d been keeping from Borderline; he knew well enough how his younger mate might take to the news, and that was to say she’d hate it. She’d probably hate him as well, but unfortunately there was no turning back from the permanency of having covered Amarine in the spring - something Yan and Ama were almost certain would now produce a foal. However, instead of coming clean Yanhua had opted to wait for better timing, which (sadly for Yan) had yet to reveal itself.

    He really couldn’t do it now, could he? On the way south from Nerine he’d convinced himself to break the news as soon as he got home and saw Borderline, but how could he have expected Nash to drop in? So here he was, pretending like everything was fine, kissing Borderline’s cheek and making sly jokes while inside he sank underneath his guilt. The pale blond chestnut glanced at his wife’s growing belly and bit back his self-loathing with a grin. I’ll tell her later, he promised himself, unaware that later wouldn’t come.

    “Borderline, you’ll have to forgive my invisible sidekick. I think he fell from a high branch one too many times as a colt.” Yan laughed, purposefully loud since he couldn’t see where Nash had gotten away to. “You should ask him about Icicle Isle and his job there - then you and I can walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence.”

    @[Borderline] @[Nashua]

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    RE: don't let your wonder turn into closure - by Yanhua - 12-01-2020, 02:30 PM

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