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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  don't let your wonder turn into closure

    I got extra feelings

    What was greater than glory? Family, Yanhua thought.
    The Alliance and its brilliance of magic had faded away when the news came: Borderline was pregnant. Yanhua of Taiga had known that she was most likely not the only recipient of that gift either, and later that night his thoughts had strayed to Amarine. The butterfly mare was smiling her dark grin right behind his eyes before he closed them for sleep. However, it was with Borderline that he stayed. The tall stallion had invited his longtime friend to travel down from Nerine should the inevitable come to pass and she find herself suddenly stricken with a case of pregnancy too, but any mention of such hadn’t reached his ears, so he watched his mate grow and helped her along with the gift of reviving their homeland.

    Borderline was adept with her ability to manipulate and revive the greener things of the earth, and Yanhua was often enraptured enough just to watch her practice for hours on end. He hardly noticed time passing until the announcement of his loss came, which he shrugged away with a bittersweet smile. He’d heard of Balto in the first round and wished him well in future endeavors. Yan himself had very little to prove and much more to learn, personally.

    Now the season was stretching into Spring again, Borderline’s girth was as large as Yanhua thought it could possibly get, and their once-burnt woodlands hardly seemed affected by what had happened only a year or so ago. Flora revival could do wondrous things, and Yanhua himself was thrilled to know that his soon-to-arrive foal would grow alongside the saplings their mother had helped bring to life.

    Today he slept late, up all night from a round or two of border patrol, and he only awoke when the absence of sound and Borderline’s warmth against his side became too obvious to ignore. Yanhua pushed past the thick curtain of vines covering his and Borderline’s little home in the hillside, picking up a slow-moving trot that lengthened into a rolling canter as he set off to explore Taiga and find his companion.

    “She couldn’t have gone very far.” He soothed his nerves with a smile, popping over a fallen trunk half-sunken into the forest floor. His assumptions proved correct: a mingling of voices caught his attention and Yanhua slowed down, digging his cloven hooves into the soil while he turned to face the noise. He waited with an open mind until a few echoes reverberated through his thoughts like flashes of familiar photos in a cherished album, then fluttered his lashes over a pair of blue eyes before setting off in the direction of Borderline and Nashua. Both gave him familiar echoes whenever he wasn’t in the vicinity to physically see them, depending on their respective moods. For Borderline it was hoofprints in the snow, a vivid memory of happiness and equal measures nervous excitement. Our first meeting, Yan knew as he trotted along. Nashua’s was a fluttering dove, more complicated in its intricate emotions but a pleasant symbol of hope nonetheless.

    “What a pleasant surprise!” Yanhua spoke up as he drew nearer to them and stopped, happening on the pair with a wicked but loveable grin. “My wayward brother out escorting my pregnant bride. Tsk tsk, Nash.” Yan teased mercilessly as he strode into full view. Borderline looked small and dainty beside him when he came to her side, planting a fervent kiss on her pale brow. “I was always afraid of this moment.” He chuckled good-heartedly and looked up at Nashua again, horns curving over his neck and ears upright.

    @[Borderline] @[Nashua]

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    RE: don't let your wonder turn into closure - by Yanhua - 11-16-2020, 02:07 PM

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