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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  scattered into so many pieces, chasity
    How cruel that these lands feel so familiar to her, yet she finds herself lost at every turn. She is like a ghost trapped behind a veil, so tantalisingly close (so far away), unable to reach all that she knew. Sometimes she still thinks she can hear the rush of the cascading waterfalls, though she knows deep down it is only a trick of the wind.

    It is gone. Her home, her kingdom. Her friends.

    Her memory.

    Her mind swirls and blurs and she cannot remember how she found Beqanna again, or what stirred her from her happily ever after. Her consciousness departed some time ago, and returned in the middle of a winding forest.

    At first, she was excited to find her homelands again, and her heart tingled as she imagined her old kingdom was near. Then came the revelation. And suddenly, it all came down like a tidal wave: first the sadness, then the denial (could it be a bad dream?) and finally, the loneliness. It crashed upon her and swallowed her whole.

    The forest has been kind to her since then, perhaps in sympathy of her despair. It provides food and water, and safety in the shadows where she can rest her weary mind. She cannot grow comfortable, though. She longs to find a fragment from her old world. There has to be something left. She finds herself searching, hoping, that there is someone who can help her find her way.

    An angel?

    Chasity is caught breathless as she happens upon the stranger. She looks like all that is magic and pure, with feathered wings and a golden halo, and a glowing aura that emanates from her snowy white coat.

    Perhaps she is dreaming after all.

    The mare smiles when they become close. There is something familiar in her smile that Chasity cannot place, but it brings her an inexplicable sense of comfort. Though the mare’s eyes are endlessly dark, her voice is gentle, and Chasity clings to its warmth. The mare may not have an answer for what is happening to Chasity, but if she has a cure for her loneliness, then she will grasp it with both hands.

    “I think I just found it,” Chasity responds with a smile. “I’m afraid I don’t know anyone here. At least, not anymore.”

    She sighs, and the sadness threatens to rise within her again. But the mare’s aura is warm and kind, and as her gold tipped wings glisten in the dappled sunlight, Chasity’s tired mind finds solace. She has always been drawn to all things magical. And so, she gathers herself, and tips her head in a respectful bow.

    “My name is Chasity. Perhaps you might like to walk with me?”

    ooc: hello!! I was so excited to see your post! <3 I can't remember either, but I think it's safe to say they crossed paths in some way. PS. sorry for the lack of html and pretty things and I hope it doesn't sound too rusty haha.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: scattered into so many pieces, chasity - by Chasity - 03-23-2020, 05:40 PM

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