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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  A Rose in the Rain [ANY/ALL]


    This gathering had exploded into quite the crowd. Rulers from many territories surrounded the blood bay and “his” blue mare. He used to know all the rulers, the kings and queens, He had been all over Beqanna, nurturing the relationships of Chamber’s alliances, gathering information on those they were neutral with and as always keeping on their enemies. He had grown to be something of a well known individual among the rulers. Sure, maybe that was cocky of him, maybe it was too bold too self-assured, but he knew if way around forming an alliance, and mending broken relationships. He knew he could be an asset, he knew it in his bones. Beqanna had changed and he was no longer familiar with those rulers that surrounded him. Many things had changed, and nearly nothing was familiar to him any more, save Kimber. But he had to move on and forward and find his place within the new faces that were shaping Beqanna.

    Another new comer to the conversation, another unknown ruler offering a home, unity, family. She was blunt, and factual. He could appreciate the newest mare’s straightforward nature. Reagan, her name was and Nymphetamine nodded to her in reply. Acknowledging her offering. The there was Magnus, the most known to the once Chamberling, and their history danced before them in banter and jest. Nymphetamine knew a particularly poignant jab was headed his way when Magnus rolled his head his way. Surely the Buckskin did not disappoint. For the highest bidder indeed, Nymphetamine couldn’t help but chuckle. ”Old man, you know the 2 year old me so well. I have learned much since last you recruited me. However, I am sorry to hear that the others have stepped down as their input and kinship was an asset to everyone in Tephra. Especially you, in your old age, assisted living can be a hard time i hear.” Head fell to the side in mimicry of Magnus just before, and the laughter was obvious in his eyes. But his attention quickly turned to yet another new body. A slate grey figure that nodded to a few and when to Reagan’s side, but spoke nothing to anyone, so Nymphetamine nodded a greeting before turning to Marlyn whom had been quiet thus far.

    She spoke clearly, but seemed disengaged with the process. Maybe it was the competition, of the multitude of voices, either way Nympher worried about moving forward with someone who didn’t want to fight for recruits. He helt his thoughts hidden and eyes clear of any judgement-- all that diplomatic practice from being Chamber’s Governor. But he would watch and listen and keep her in mind, for those are the ones that surprised him most. His attention was split though as he tried to keep Kimber from absorbing his thoughts.

    His tall muscular body wanted to be by the blue mare. He wanted to lip her mane and ease his hind of the million reasons he she couldn’t be found due to injury or illness. Nymph wished this reunion with Kimber had one in which they did not have an audience for no other reason than to talk. There was something possessive between the dormant necromancer and the blue warrior. There was no claim between them, but still they were unable to ever fully separate. Tangled together in a web of fated circumstance, and this gathering was just another example. The question was did she know where she wanted to go, or would she follow him as she said initially. The question darted across his eyes, but he lingered on it not. He would get his answers later, and knew she would do as she wished as she always had. So he didn’t discuss with her, he knew, and maybe he always knew but doubted his gut. I should have known this from the beginning, but sometimes you just have to see what you have to know it. I helped start Tephra, and while it wasn’t what i thought it would be--it where I need to be. Let’s go home , Magnus.” He looked at Kimber hoping she would be coming with them, as even though he spoke to Magnus, the words were for her. He was helplessly infatuated, permanently tangled. A nod in thanks was given to the others who had gathered. They would stay and wait of Kimber’s thoughts but for Nymphetamine, for the first time in a long time he felt at rest. He needed to know he wasn’t somewhere just out of ease of familiarity and it took seeing the new status quo to know that wasn’t the case… the alliance he built still needed him, and he had to see it out and build it into something more.

    Like a thorn to the Holy Ones

    ooc: I know this is out of order a bit, but with everyone popping in, it's all wonky anyway...
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

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