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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Stranger in a strange land..(Akkadian, Any)
    — find what you love and let it kill you —

    Magnus was no stranger to tense moments; he recognized the live wire that ran between them all now. He knew it for what it was, and while he respected the knife’s edge that he stood on, he also did not fear it. He may not have the gifts so many others had commanded over the years (and, recently, lost), but he had never viewed that as a shortcoming. He had fought wars and participated in raids and felt the warmth of blood from his own wounds and others. He knew the extent of his strength and never found it lacking.

    So he does not shy away from the danger running like a current beneath them, meeting Akkadian’s fierce stare with his own. When the other demanded an answer, he at first remained silent, mouth pressed together and breeze pulling at the tangled locks of his mane. He did not owe the other stallion anything; he certainly did not need to explain himself to the other. But, still, he recognized that there was honor somewhere in Akkadian’s actions, something like love that had been mutilated into anger, and he did not shut him out completely. Instead, he just rolled his scarred shoulders. “Politics,” he answered briefly.

    Then he sighed. “A stallion named Zeik claimed the throne. Did not listen to the kingdom when they voiced concern and then banned a mare who had vocally opposed the change—after he stated that he had wanted the kingdom to become a sanctuary.” An opinion Magnus had heartily voiced over the years and something he could have gotten behind, had it turned into true action. “A mare who happened to be with my child.”

    He thought briefly of Ellyse and her fierce eyes and sharp tongue; she had reminded him so much of the Amazonians in that moment. Teeth and sharp edges and warrior spirit. She had been a fine friend to him—and he had been furious at her exile. “I did not take leaving lightly, but I could not stay and condone such actions.” It hurt to think about, still. The leaving still ripping viciously at his heart.

    “Not that any of that matters now, considering.”

    He was surprised when the mare split from her brother, bending away like bark from an old tree, but he didn’t say anything. As she made her way toward him, he continued to remain still. He had no desire to come between siblings or throw more kindling to the fire, but he also would not bow to Akkadian’s wishes simply because they had been barked at him. So he turned his gaze toward the mare, expression softening slightly. “If that is what you truly wish, Jord. Of course.” He remained still as she leaned against him, quietly listening to her hurt but not responding. It did not seem right to stoke the flames higher.

    He simply touched his muzzle to her neck gently before turning back toward Akkadian, body tense as he prepared for whatever was going to come next. “There is no need to repay me,” he whispered quietly to the mare, eyes never leaving her brother. “It is the least that I could do.” His gaze shifted as the other mare joined the group, recognizing her from their encounter in the field. “Josie, how nice to see you again.” It was relieving to see familiar faces and to know that they had remained unharmed.


    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]
    She had found him.
    Her words cut him as she stomped away from his side, his protection. If it weren't so important she stay with him, he'd chuckle at her defiance. She had always been so wild and willful as a child. It was refreshing to see that returning, rinsing away some of the fright he'd seen in her before from washing ashore and losing her memory.

    But this was no time for haughty princess behavior. His ears pulled back as she reclaimed her place at Magnus's side and pointedly attached herself to his coat. Black eyes lit with fire as she promised to repay him. For what? His seduction? She was Princess, she owed him nothing!

    But damnit all, he could never tell her.

    Akkadian slammed his eyes shut, seeing only one way passed this massacre of his heart. He steeled himself. The high road was never easy. Now she was the one defying their culture; the culture she had forgotten. With her choice she unknowingly relieved the stallion Magnus of any fault. He realized his own actions had pushed her to this, but he was not sorry; it was a part of him and his duties. As princess, he could not challenge her wishes, whether she knew it or not.

    Defeated, he opened his dull eyes and listened to Magnus explain the political fall-out within the Gates. He solemnly nodded his acknowledgment without comment.

    It grated painfully on him that he failed in protecting Jord at his side, but he could not control her own actions. He would simply have to trust in Magnus to guard her well, though he knew it would never be as fervently as he himself would. Magnus could not feel the powerful bond between them enough to do this for her, someone he barely knew.

    Fury blazed to life within his eyes as Magnus advanced on her person once again, nuzzling her neck gently as if they were mated. But he clamped his mouth shut and held silent. Following her wishes. Like a well-trained bodyguard. A good little akkadian.

    Good little guardian.

    His name rippled through the air then, carried on a voice of lilting harmony. She had found him. Black eyes turned to her, something else entirely glittering within their depths.

    Josie, he uttered under his breath.
    He quickly scanned her for injuries, and was relieved to see she had faired better than Jord's path down the mountain. A small smile curled one corner of his mouth, though he was not at all sure why.

    His eyes flashed again as Magnus greeted her, but he did not turn to the stallion.

    Our conversation was cut short when last we met he said carefully with a deep respectful bow. The poised and harsh protector he often showed slid away for her. He had dismissed her, ignored her, that time he first met her in the field. But she had come out of that treatment unscathed, and he admired her strength and self-confidence. She didn't need anyone's approval to be herself.

    He couldn't help his cold nature when he was shifted into his guardian state of mind; it was drilled into him at a young age. Nothing was of import to him then unless it was threatening to their health. One day, someone may understand that part of him. The sharpened and perfected weapon.

    It is good to see you are in good health.

    - Jord -

     Jord watched as Akkaidan turned his head away from her.. She sighed. She left Magnus' side once more.. Her orbs scanning over this witch named 'Josie'. Her orbs threw daggers at the mare as she watched her brother bless the for being in a good condition. Akkadian hadn't asked Jord if she was okay.. he just stepped away from her like she was some virus. Her heavy pistons stomped aggressively over the spring sod, finding a new fire within herself as she walked past the mare, hissing aggressively. You are not worthy of my brothers love... and you never will be.  She growled as she looked down at the mare, as her breed made her rather tall.  She walked over to her brother.. his eyes still turned from her, she assumed he could feel her rage. Suddenly she walked up to him and bit him hard on the shoulder, tearing flesh, drawing blood. She wanted to make sure it would scar. Jord had been wild in her childhood but never aggressive.. especially to this extreme. She moved her bodice to face him. She gently put her nose beneath Akkadian's chin and lifted it so he had to look at her. Her orbs locked onto his.. You can love and care for  this strange harlot.. but you dont even ask a simple question of if your own flesh and blood is injured. Not even a 'oh its good to see you"! You are no longer family to me Akkadian-Shakkad. If you can not see the priorities of the world around you you will never will. Do not come looking for me.. ever. I don't want to see you. We should have stayed 'dead' to each other. Or maybe it would be better if I was to begin with.. you wouldn't ask how I was anyways.  I rather be dead then have my family not care. Hah! Wish the enemy would have taken me when I was little. Jord said.. never breaking eye contact with him.. She suddenly turned away, trying to hide the river that was about to burst the damns that was her orbs. As she walked back to Magnus, without looking back at her brother she said.. Glad to see you made it down the mountain safe Akkadian-Shakkad. She said... bitter. Jord did care about her brother. A lot. More than he probably realized. He was her everything as a kid, her only friend, her protector. Now he couldn't care less about her, it broke her heart and spirit.  She shook her skull shaking away the tears before lifting her head and her hazel eyes slowly meeting Magnus's orbs. Please take me away from here.  She asked magnus softly, lowering her head once more. She wanted to completely forget her past, find a stallion to love and that loved her.. maybe start a family. She didn't want to be apart of her own anymore. 

    *Attack approved in case anyone is unsure*
    Like the dancer before me

    The ebony mare was not 100 percent sure what she just walked into, but it was surely an uncomfortable position. Akkadian spoke her name, it made her chest flutter, why did he make her feel this way? Magnus was next to greet her, she gave a small smile towards him it is nice to see you again as well Magnus her voice was friendly, hiding the nerves she had for this whole change in Beqanna. Her gaze flicked back to Akkadian who spoke of there last conversation being cut short, in fact, there conversation was the last she remembered before she awoke on a mountain. He then went on to talk about her health and it caused a smile to appear on her face I’m glad you are okay as well she stepped closer to the stallion but was interrupted by the mare she did not know.

    She has the audacity to tell Josie she did not deserve Akkadians love, this wench. Who did she think she was? But Josie refused to stoop down to her level, she pinned her ears and ignored the words that flowed from her mouth. She continued to talk crap about Josie, and than went on to talk crap about Akkadian. She did not know there history so did not comment, but than this mare….This mare had the BALLS to come forward and bite Akkadian, she drew blood. Josie lunged forward but bit her tongue, she froze with anger. She would not fight with her, not at this time.

    This was not her battle….

    The mare finished the conversation stating she didn’t want Akkadian to be her brother and asked Magnus to escort her away. Josie rolled her eyes at the over dramatic mare. She took the time to approach Akkadian Are you okay? she asked as she drew her muzzle over the wound the mare created. 

    OOC: *how rude* in Full House Michelles voice :p
    — find what you love and let it kill you —

    Whatever Magnus had been expected, it had not been this. His gold-flecked eyes widened as he watched the altercation between the siblings, his gaze flickering briefly to Josie when Jord spat at her. He quietly mouthed an apology, uncertain about whatever had transpired between the group and unwilling to stick his neck further into it, but sure that the gentle mare from the Tundra had done nothing to deserve that.

    He remained quiet as the siblings snarled at one another, even when the mare reached out to rip at the black guardian. He knew better than most that Akkadian was fully capable of taking care of himself and that if he didn’t fight back it wasn’t because he was incapable but because of his own moral high ground. Magnus couldn’t blame him for that; he too would have stayed his tongue. He had suffered worse abuse.

    When the mare peeled back toward him, exhausted and spent, he treated the situation gingerly. The hurt radiated from Jord, along with pain and confusion; he knew better than to judge her on this one altercation alone, despite the turbulence and violence that had exploded so suddenly. “If you would like to leave, we can do that,” he said quietly, weighing his words carefully. He glanced up to look toward the other pair, confusion clearly etched on his features before he looked down once more to the mare at his side.

    “Well, I suppose that we should be on our way.” He took a step back, nodding toward the others, wishing that whatever had just happened had gone in a different direction. “I hope you both stay safe.” After all, who knew what else Beqanna had in store for them? “If you need help or shelter, find me.” Because he was going to move heaven and earth to make sure he had access to a quiet place to offer sanctuary.


    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]
    The Guardian has returned.
    Akkadian's attention was dragged from Josie, focusing on Jord's advance. The feisty mare hissed at her and swore she was unworthy for him. He glared, ready to scold her behavior, but then her bullets were fired at him. He turned away from the heat in her eyes, stiffening at her aggressive approach, but holding steady and accepting what he knew was coming.

    His skin pinched painfully between her teeth, and he felt dark blood well up as she pulled away. If he thought she was done, he was swiftly corrected as she forcefully nudged his face to meet hers. He looked back with defiance.

    She told him he could love and care for Josie, naming her a harlot, but then admonished him for not asking after her own health. He wanted to deny any love for Josie, he barely knew her. However, he held still and let her words riddle through him in silent sorrow.

    He was no longer family to her, she said, and he could feel the cold mask of his training slipping into place. It often did when his charge was threatened, but this time it was in protection of himself. Something completely new to him. Her scathing words continued.

    It wasn't until she wished she were dead rather than deal with him that his soldier's helmet cracked. He visibly flinched at her words and could no longer hold her furious gaze. Then she walked away.

    Family meant everything to him. And she was all he had left. Now he wasn't sure he could ever get her back. Somewhere within him, a child's heart ached, crushed by her treatment.

    Shock jolted him as Josie lunged for her when she passed, only to stop short. He almost stepped forward as well to..what? He wasn't sure. Protect them from each other maybe. He looked at her curiously, surprised. He was the guardian; no one ever defended him. He was the defender. An odd sensation tickled his skin, something new to him and without a name. The graceful arabian was full of hidden talents.

    He was rendered mute with Jord's harsh verbal abuse, and deflated further when she begged Magnus to take her away from him. Another fissure ripped through his tender heart, inwardly withering behind his stoic soldier's mask. He really was just a child in there, wasn't he?

    Magnus parted with calm words, friendly words. Akkadian ducked his head, too shamed to meet his almost-friend's eyes. The power and pride he carried so valiantly had shattered. He only wished they'd leave quickly and not witness his weakness further.

    But it was not to be. Not all of them, at least. Josie came to him, her presence somehow soothing some of the hurt. He thought of her jump to defend him and wondered where it came from. He hadn't the heart to ask, just now though.

    She asked if he was okay. He startled at her light touch on his wound, dancing away lightly. Tactics were so drilled into him, they were second nature and he often didn't realize he'd done them. Acting on instinct. When he saw what he'd done, he very carefully stepped back into place, as if afraid he would somehow offend her as well. It seemed to happen so often as of late.

    The injury was truthfully not as bad as many he'd earned in hasty battle. The one that bled so painfully was hidden within him. He couldn't very well sulk about it like a child all day.

    The hardened face that was so familiar to him locked in place once again. He wore it in protection of others, but now he wore it to protect himself. He was a warrior. He could not afford to be vulnerable.

    Come,he said to her, taking charge naturally.
    I find this place.. stifling.

    His hooves felt heavier as he lead them away. Akkadian hesitated. He was slowly learning to pay attention to what he said and how he acted, often finding himself making the wrong moves, causing unwanted strife.

    If you wish.. he amended softly.

    He found his usual confidence was missing more and more as he continually offended others without intent. It was just his nature to be bold and abrupt. Would the world require him to change who he was?

    ooc: stahpet laura, you kill me with your perfect mag words. goway  <3
    Like the dancer before me

    `The whole situation was uncomfortable to be in, Akkadian appeared upset. She was unsure if he was upset at her or more at his sister. She eyes Magnus who mouthed an apology, at least someone had respect to know this mare was out of her mind. I mean really, who did that mare think she was? Josie and Akkadian had only met, sure she felt nice around him but they didn’t love each other. She stuck her nose in business that wasn’t hers, and she now became probably the only equine Josie isn’t a fan of.

    She touched him and he seemed bothered by it she withdrew her maw. After a few moments of silence, a few moments to gather themselves Akkadian speaks. ‘Come’ he says, of course she would follow him, she didn’t have anyone else! He turned back to mention It was only if she wanted to come, and she gave a reassuring nod. I will follow you her voice was fragile, she was nervous of the unknown but she trusted Akkadian for some unknown reason.

    OOC: sorry this was short and crappy, do you want to do a new thread?

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