Heda had resided in the meadow, unaware of what was to come. The sudden change in the atmosphere, followed by the heavy whistling of wind drew the golden woman's attention to the horizon, where a ravenous cyclone surged, devouring everything within its path. Her actions that followed may of been instinct propelled by the melodic tune of survival that thrummed within her soul.
Gusts of wind begin to lash at her body, as the tornado grew larger and more intense by the second as it neared. She knew she didn't have much time to spare, with determination fueled by her need to survive the buckskin damsel began to run towards the forest. Her navy legs thundering beneath her as she pushed against the wind, clasping her gold flecked wings against her sides for maximum efficiency in her escape. Her heart almost beating outside her chest as she nears the very edge of the forest, she couldn't help but pause allowing herself to glance back, the emotions of her past washing over her as she watches the meadow fade out of existence within the storm. With one last glance Heda steps forwards, across the threshold and into the hazy shelter of the forest.
Her mind swirling, as she treks deeper into the thicket of foliage. Her lobes swiveling behind her as the whistling of the wind ceases, it seems that the tornado's hunger for destruction has been quelled by the very deletion of the meadow. It was hard to imagine that it was gone, it almost felt like a joke.
It was funny really, just as she had begun to grow mildly familiar with these lands when the world itself was swept right from under her. As if this world was constantly mocking her. First Loess, now this? Really?
She grows frustrated as she wanders, this world was always trying to take a swing at her. Yet this wouldn't be it's final blow, she was far from finished with this world.
As her mind festers, she can't help but think if there were others displaced by cyclone. Accompanied by her own kind nature her lips part, "Anyone here?" Her hazel eyes peering through the trees.
Gusts of wind begin to lash at her body, as the tornado grew larger and more intense by the second as it neared. She knew she didn't have much time to spare, with determination fueled by her need to survive the buckskin damsel began to run towards the forest. Her navy legs thundering beneath her as she pushed against the wind, clasping her gold flecked wings against her sides for maximum efficiency in her escape. Her heart almost beating outside her chest as she nears the very edge of the forest, she couldn't help but pause allowing herself to glance back, the emotions of her past washing over her as she watches the meadow fade out of existence within the storm. With one last glance Heda steps forwards, across the threshold and into the hazy shelter of the forest.
Her mind swirling, as she treks deeper into the thicket of foliage. Her lobes swiveling behind her as the whistling of the wind ceases, it seems that the tornado's hunger for destruction has been quelled by the very deletion of the meadow. It was hard to imagine that it was gone, it almost felt like a joke.
It was funny really, just as she had begun to grow mildly familiar with these lands when the world itself was swept right from under her. As if this world was constantly mocking her. First Loess, now this? Really?
She grows frustrated as she wanders, this world was always trying to take a swing at her. Yet this wouldn't be it's final blow, she was far from finished with this world.
As her mind festers, she can't help but think if there were others displaced by cyclone. Accompanied by her own kind nature her lips part, "Anyone here?" Her hazel eyes peering through the trees.
Ex-Queen of Loess