Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
the head
Age: eternal
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Baltian/Stratosian
Height: 17
Player: kittyn

Color: silver grullo (E/e, a/a, Z/z, D/D)
Eyes: light blue, cat-like pupil
Markings: black primitive markings
Mane & Tail: stringy yellow-white
Art by Ciel <3
"gangly: tall and thin and moving with a loose-jointed awkwardness"
coat (but with more dapples along flanks)
primitive markings (leg stripes more prominent/deeper hue)
mane/tail inspo
no visible ears
4 gills (2 on each side)
black scales across his cheeks and down his spine
grey and black feathers along palmar aspect of forelegs
kraken mimicry: aesthetic tentacles, resistance to cold/pressure, fear induction
sometimes depressed and volatile
whimsical and spontaneous at other times
definitely lacking social skills
ultimately a kind and loving soul with a deep love of musical things
empathetic, but tends to say the wrong things
thinks he can fix everyone (while ignoring his own problems)
nearly desperate in searching for love/affection
loyal to a fault
Parents: |
Children: |
Genetic Traits: Baltian Gills, Baltian Scales, Stratosian Feathers, Immortality, Kraken Mimicry
Non-Genetic Traits:
second-born son of a Stratosian mother and Baltian father
older brother, passed when Eddie was a long yearling
younger sister born, only a year apart
youngest sister, born in Eddie's 4th year
parents and sisters have been missing since Baltia was revealed to Beqanna in the earthquake after Carnage's quest
official arrival in Beqanna after much searching for his family
> met Margot [1]
received quest to upgrade Aquatic Form to Kraken Mimicry [1]
met Carwyn [1]
met Stevie [1]
met Deiti [1]
met -colby's kid- [1]
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Joined: | 01-19-2023 |
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Thread | Participants | Posts | Last Post | |
a glimmer
on 11-03-2024
Baltia | Deiti, Random Event, Noceur | 5 | Last post by Random Event
on 11-03-2024
[open] A God's Creation
on 04-18-2024
Baltia | Deiti | 5 | Last post by Deiti
on 05-17-2024
[private] as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
on 03-26-2024
River | Hourglass | 7 | Last post by eddie
on 06-14-2024
[open] A God's Creation
on 03-23-2024
The Ruins | Deiti | 11 | Last post by Deiti
on 04-17-2024
[open] here i am, i'm not really there [any]
on 04-10-2023
Forest | stevie | 3 | Last post by eddie
on 04-17-2023
[open] Just another day(Open)
on 03-28-2023
Meadow | Carwyn | 2 | Last post by eddie
on 04-08-2023
[complete] he flies on the wings of a dream
on 03-28-2023
Mountain | Cloud Fairy, Kittyn | 5 | Last post by Cloud Fairy
on 07-08-2024
[open] out in the dark, there burns a dream
on 03-14-2023
River | margot | 11 | Last post by eddie
on 05-07-2023
8 active · 0 closed · 4 need replies · 8 total |