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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Emotions are our own hell; Any
    It warmed his heart to see Jinju reaching out to another in need. Their similar experiences were a bond he could not share, and to see Jinju so strong, not hiding but reaching for someone, was rewarding for him. He hoped part of that was due to his help, but truthfully her gains were all her own doing.

    Heda grows excited at Jinju's offer of a home and family, flapping her little wings and struggling to lift off. His own wings fanned out in response, as if ready to follow her, and he carefully tucked them back to his sides. She only manages a little bounce though, but it was enough to show him the strength she already had in them.

    Ruan, am I a part of your famiy," she asked him, hope and excitement lighting her eyes. He loved how expressive she was, so open with her emotions. They were always raw and honest, everything she truly felt. He lowered his muzzle and puffed gently on her little nose. Now he'd have two honest girls.

    "If it is your wish, it would be my pleasure to bring you into the family." He dipped his head like a grand prince to his lovely princesses, wings expanding in a little bow. As he straightened, he stepped back up to Jinju's side with a light touch to her shoulder. She'd done so well, overcoming some of her inner obstacles, and he was proud of her.

    "Come then. Let's get you girls home," he said with a smile to each of them. He turned toward the Taiga, keeping his wings at his side. Jinju didn't need the shelter this time. She'd stood strong and he'd let her carry that proudly, unless she needed him. He didn't feel Heda needed that protection either, but the instant he sensed either of them needing to be close he'd be there.

    "I'm sure Reagan will be waiting for us." She could always sense them, even over this distance. And she probably already knew about their newest addition. He wondered how she felt about that, but he supposed they'd all know soon enough.

    ooc: she's soooo adorable lena!!


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